Screaming woman escapes from 3 men and 2 dogs

I don't know are travellers so called "race" but here police and authorities are wery weak if other party is some kind of foreign origin and they don't want to do anything in fear of called racist.
And that is Bull ****.

People use to hold signs looking for work.
so what happened?
I had somewhat less sympathy for them when I read they had gone there specifically to take photos of the "travellers." If you're going to be provocative, expect a reaction.
Even so, I'd rather have run them down than risk reversing and hurting an innocent bystander in that environment.
Truth be told, you wouldn't be in that situation to have to run them down since you're not the type to provoke them :)

I know many people may have had issues/altercations with travellers for many possible reasons, but all the times I've encountered travellers I've never had any bother off them at all
I'm not sure what the UK definition of 'travellers' is, but the Caravans in the parking lot look much nicer than what the almost homeless, or 'alternative homesteaders' in the US live in. ($$$$$) Are these people 'Irish Travellers/Gypsies? In the US, the owner of the parking lot could easily get rid of them. (Assuming it's private property)
Are these people 'Irish Travellers/Gypsies?


Do they pose the same kind of issues over there? While I stated I've never had any personal negative dealings with them here (the opposite in fact), crime escalates shockingly when travellers descend, It can't be a coincidence
I still don't get what happened.
Are they trying to rob her or there was something before this happened?
I still don't get what happened.
Are they trying to rob her or there was something before this happened?

They pitched up on the carpark and apparently the people purposely went to film them, they felt provoked, they objected and retaliated as shown in the vid
"Anybody with information should contact police on 101" Calls to the police using 101 are charged at 15p and in my experience calls eventually get routed to the main control room and are answered by staff dealing with 999 calls.
Calls to 999 are free and usually get answered very quickly.

Do they pose the same kind of issues over there? While I stated I've never had any personal negative dealings with them here (the opposite in fact), crime escalates shockingly when travellers descend, It can't be a coincidence

I used to live in an area that had a large pocket of them. They were a curiosity since they built very large, GARISH, mansions in a pretty run down area. The surrounding houses around the compound were maybe worth $50,000, they had these McMansions that had to be worth $500,000 (In a different neighborhood) .
Found this video which shows some of the houses, but doesn't really give you an idea of how out of place this development is.

Local gossip was they mostly did construction scams, AWAY from where they lived. (Like after natural disasters)
I googled and see a lot of this same group have recently been indited for money laundering and other fraud.

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In the summer time we get a influx of people here in Denmark, and they are not here to holiday, they are here to beg - scam - steal and rob all they can.
And the people come from all over, Romanians - Estonians - Lithuanians - Italians in short, south and eastern Europe, and not forgetting some real tricky south American pick pockets.
And they dont get a hotel room, at least not many of them, but you can find them camped out on beaches in forests and what not, making a real mess of things.

And all we gotten so far are stricter laws in regard to begging, the least problematic kind of these "visitors"
In the US, the owner of the parking lot could easily get rid of them. (Assuming it's private property)

In the UK it takes a lengthy and expensive legal process to get them to move on. They will likely leave the property full of rubbish, including plenty of unhygienic "stuff." They may only move a short distance, then move right back again later. You better believe that gypsy curses are real, over here.

And local councils are legally required to PROVIDE them with places to set up camp. I've never worked that one out - honest taxpayers having to provide for a group who have expressly chosen to exist outside of "the system." But they love the system when it comes to being provided with benefit payments and free facilities.

One thing I will give them credit for - they themselves will rarely claim to be honest, upright citizens. It's more often the PC do-gooders sticking up for them who will play down their criminal culture.

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I've seen what @dash riposki described and the story is quite true. They used to have enough "political connections" locally to avoid major legal problems but it looks like that has ended ;) Here in the Upstate they used to show up every summer at some point and they parked on land owned by local criminals as a way to keep from being disturbed. By the time local Cops built a case to nab them they'd be gone to parts unknown :oops: Before the internet and fast widespread social communications they would come to an area and operate for weeks but now they have only a few days before everyone knows to watch out for them. They pull the usual money scams and prey on the elderly homeowners who need work done :( They impersonate utility company personnel to gain access to houses to "look for problems". While the homeowner watches that one or two, others are elsewhere in the house stealing :mad: They are bad news wherever they show up but they don't have it as easy as they once did which is one of the few good things I can say about social media and the ubiquitous cell-phone cams :rolleyes:

I have nothing against people who want to live different lifestyles as long as they do so honestly and without causing problems for anyone else :D I know some very good folks who travel around following particular 'hobbies' and 'events' part of the year while buying and selling related items as they go. They don't mind publicity since that helps their legitimate businesses :cool: It's the ones who don't want to be known that you have to watch out for- there is a reason for their hiding which tells you all you need you know about what kind of people they are :whistle:

I often drove by the complex near North Augusta when I lived in the area, noticed the houses, but never went in to look around. You can see the edge of the complex on US 25, which is why it really sticks out for the area. :) (didn't realize it was that large as shown in the video)

In the US, large trucks are not allowed in most shopping area parking, since the truckers will also 'trash' the place, as well as run over landscaping, light poles, etc.
It's getting hard to do any needed shopping when you're away from home a month at a time, and disgustingly I'm limited to the occasional WalMart that tolerates or allows truck parking. :( (I much prefer regional supermarket chains)