Pics that make you smile

A smile of irony and disbelief.

So in Rochester ( NY ) people vandalized a statue of Fredrick Douglass ( a black man )
This was a man that was BLM and helped slaved from the south escape before the great grandfathers of these snot faced punks was born.

I find it hard to even tag a single word on things like that.


Okay i have been informed this statue was vandalized by white people, in relation to black people ( and wanna be black ) vandalizing other statues.

Anyway it still underline the madness going on.
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Well i guess so, there are just about 6 million Danes, but 2X that of pigs,,,, and then some.
24 YO Danish girl assemble largest puzzle in 258 hours ( 42.000 pieces )


7.49m x 1.57m ( 24.6ft x 5.2ft ) when done.

PS. It do come in 7 bags with 6000 pieces each, just so you do not get too overwhelmed by it all, though i dont think that equate to it coming in as a build in 7 stages.

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The feared LOCO bus.









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Here in the US it seems that many companies expect you to act like you are married to them :mad: That alone probably accounts for half of us who are self-employed even though that takes an even deeper level of dedication, but at least we like who we are dedicated to :cool:

Well people here can be slaves to the company too, but the customers of the company will never know, cuz it is not nice to keep slaves these days.
Working guys life matters. !
During the times I've worked for an employer I've always told them my loyalty extends only as far as my paycheck covers and they can expect no more than that from me. If they want control of me during my off-duty hours they will have to pay for that under terms I set, not them :cautious: Which kind of opens their eyes to who really holds the power of my position- ME :ROFLMAO:

There's some 'economic slavery' involved with any employment but in the end you can choose to accept that or reject it. There's always a choice with everything even if only between bad or worse, so you can only be enslaved in any way when you agree to it ;) Being self-employed makes you a 'slave to yourself' because now everything depends on you and you alone, and you become both the master of your own destiny and the slave which accomplishes the work it takes to do it :rolleyes: It ain't for everybody and it's usually just a different approach, not necessarily a better one, but for some of us it's the best way :cool:

The Employer / worker relationship here are different i assume, for instance pay levels, well they get set in negotiations in between the employers organization and the unions representing the workers.
So lower than that you cant really go + there are also minimum wagers set by the gooberment. ( unskilled work )
But ! you can of course offer a better pay and benefits as you like to attract more skilled people.

And there are regional differences too.
A mason here have to put up so and so many bricks a hour to maintain xxx DKkr a hour, a mason in the capitol have to put up fewer bricks a hour than a mason here, and he get paid even more too, which i find truly insane and a sign our system are flawed too.
I am well aware property values are much higher in the capitol area, as somehow idiots all want to live there and pay thru the nose for doing that.
But the cost of building a house ( minus the property it go up on ) should be the same, so why the hell do masons over there collect a substantial higher pay check and have to do less for that.

Germany for instance, down there the gooberment set pay levels,,,,, period.
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During the times I've worked for an employer I've always told them my loyalty extends only as far as my paycheck covers and they can expect no more than that from me...

Reminds me of a point in my IT career when (because of mergers, downsizing and outsourcing) I ended up working for a consulting/contracting firm that billed everything on a time and materials basis. One of our clients wanted a number of us to be 'on call' 7/24. That ended when we wanted to know how the billing should be done for both the staff time and cell phone usage charges. :LOL:

...Being self-employed makes you a 'slave to yourself' because now everything depends on you and you alone, and you become both the master of your own destiny and the slave which accomplishes the work it takes to do it :rolleyes: It ain't for everybody and it's usually just a different approach, not necessarily a better one, but for some of us it's the best way :cool:

So you have either the best for worse (or both) boss ever. ;)