Putting a camera on the front of a truck with a TV on the back so you can see when to pass.

Street Guardian USA

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2013
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Oakland Park, Florida (USA)
United States
Dash Cam
StreetGuardian.CAM Amazon.com

That's a brilliant idea!
You can't idiot proof driving. The idiots always figure out a way to screw things up.

The free solution is to back off of large trucks. You can then see around them easier.

I wouldn't mind being parked behind one of those in a truck stop, if my remote control worked on the screen, though. :)
Samsung should sponsor Screens and Cameras (against eg. "This is a Safty Truck, Thanks to Samsung"-Prints on the Trailers) for all Companys who want to make Overtaking more secure...

Because it is not always possible to back off - because other drivers will overtake the one backing off, and then try to overtake the Truck - causing an accident...

Yeah you do not want to leave any gap here, otherwise ppl behind you will just use that to overtake you and make you get off the trottle to make room for them.
I assume this is allso the reason as to why so many Danes drive so damm close to each other, its like if you overtake one your manhood grow .5 inch, and if you are overtaken it shrink .5 inch :rolleyes:

Allso here it might be a problem to read the screens as many trucks here are pretty dirty, allso the wide angle lens the camera in this video have might lead to misunderstandings / bad moves, i would suggest fotage to be acompanied by radar distance mesurments augmented to oncomming car in footage.

Allso the design of many rear ende on trucks here mean it will be hard to fit any sizeable screen to the back ( most trucks here seem to open in the back with 2 doores like a shipping container or they have a hydraulic ramp )
Actually I meant that people behind those who open a Gap so they can see if they can overtake don't understand what those with the Gap are intending, then overtake and try overtaking the truck without seeing what's coming...

In German, those "Gap-Hopper" are called "Drängler", and they are causing most of the Accidents... :-/

And have a look at the Video - the "one Screen" is made of 4 independent Screens, so retrofitting would not be a Problem...
If not we will soon have screens that can deploy like a projektor screen, and be rolled up when the truck need to unload.

I need a good gap to overtake, and i prefer a running start, thats the way it have to be with a 1000 ccm 60 BHP car.

I wish i could put a Suzuki hayabusa engine in my Suzuki splash :cool: 3 X the power :eek:
Until the day drivers get distracted watching the screens and end up rear-ending the trucks.:D
I like this idea.
Actually on longer night-driving trips I do like "tail-gating" trucks to save on fuel and drive with no pressure ;)
I like this idea.
I didn't say I don't like it but knowing human behaviour as I do, it wouldn't take much time to come to what I wrote above.

Actually on longer night-driving trips I do like "tail-gating" trucks to save on fuel and drive with no pressure ;)
I don't. It gets to a point when you're almost hipnotized by looking at the same thing for a long time and that's dangerous.
I don't. It gets to a point when you're almost hipnotized by looking at the same thing for a long time and that's dangerous.

Yeah, I know this feeling ( @hypnotized , ... @ that's dangerous ), - that's how I got married ;)
Until the day drivers get distracted watching the screens and end up rear-ending the trucks.:D

Not safe around here. Some fool would think the truck part was an illusion and try to drive right through the screen!
I d be naffed off viewing an empty road with too many bends to risk passing and the fact they distort perspective...

If they screened x rated stuff it would make my journey more entertaining :p
^^^^ We need male drivers to keep both hands on the steering wheel, please.
Not safe around here. Some fool would think the truck part was an illusion and try to drive right through the screen!
Naaah! Samsung would never put 4K screens on the back of those trucks! :D:D:D