power bank when parked up...

Yep- us Flashaholics are everywhere except in the dark :cool: We are the Enlightened :rolleyes:

I had to reconsider my sanity when I spent almost $100 for a flashlight :eek: but once I gave her a go and was lighting up the world beyond a measured mile away I knew I was sane and that my flashlight was crazy insane instead :p

Yep- us Flashaholics are everywhere except in the dark :cool: We are the Enlightened :rolleyes:

I had to reconsider my sanity when I spent almost $100 for a flashlight :eek: but once I gave her a go and was lighting up the world beyond a measured mile away I knew I was sane and that my flashlight was crazy insane instead :p


A little birdie told me @old4570 is a fellow SolarForce aficionado. ;)

My dad gave me an EverReady Big Jim sealed beam 6V flashlight when I was a little kid and I've never been quite the same since!

100 bucks on a decent torch is nothing these days. :D

I spent about 65 dollars on an original SureFire P6 Xenon incandescent back in the 90's and that was big money back then. It was money well spent.
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Yes ! Flashlights
I am a certified incurable Flashaholic ...
Don't ask me how many lights I own ( So many I don't want to know = I actually don't know )
I counted once , and when I got to 100 I stopped and decided it was better not to know .

I have to get back to doing mods , a few new emitters available again ..
But I did just buy a Solarforce L2C ( Carbon ) host , I had a spare XM-L drop in ( 2A ) , but am waiting on 2 drop ins from KD ...
Yeah , Solarforce and me go way back ...
I think I was the first to promote LEGO'ing Solarforce .. 2xAA , 3xAA , 4xAA and so forth ..
And in fact I can see a 4xAA L2 by turning my head a little ..
Has a 8.4v Ramping drop in ( XR-E ) from DX ... ( That was from way back )

Oh dear !
Yes ! Flashlights
I am a certified incurable Flashaholic ...
Don't ask me how many lights I own ( So many I don't want to know = I actually don't know )
I counted once , and when I got to 100 I stopped and decided it was better not to know .

I have to get back to doing mods , a few new emitters available again ..
But I did just buy a Solarforce L2C ( Carbon ) host , I had a spare XM-L drop in ( 2A ) , but am waiting on 2 drop ins from KD ...
Yeah , Solarforce and me go way back ...
I think I was the first to promote LEGO'ing Solarforce .. 2xAA , 3xAA , 4xAA and so forth ..
And in fact I can see a 4xAA L2 by turning my head a little ..
Has a 8.4v Ramping drop in ( XR-E ) from DX ... ( That was from way back )

Oh dear !

Don't get me started! :D
I probably should never have brought up the whole subject. :p
Flashlights !!!!!!
Yeah , too easy to fall down that rabbit hole ...
I need to get some GP-G3 emitters , the high output ones when they become available .. ( Cutter )
And some of those XT-E emitters ...

Been a long time since I have been to cutter ...
Talking about flashlights, do a couple of XM-L2's count. :D
Roughly $90


Amazon India carries lower capacity versions that use the same cells (listings say so). Will dig deeper and if the Romoss one isn't to my liking, at least I know where to look..

And being Sony, one can rest assured that there's isn't any skimming on the QC part.

And being Sony you can believe that it's a valid product/materials concept and not some bogus hype where they squirt some sort of inert goo in there and raise the price.
Battery tech is about to take a big leap ...
The big variable is production ( how long it takes to make it to the manufacturing process )
Always waiting ....
Battery tech is about to take a big leap ...
The big variable is production ( how long it takes to make it to the manufacturing process )
Always waiting ....

"Battery tech is about to take a big leap ...". If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that over the years I'd be a rich man. Then again, one of these days it will actually happen; hopefully soon.
Hehehehehehehehehe !

Yeah , ............. The issue is they keep talking about possible development , discoveries . chemistry's , and so forth ...
But like I said .. Its one thing to do something at research level ! ( Technology )

It then needs to be transferred to manufacturing .. So what is the lag time from development to production ?
Airbags , ABS , Parking assistance , and so forth ..
A lot of tech goes way back ... Anyone own old Popular mechanics mags ? or popular science ...
A lot of this new tech , is actually old tech ! , and the reason it has taken so long to go mainstream is because the tech needs to be able to be manufactured at an affordable level ..
Sure , they do heaps of stuff at research level , and probably spend millions doing it / developing it ...
Not sure anyone is ready to cough up $50,000 USD for a high tech 18650 with say 10,000mAh capacity ..
Ok , the Chinese are getting around this by simply printing 10,000mAh on the label .. ( But its not the same )

https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/272479891089 : Link to some Chinese 12,000mAh 18650 ...

So maybe 10 years from now manufacturing will catch up to the Printing ?
So, @TonyM, I got curious and checked Amazon UK and it turns out that RAVpower 22,000mAh Li-Po 3 x 2.4A USB port power bank I mentioned is selling for only £24.64 with free shipping within the UK! That's even a better deal than the promotion in the US! Maybe you should return that Aukey? :D

Send it back? I only opened the box half an hour ago! Anyway the RAV is about half an inch too long for the protective case I also bought, so I'd have to return that too. If the Aukey dies within the 24 month warranty, I'll replace it with something different.

Also note that the Aukey has a built-in flashlight ;)