Problems with the X1000


Dec 25, 2020
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United States
I previously had the Viofo 129 Plus Duo dashcam. However, I returned them after trying to fix a problem for almost a year, where the rear camera failed randomly to take videos. So I recently replace them with the Thinkware X1000. Here is a summary of the problems that I have encountered so far with it:

-The voice notifications are so loud and distorted that when you review the video clips on your PC, you have to turn down the volume or you’ll blow out your eardrums. No way to adjust the volume in the dashcam’s settings.

-It has a function called ‘Smart Parking Recording’. The Thinkware support has no idea what it means or that it was even in the menu.

-The advertised ADAS functions are not available yet. Have to wait for a firmware upgrade.

-The Map function in their PC Viewer program does not work (yes, I have the GPS module).

-The quality of viewing the videos in the PC Viewer is impossible to watch. Hard to read signs or license plates. And since its video format is HEVC (H.265), you have to have special readers to view the files outside their PC Viewer. Even with an external media player such as MPC-HC, the quality is sub-par. Though the format is HEVC and should have higher quality, the bit rate of the video clips is too low to provide clear video where you can read signs and license plates. The overall quality of the videos is terrible.

-The Thinkware X1000 manual is incomplete. It does not provide explanations for most of the menu items.

-If you disable the ‘Reverse Rear Camera’ setting in the menu, the clips you watch on your PC are correct. However, when you look at the LCD screen of the camera for the rear camera in Live View, the image is reversed...left to right, as if you are looking at the view in a mirror.

The X1000 seems to be relativey new. I hope Thinkware addresses these issues. I like the idea of the dashcam and that you can set your setting in the PC Viewer program which will be saved into the camera when you insert the microSD card back into the camera. But some functions that are in the LCD’s menus are not in the PC Viewer’s menu, and vice versa.

I have made Thinkware aware of these issues and I am trying to work with them to fix these issues. Just to let you know…
I previously had the Viofo 129 Plus Duo dashcam. However, I returned them after trying to fix a problem for almost a year, where the rear camera failed randomly to take videos. So I recently replace them with the Thinkware X1000. Here is a summary of the problems that I have encountered so far with it:

-The voice notifications are so loud and distorted that when you review the video clips on your PC, you have to turn down the volume or you’ll blow out your eardrums. No way to adjust the volume in the dashcam’s settings.

-It has a function called ‘Smart Parking Recording’. The Thinkware support has no idea what it means or that it was even in the menu.

-The advertised ADAS functions are not available yet. Have to wait for a firmware upgrade.

-The Map function in their PC Viewer program does not work (yes, I have the GPS module).

-The quality of viewing the videos in the PC Viewer is impossible to watch. Hard to read signs or license plates. And since its video format is HEVC (H.265), you have to have special readers to view the files outside their PC Viewer. Even with an external media player such as MPC-HC, the quality is sub-par. Though the format is HEVC and should have higher quality, the bit rate of the video clips is too low to provide clear video where you can read signs and license plates. The overall quality of the videos is terrible.

-The Thinkware X1000 manual is incomplete. It does not provide explanations for most of the menu items.

-If you disable the ‘Reverse Rear Camera’ setting in the menu, the clips you watch on your PC are correct. However, when you look at the LCD screen of the camera for the rear camera in Live View, the image is reversed...left to right, as if you are looking at the view in a mirror.

The X1000 seems to be relativey new. I hope Thinkware addresses these issues. I like the idea of the dashcam and that you can set your setting in the PC Viewer program which will be saved into the camera when you insert the microSD card back into the camera. But some functions that are in the LCD’s menus are not in the PC Viewer’s menu, and vice versa.

I have made Thinkware aware of these issues and I am trying to work with them to fix these issues. Just to let you know…
I am in the UK and have the X1000 plus radar, I was told by thinkware before I brought this setup that I didn't need GPS to use ADAS, very wrong so have just ordered a GPS unit!
Before I read this!!! the latest software is installed so I hope this is sorted.
The latest pc viewer is installed, and no it's not very good at all. Realy all a little disappointing............
Greetings, And the ADAS isn't even available yet. Have to wait for a firmware update. Yea, their PC Viewer is really terrible. Having to use it or a particular video file reader that reads H.265 is another dumb thing.
I've got the GPS but the map does not even work in the PC Viewer...
These features in dahscams are often not working good, so people often turn them off
Even in cars they seem to fluctuate in how good they are, my sisters car work quite well and it will even correct on the steering wheel if you get too close to a line, the car i just had for a few days while the rear window in my car was replaced, it did alert ( light in dash ) but not before you was in the opposite lane or at least half way into it, and its not like that loaner was much cheaper than my sisters car, actually it was also 1 year newer.

Problems reading H.265 are often based in old computer hardware, or missing / insufficient codecs.
Yes, but it would be nice, since it is advertised in their sales information, to actually have it when you buy it. Then I can decide if I like it or not. Not to mention the Map function not working, either.

I want the HEVC h.265 formatted video clips to play in the 'Movies&TV' player and 'Windows Media Player' on my Windows PC. I like their functionality better. I can play them in 'Media Player Classic' and 'VLC' but I don't like how they work. Windows just does not include the HEVC codec for their players. For example, when playing an AVC h.264 formatted video clip in 'Movies&TV', you can easily jump quickly back and forth to the next video clip. I tried to add the HEVC codec (as advertised) to my PC but that did not work either.
Hi, got my GPS unit today, will try and fit tomorrow then will see if the latest firmware works in a few days time?
Between sales and tec and website support, over here I get a different answer to every question!!!!! IE, how long on ivolt in energy saving mode? four days from support.
576hrs from web site. It all seems a little confused.
I believe the Map function needs the GPS. The Map function gives an error message. They told me my PC Viewer Ver had not been released yet and to uninstall it and reinstall it to get Ver 1.4.39. Ok...I uninstalled the Ver and installed the Ver, as they suggested. But I got the following message as I opened the program to upgrade. This is very confusing when they say it is not released yet, but I get the message to upgrade. And neither Version solved the Map problem. Also confused...


