Pics that make you smile

That cook spoke as good English as my English teacher in school, so already being proficient in the language no wonder i spent most of those classes outside class or at the principals office. ( or just dident show up )
This should have not been limited to global. It appears to be true at all levels.

politcs explained.jpg
Hehe yeah life is a constant battle.
Even if you are not at war.
I declared myself neutral for many years ( using drugs to do so )
But in the end that also did not work, as Sweden are now realizing now that the maniac in Russia are rattling his saber.
So Sweden and Finland ( both neutral nations ) have signed a mutual deference alliance, stating that if one is attacked the other country do not have to wait for paper clearance to go in force to aid.
Denmark are also stepping up its commitment in the ballistics, only days ago we had to scramble jets to aid a American B52 a Russian jet played smart ass with, and in or very close to Danish airspace no less.

And in that case Denmark be like " nobody put America in a corner"
With ample warning so i can grow my hair and beard, i think i can pull this costume off.





Cat me.





This kid is going places.


hehe :) i think the word the spellchecker was missing out on was Caramelized,,,,,,, which is a way i just LOOOOVE my potatoes at X-mas.
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hehe :) i think the word the spellchecker was missing out on was Caramelized,,,,,,, which is a way i just LOOOOVE my potatoes at X-mas.

Well, yeah. It says caramelized right under where it says criminalized.

Spell checkers are EVIL!

At one time I was selling a lot of my older photography gear on eBay and I used a now defunct product called Western Union BidPay which was a way to send money orders to sellers online using a credit card, which I preferred over PayPal at the time because of all the issues people were reporting about PayPal back then.

In some of my auctions I wrote, "Be sure to check out Western Union's BidPay option!" Only after the auctions had received some bids and it was too late to make any changes I saw to my horror that my diabolical spell checker had changed it to say, "Be sure to check out Western Union's BedPan option!". :LOL: