Retailers No Longer Allowed to Post Links to Their Site


Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Unfortunately we have received a lot of complaints recently on Retailers spamming the forum with links to their sites. Going forward Retailers WILL NOT be allowed to post links to their site / eBay listings / Amazon listings / Aliexpress listings /etc. in the forum. Other members are still allowed to include links to retailers but the excessive self-promotion from retailers must stop.

The only place Retailers are all allowed to post links to their sites are on the Vendor sub-forum.

Please note that DashCamTalk is not sponsored by any particular retailer and manufacturer. Hence no retailer is exempt from this policy. We actually generate funds from Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate Program, eBay Affiliate Program and Shareasale and have avoided going down the sponsorship route since that could lead to bias.

Please use the Report button at the bottom of a post that infringes on this policy. We will give warnings initially which could lead to temporary or permanent bans.
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Does this include posts like "We are selling this item, you can find our shop in my signature" ?
Does this include posts like "We are selling this item, you can find our shop in my signature" ?

Are they allowed links in the signature even, a link to a site or Amazon, eBay page is one thing, I think when the link includes pricing or discount codes it's probably pushing things a bit too far though, some only seem to participate just to promote the links
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Does this include posts like "We are selling this item, you can find our shop in my signature" ?

Some threads are: "Where can I buy X?" In that case saying that they are selling the item and mentioning their signature is fine. This can help on newly released products.

However if someone is asking about the "best Battery Discharge Prevention Device". Indicating that X is the best one and see our signature to buy it is not allowed since they did not ask for the best place to buy.

Once again this only applies to Retailers. Other members are allowed to respond with links to sites (but we will monitor for abuses here as well).
Once again this only applies to Retailers. Other members are allowed to respond with links to sites (but we will monitor for abuses here as well).
Just was curious cause many retailers have their shops/coupons linked in their signatures.
Are they lowed links in the signature even, a link to a site or Amazon, eBay page is one thing, I think when the link includes pricing or discount codes it's probably pushing things a bit too far though, some only seem to participate just to promote the links

Actually we have never had a complaint regarding the signatures so I am inclined to leave that as is. I am open to suggestions on the signature though if people are concerned.
No problem, I'll keep participation neutral and let my customers speak for us as needed. :)
I'll use more PM's too when it's right to do so.

Thanks for keeping the site going so smoothly this long so far.
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This action has been long overdue and I welcome it. Certain well known members here have abused their position on this forum, indulging in overzealous self promotion and increasingly become like one man spam-bots in areas of the forum where it doesn't belong. Many forums I've participated in over the years have inevitably had to take actions against this sort of thing because it invariably gets out of hand and ruins the site for all involved.
I am still looking to buy a dash cam this year. I do not like excessive spamming either.

I personally think that a retailer or manufacturer having links in their signature should be allowed. When I see a thread showing a new product is just now coming on the market the retailer or manufacturer often posts on that thread. Being able to see where to buy it in their signature is a helpful addition for potential buyers.

Of course, no signature should have flashing lights with a buy here now and a very large detailed 3 paragraph advertisement in a huge font. Signatures simply need to remain discrete and unobtrusive. Jokiin and Pier28 both have good signatures. You can find their sites there but both are far more informative than obnoxious.
Genuinely thought this forum was organised and run by manufacturers due to the nature of posts and content !!!!
Where do retailer competions fall under this new rule?
I am still looking to buy a dash cam this year. I do not like excessive spamming either.

I personally think that a retailer or manufacturer having links in their signature should be allowed. When I see a thread showing a new product is just now coming on the market the retailer or manufacturer often posts on that thread. Being able to see where to buy it in their signature is a helpful addition for potential buyers.

Of course, no signature should have flashing lights with a buy here now and a very large detailed 3 paragraph advertisement in a huge font. Signatures simply need to remain discrete and unobtrusive. Jokiin and Pier28 both have good signatures. You can find their sites there but both are far more informative than obnoxious.

Of course, no signature should have flashing lights with a buy here now and a very large detailed 3 paragraph advertisement in a huge font. Signatures simply need to remain discrete and unobtrusive. Jokiin and Pier28 both have good signatures. You can find their sites there but both are far more informative than obnoxious.

Personally I think signatures with pricing and discount codes is a little over the top and perhaps pushing the boundaries

Myself I have a bunch of links but it's info only, you can't actually buy anything from any link I have in my signature, appreciate the support all the same :)
I took my signature inspiration from Jokiin himself actually.

I too enjoy helping everyone all over the site. I fully understand the appropriate protocol to keep the bias down and replies specific to the OP.

When I first switched from a consumer/power hobbyist to retailer it was a bit scary. It was quite the leap for me last year quitting my regular job to do this full time. After growing pains and lots of hard work, things are finally stable. I can remain enthusiastic yet calm and casual. :)
I took my signature inspiration from Jokiin himself actually.

I too enjoy helping everyone all over the site. I fully understand the appropriate protocol to keep the bias down and replies specific to the OP.

When I first switched from a consumer/power hobbyist to retailer it was a bit scary. It was quite the leap for me last year quitting my regular job to do this full time. After growing pains and lots of hard work, things are finally stable. I can remain enthusiastic yet calm and casual. :)
You found your niche :D
A good decision and one that can only benefit all. Since 'joining' this forum I have been very impressed by the free and unbiased advice that some retailers/manufactures provide however as always there are those who see the forum as a personal sales catalogue and whilst it is important to be able to see whats on offer it is only right to be segregated.