Hi, got my GPS unit largely for the leaving lane correction warnings. Fitted it today but I have a problem, my camera won't fit below my mirror without
blocking my view. So not central, it's mounted along side mirror so I can't line it up properly. Camera does not move horizontally and can't adjust blue line in software.
Also told thinkware do not make adjustable mount. This is not realy going well!!!!!!!!!!!!
mac25...yea, hard to fit the dashcam with the big block of plastic now on most front windshields. Mine is to the side and below the plastic block and the GPS up higher.
When driving, it doesn't really block the view since I sit taller in the seat than this photo shows. I have it like this in both my cars.
20220129_143331 (Medium).jpg
mac25...yea, hard to fit the dashcam with the big block of plastic now on most front windshields. Mine is to the side and below the plastic block and the GPS up higher.
When driving, it doesn't really block the view since I sit taller in the seat than this photo shows. I have it like this in both my cars.
View attachment 59723
Hi Gary, I was looking to see if I could re-position the cam today,,, but looks fairly unlikely. Pic of setup within. Between the bottom of the electronics box and the top off the nav pod is 20cm or 8"
so to mount camera under the pod, from cam bottom to dash would be no more than 4".
The GPS ect all seems to be working, the lane warnings are like a couple of taps/knocks mainly when I drift towards center or road. not very loud.
I feel that most of this ADAS stuff is more of a gimmick than real use unfortunately.


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Mac... My dashcam is on the passenger side (USA). I see your dashcam in almost in front of you. I'd find it very distracting and maybe blocking my view of the road. But I am curious that you ADAS is actually functioning. Which version of firmware do you have? Do you have the 'Safety Cameras' Enabled? Not sure if this is waiting for the firmware update (as they told me), or it becomes enabled when you 'Initialize ADAS', which apparently I have not done yet.


Gary, the camera is above my eye line so no problem. But it seems from the short time I have been using it, that if always on its better for all the ADAS stuff.
There are no Safety Cameras enabled in the UK and I don't think there will be.. Looking at the web site. Straight of site,
You do have to turn it on in the settings, then I think it sorts its self out when you drive.

FIRMWARE Updated 2021-12-23 version 1.01.02 This is the first update from whatever it was new

The Thinkware support had told me that the ADAS function will not operate until there is a future firmware update. So I have not tried the 'Initialize ADAS' yet. If I understand it right, you have to be driving after you turn it on for it to 'initialize'. But yours is working, it seems. So, when the snow around here melts and I get out for a drive, I'll click on the 'Initialize ADAS' icon and see what happens. I did think the Traffic Signal Alert was working but now I'd hear a 'beep' every so often when the lights changed. But I don't hear it anymore. Just a bit confused. I'll have to try the 'Initialize ADAS' and see what happens.
I'm lucky we don't see much snow here in winter, maybe some one in three years!!
Yes try to re-initialize it. Set my screen to 30 seconds yesterday, will see over the next week or so if the beeps and taps are of any real use.
If you have the screen on you tend to look at it when you hear something....
I took a ride today to check out the ADAS functions. As I was starting my trip, I tried to click on the 'initialize ADAS' icon in the dashcam's menu. It was greyed out and nothing happened. I could not get it to function.
I wonder if the UK's firmware is different than ours here in the USA. I'll have to contact Thinkware support again...
I talked to Thinkware. Apparently, my ADAS is functioning. I set the volume higher. I do hear a beep when the car in front starts to move. And I hear a beep if I am at a traffic light and it changes. Also, some clicks when I cross the white lane markings.
What is not working yet is the 'Safety Camera' function. Seems we have to wait for a firmware upgrade.
They still don't know what the 'Smart Parking...' function is.
She said that I might just have a Beta ADAS, some cameras came with it, some did not.
What is still not clear is the 'Initialze ADAS' function. I think you have to select it when you have the microSD card in your computer through the PC Viewer program. Then you just have to put the microSD card in the camera and it will then 'initialize' automatically with no further input to the camera. But the tech person was not too clear and I am not sure either. Any ideas? There is an 'Initialize ADAS' icon in the camera menu but it is greyed out.
The beeps and clicks are ADAS so it is initialized..... I don't know that we will ever get the safety (ie speed) cameras, my car has them anyway.
Surely Smart Parking, just means the Parking Surveillance Mode.
Ha... So if I uncheck Smart Parking it will be dumb parking???? :oops: Kinda crazy that Thinkware has no idea what it does.
Too many paying customers have experienced dashcam companies that appear to be operating in "beta mode"... the anguish of unsuspecting customers can be felt while these dashcam companies limp along with their broken promises.

That's sad to see, especially when many customers are paying top price and still get this horrendous treatment! - Hopefully the rants of unsatisfied dashcam users will create some positive changes.
I expected much better video quality from the dashcams. We have action cameras that produce superior quality video. Why can't the dashcams do it too? Thinkware's PC Viewer is horrendous. You just can't watch any clips before it drives you crazy. The Map feature does not work. The announcements are so controls to reduce the volume. Why use HEVC format which makes you have to use non-Windows players?

I previously had a Viofo dashcam (A129 Plus Duo), in two cars. I tried working with them for almost a year to determine why the rear camera in both cars randomly kept failing to take video. Changed cameras, cabling, microSd cards. They could not figure it out. Pretty good video but rear camera kept failing.