Second Viofo A119V3 loses settings


New Member
Oct 18, 2019
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Los Angeles, CA
United States
This is my second Viofo A119V3 that was replaced by Viofo. The first one loses settings after 2 days. This one is losing settings again.

I also have another Viofo A119V3 in my other car that is rock solid for 3 years now. What is the difference? The one that is working is hardware V2.3 build 2021025. The current replacement one is V2.6 build 20220808.

Really disappointed at this point. It seems the earlier versions have no issues but the later revised hardware revs have this problem. Viofo sent me the replacement out of their China factory. Back to Viofo it goes again.
This is my second Viofo A119V3 that was replaced by Viofo. The first one loses settings after 2 days. This one is losing settings again.

I also have another Viofo A119V3 in my other car that is rock solid for 3 years now. What is the difference? The one that is working is hardware V2.3 build 2021025. The current replacement one is V2.6 build 20220808.

Really disappointed at this point. It seems the earlier versions have no issues but the later revised hardware revs have this problem. Viofo sent me the replacement out of their China factory. Back to Viofo it goes again.

I own a A119 v3 that gets used every day but it's years old now like yours.

In the dashcam it has a battery in it which is rechargeable.
This battery needs time to charge up, so connect it to power for a duration of time.
I'm not sure how long but try a week without disrupting the power supply to it.
You can use a usb wall charger that outputs about an amp so 5volts @1 amp should work fine.

I expect the new units are the same circuits.

If a car is not used often what can happen is the battery goes flat and the dash cam will rely on the gps to get time etc but the first files maybe date stamped with its default date/ time.

This is my second Viofo A119V3 that was replaced by Viofo. The first one loses settings after 2 days. This one is losing settings again.

I also have another Viofo A119V3 in my other car that is rock solid for 3 years now. What is the difference? The one that is working is hardware V2.3 build 2021025. The current replacement one is V2.6 build 20220808.

Really disappointed at this point. It seems the earlier versions have no issues but the later revised hardware revs have this problem. Viofo sent me the replacement out of their China factory. Back to Viofo it goes again.
Does the camera lose settings occasionally or every time after being turned off? All the settings cannot be kept or just the time settings? Please turn off the camera and turn it on manually to confirm if the settings will be changed.
I own a A119 v3 that gets used every day but it's years old now like yours.

In the dashcam it has a battery in it which is rechargeable.
This battery needs time to charge up, so connect it to power for a duration of time.
I'm not sure how long but try a week without disrupting the power supply to it.
You can use a usb wall charger that outputs about an amp so 5volts @1 amp should work fine.

I expect the new units are the same circuits.

If a car is not used often what can happen is the battery goes flat and the dash cam will rely on the gps to get time etc but the first files maybe date stamped with its default date/ time.

The camera is in a 2023 Tesla Model Y. The cigarette port is pretty much powered for a long time, even when the car is walked away and locked. It takes 10-15 minutes before that cigarette port is shutdown.

I drive this car every, single, day. The car is charged every other day.

I have two Teslas Model Y. The other Viofo A119V3 is connected in the same manner and is rock solid. The only difference is the version number and firmware number.

Does the camera lose settings occasionally or every time after being turned off? All the settings cannot be kept or just the time settings? Please turn off the camera and turn it on manually to confirm if the settings will be changed.

I will check tonight.
Does the camera lose settings occasionally or every time after being turned off? All the settings cannot be kept or just the time settings? Please turn off the camera and turn it on manually to confirm if the settings will be changed.

So I just took the camera in after adjusting the time/date and every setting I want. Then I brought it in and waited 1 hour before powering it up. It retains all settings. So the issue is not immediate. It's random.

So the issue is over time, after a few days, all settings will be lost. This includes:

MM/DD/YYYY resets back to DD/MM/YYYY format.
HIGH bitrate resets back to MEDIUM
MPH speed unit resets back to KPH (I'm in the USA, we use MPH, not KPH)
Coordinates GPS info resets back to All Info
GMT-8 timezone resets back to GMT-0

As far as I can tell, there are no issues with recording.
So I just took the camera in after adjusting the time/date and every setting I want. Then I brought it in and waited 1 hour before powering it up. It retains all settings. So the issue is not immediate. It's random.

So the issue is over time, after a few days, all settings will be lost. This includes:

MM/DD/YYYY resets back to DD/MM/YYYY format.
HIGH bitrate resets back to MEDIUM
MPH speed unit resets back to KPH (I'm in the USA, we use MPH, not KPH)
Coordinates GPS info resets back to All Info
GMT-8 timezone resets back to GMT-0

As far as I can tell, there are no issues with recording.
Have you reset the camera by mistake during these days? It seems that all the settings have been defaulted.
Have you reset the camera by mistake during these days? It seems that all the settings have been defaulted.

I own TWO A119V3 separately in two separate Tesla Model Y. As I said before, the FIRST one V2.3 is flawless for almost 3.5 years now.

The second A119V3 has a GPS module and this one is V2.6. Why would I "reset" the settings. It's a dash cam. Every 2 weeks, I will push the (-) button to get the screen to turn on and look at what the timestamp shows. When the timestamp goes out of whack, and my speed display switches from MPH to KPH, then I know the A119V3 has once again, lost its settings. If you google, and reddit, there is a history of this model losing settings.

Anyways, Viofo customer service has replaced the unit the second time. This second unit is now functioning for 1 week now without losing settings. Same car, same cable, same gps module, just a replacement camera. So crossing my fingers.