Retailers No Longer Allowed to Post Links to Their Site

I though I was the only one there was tired of all these "Carpet bombing" from China and on top that. Complain from people there don't get there item, when there place an order.
I welcome the new rule and also still let us see product name and link in the signature.
So BIG THANKS @Dash Cam Man

No problem, I'll keep participation neutral and let my customers speak for us as needed. :)
Take time and hard work to earn that.
Its a enjoyment to see a passion like that.
I had a problem on another forum I had been posting in often over a 3 year period .. when I was deciding on which Coffee machine to upgrade to.
The main moderator of the forum .. whom I had excellent relations with .. sending each other Coffee beans .. decided to offer me assistance from another member of the forum .. which I accepted .. thinking that I would get some general advice from. I had virtually forgotten that this member was also a Sponsor of the forum and particularly close to the Moderator whom had purchased the brand of Coffee machine that he was selling.

This Sponsor was taking offence whenever I mentioned another Brand of machine because he believed that because he was virtually the only Sponsor on the forum giving advice .. that this entitled him to get the Sale. I ended up purchasing another Brand and he wasn't happy.
As I usually try to add a bit of humour into my contributions in forums .. I mistakenly made light of the fact that he missed out on the sale in what I thought was 'funny' .. only neither he .. or the moderators saw the humour in it (it happens) .. and wanted me to edit my posts.

The main moderator said that I owed the Sponsor an apology .. which I did .. and after editing one of my posts that I figured may have been the offending one .. thanked everyone (including the Sponsor) .. for their assistance over the 3 year journey .. and then asked to remove all details of my membership from the forum .. and haven't been back since .. (5 months)

It would have been different if .. as I've noticed on this forum .. that Manufacturers/Retailers like Jokiin .. do not get offended when those seeking assistance do not own, or end up purchasing their product. This is what I was expecting on the other forum .. and I explained, that in the end .. I am going to buy the machine that I want - not the machine that you want me to buy. I felt that in the end .. one of us had to leave .. and I knew it was obvious .. that my time was up. Shame, that.. it was a fascinating journey. I finally reached the summit .. and now have the Dream Machine .. an Italian Bezzera Strega .. worth 3.5k. Oh Man .. that coffee is .. just Wow.
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Not a fan of forums like that, I don't really care what camera people choose to get, I'll generally only speak out about it if they're going to make a particularly poor choice
I guess it's bad luck that Product comes first .. and Customer Service comes a close second - cause if it was the other way around ... all the other Dash Cam manufacturers might as well pack up .. and try manufacturing something else .. cause SG would get all the Sales.
I don't know about their sales figures but I have the feeling, that customer service is not that unimportant for active members of this forum. Of course most people who buy dashcams are not members of this forum but the ones that are surely get impressed by the services of some of our retailers here.
We're only a very small player in the market but I'm a firm believer in customer service, large or small scale is no excuse for poor service
I took my signature inspiration from Jokiin himself actually.

I too enjoy helping everyone all over the site. I fully understand the appropriate protocol to keep the bias down and replies specific to the OP.

When I first switched from a consumer/power hobbyist to retailer it was a bit scary. It was quite the leap for me last year quitting my regular job to do this full time. After growing pains and lots of hard work, things are finally stable. I can remain enthusiastic yet calm and casual. :)
@Street Guardian USA You will do ok as a retailer as you have proven over and over again that you are there at all times for your customers and non customers. I remember awhile back when you were not a retailer on your own, and I contacted @ tagged you on this site to ask what can be done about a defective power cord. Twenty minutes passed and my phone rings with you on the other line calling from Nevada to me in Toronto Canada. We had a very informative chat and a few days later a new power cord arrived even though the 0ne year warranty had passed on my SG. You have shown that your company Street Guardian USA is a trusted Retailer with great customer support.:):)
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@Street Guardian USA You will do ok as a retailer as you have proven over and over again that you are there at all times for your customers and non customers. I remember awhile back when you were not a retailer on your own, and I contacted @ tagged you on this site to ask what can be done about a defective power cord. Twenty minutes passed and my phone rings with you on the other line calling from Nevada to me in Toronto Canada. We had a very informative chat and a few days later a new power cord arrived even though the 0ne year warranty had passed on my SG. You have shown that your company Street Guardian USA is a trusted Retailer with great customer support.:):)

Thanks, I'm hard wired to provide OCD customer service :) I've been around the forums here since 2013 in various name/forms.

so @Street Guardian USA has an American accent I assume? I have never spoken to him. and you have Canadian accent?

Yes I grew up just north of Chicago. My Grandmother had a Finnish accent but parents and I have very flat American mid-west "accents"
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I have an american accent. The only question is which of the american accents do you want me to use?

I can also do a decent India-accent but the New York accent is not in my bucket of accents.
Dear Administrators/Moderators,

Now a days there are thousand of dash camera brands available online and it is not always possible to find the reviews on Amazon or Ebay.

I think if some vendor is explaining the features and posting the link to such dash camera then it would be beneficial to all.

I am not in favour of posting same message in multiple links, but if someone is asking for Dual Recording dash cam and someone is asking for Best Night Vision Cam then the vendor who sells such dash cam should be allowed to post on both these threads ! Just a suggestion !

Or atleast I would request administrator to allow to post a specific link 3 times only. More than 3 times must be treated as spam.

Because I seek permission to post a link to one dash cam brand to 3 thread which can be very beneficial to subscribers of that thread !

I hope to get reply from administrator.
Unfortunately we won't allow that. You can provide the name of the camera and people can search for it.
Unfortunately we won't allow that. You can provide the name of the camera and people can search for it.

Dear DashCamMan,

Thank your for replying. That cleared my confusion. I promise not to spam this forum.

I had asked same question in many other local/global forum & they immediately banned me as I am retailer !

But you are providing special thread for vendors ! I am so much thankful to this wonderful forum for that !

Thank You !
Thanks, I'm hard wired to provide OCD customer service :) I've been around the forums here since 2013 in various name/forms.

Yes I grew up just north of Chicago. My Grandmother had a Finnish accent but parents and I have very flat American mid-west "accents"
A couple of different inflections in N.Y.C.alone!