"Popular Dash Cams" or "Popular Dash Cam Makers"???

Ukraine Visitor

Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
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United States
Just happened to notice that under Forums > Popular Dash Cams > BlackVue, is a forum for "Power Magic Pro". Since PMP is not a dash cam, apparently there is a consensus of sorts -even if tacit- that even though PMP is not a dash cam, since it's made by BlackView, it's OK for it to be placed under Popular Dash Cams.

Just wanted to point that out because, being new around here (about 2 wks or so), I had missed that forum (PMP), even while initiating a thread or two (e.g., THIS ONE) about PMP. Perhaps that structure/naming is OK with all of you old-timers, but I submit that just as I missed it, other newbies may too.

One simple solution that I would propose to the Admin is to append the word "Makers" or "Manufacturers" after "Popular Dash Cams" then it's clear that the subforums are not exclusively about dash cams. Just a thought..
It has a taste of "being pedantic", but from other side I see your point and might share your idea, at least you explained your justified point in regards to PMP.
In this case I would remove word "popular", because many from that list are not popular any more and I would use word "famous, or well known", - Famous DashCam makers / brands. This would be more justified.
Just happened to notice that under Forums > Popular Dash Cams > BlackVue, is a forum for "Power Magic Pro". Since PMP is not a dash cam, apparently there is a consensus of sorts -even if tacit- that even though PMP is not a dash cam, since it's made by BlackView, it's OK for it to be placed under Popular Dash Cams.

Just wanted to point that out because, being new around here (about 2 wks or so), I had missed that forum (PMP), even while initiating a thread or two (e.g., THIS ONE) about PMP. Perhaps that structure/naming is OK with all of you old-timers, but I submit that just as I missed it, other newbies may too.

One simple solution that I would propose to the Admin is to append the word "Makers" or "Manufacturers" after "Popular Dash Cams" then it's clear that the subforums are not exclusively about dash cams. Just a thought..

Considering the nature of your post here and the tags you've included with it, be aware that there is a dedicated forum for the subject....Forum Rules and Site Suggestions.
That's a good place to get @DashCamMan's attention and for discussion of this kind of thing.
Considering the nature of your post here and the tags you've included with it, be aware that there is a dedicated forum for the subject....Forum Rules and Site Suggestions.
That's a good place to get @DashCamMan's attention and for discussion of this kind of thing.

Considering he is newbie here ( he also mentioned this many times ), - we can "close eyes" on this and help him and many others with suggestions / recommendations to point to correct thread or sub-forum ;)
Considering he is newbie here ( he also mentioned this many times ), - we can "close eyes" on this and help him and many others with suggestions / recommendations to point to correct thread or sub-forum ;)

Well, of course! :)
Made a posting titled
"Popular Dash Cams" or "Popular Dash Cam Makers"???
at THIS wrong location (the General Dash Cam Discussion Forum), which should have actually been posted here. My bad!
That said, rather than attempting to move it myself (too late...there are followup postings in the thread) or taking the busy Admin's time to move it, I am just creating a pointer hereby.
BTW, Please make any comments there; this is just a pointer for future reference!!! -Thanks!
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Since there were hundreds of messages on the Power Magic Pro...I thought it deserved its own subforum. Technically it doesn't belong in the "popular dash cam section" but it kind of fits with BlackVue products. There are other examples of similar scenarios. Xiaomi Yi Dash Cam in the Action Cam section...not sure if I should move it out.

I'll have to sit back and evaluate the sections to make sure they are still relevant.

As for the "popular dash cam" title...really it was based on the number of posts...if a brand received over 500 posts...I would generally be put there. However some brands which used to be popular (FineVu, Itronics, etc) don't generate as much interest any more. Will have to think about the right titles and where to place the forums that are not as popular.

Thanks for the feedback. Will change soon.