Pics that make you smile

How long does it take an average computer user to remember unhackable passwords?

Longer than it takes a hacker to hack them.
Often when i have to put in a PW to something important, i of course have to go for my little black book ( as i can not remember combinations like that ) and then worst of all, often i have to put in the PW 2 times as i typed wrong or dident write it down good enough.

But for most things like this forum for instance i dont go that creative with PW, and i am sure if my account suddenly go another level crazy or something, people will know its not me.

Which remind me, i think it is time to change PW on a few things ( i do that once in a while )
Back when I was doing EmComm work, the Government Servers I had access to required numerous specifics for passwords, and they had to be substantially changed on a regular basis. They could not be auto-filled or stored on any digital media, nor was written storage allowed (but I'm sure a lot of that went on anyway).

The chart above is right- use every character type and combination that you can, change it often, and don't store it in a way which someone else can discover.

Playing always put a smile on a face, me and my buddy are playing with trains too,,,,,,,, big trains of course that playing on a living room table top with little trainss, well that dont satisfy the American we both have living inside.

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That more look like a jock strap for the constantly aroused teen :LOL:


Low cloud cover today.

I know that place.

A sure sign you are getting old.

:) CUZ i dont have a house in a low-line coastal area.

But this year Denmark lost 152 billion tonnes of ice from 1. September 2019 to 31. august 2020 ( off the inland ice sheet on Greenland ),,,,,, and actually this number this year are not half bad.
But thats enough ice for a whole heap of drinks.
It equal to a 2.7 X 2.7 X 2.7 M ice cube for every person on earth,,,,,, so dont come and say we Danes are cheap on the ice.
:) thinking what if i got to him first ( in a dark lonely place )


But this guy speaking a unknown possible Slavic language are wanted by police for several assaults, he bitch slapped a 76 YO woman & kicked her dog, and later on he drop kicked a 96 YO woman with a stroller ( from behind )
And several other cases like this in a few hours, sadly the creep is still at large.

I really do get a urge to give him a lesson in intense fear and pain,,,,,,,,,,, sorry if that sound harsh to some people, but i know this kind of person and it is all they understand and respect.

There is iron in my words of life and so there is iron in my words of death. ( name that movie )
HEHE i am here to tell you, that you need to adjust your " how many freaks is out there" scale

Me i want the real thing, which is magnitudes harder to get / train, and so i will probably die alone CUZ im about too old to put in the effort it take to get what you want.
Worst of all, you can get these dolls in child size / look, for the pedophile that know he / she is wrong, but just cant help them self.