Pics that make you smile

Phat, that is not far from how you spell breast in Danish, just nix the H and the stuff over the A, add "ter " for plural as they mostly come
So if you meet a Dane and say hello my name is Pat, if the Dane smile you will know why.
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There are quite a few street artists / rattle can painters, i would gladly let loose on my car.

Stine look a bit " bombed " here, but then again no wonder, she just crushed the 48 hour running world record, running 435 km / 270.2 miles in 2 days.

Now she take a short rest until August 27 where she go for the 6 day record ( 886 km / 550.5 miles )
My country should change name to Oinkland, CUZ there are just about 6 million people here, but way past 12 million pigs.
I saw the US is cooking, well much of it anyway.
Summer it seem also come to Denmark but dont get too frisky, CUZ the night time temperatures will still drop to 10 deg CUZ still no heat hammered into the earth.
Water temperatures also cold, or should i say way too cold for me to consider jumping in.

The Greeks and Italians been cooking for a while, in Greece tourist die going trekking in blazing hot mid day temperatures.
I saw the US is cooking, well much of it anyway.
Summer it seem also come to Denmark but dont get too frisky, CUZ the night time temperatures will still drop to 10 deg CUZ still no heat hammered into the earth.
Water temperatures also cold, or should i say way too cold for me to consider jumping in.

The Greeks and Italians been cooking for a while, in Greece tourist die going trekking in blazing hot mid day temperatures.

Yeah, it got pretty intense, even here in northern New England. We had temperatures last week of nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the temps at my altitude on the mountain are always somewhat lower than down in the valley. There were many strenuous tasks and chores on my property I simply didn't do because I was afraid of ending up with heat stroke. Today it will be sunny and 88º Fahrenheit - still hot but tolerable. Right now at this time of day just before sunrise it's a delightful 61º degrees with a soft cool breeze up here on the mountain. Other parts of the country are still insane, crazy hot!
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I see satan visited your feeder.