Pics that make you smile

Phat, that is not far from how you spell breast in Danish, just nix the H and the stuff over the A, add "ter " for plural as they mostly come
So if you meet a Dane and say hello my name is Pat, if the Dane smile you will know why.
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There are quite a few street artists / rattle can painters, i would gladly let loose on my car.

Stine look a bit " bombed " here, but then again no wonder, she just crushed the 48 hour running world record, running 435 km / 270.2 miles in 2 days.

Now she take a short rest until August 27 where she go for the 6 day record ( 886 km / 550.5 miles )
My country should change name to Oinkland, CUZ there are just about 6 million people here, but way past 12 million pigs.
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