SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements

understand wanting to push the night results, +1 is a fair bit of adjustment though, this pics here will give you a bit of an idea about how much variation you get with each setting

I would say that's not necessary at all. I have privacy glass in the rear of my vehicle with a CPL and only set mine to +2/3. My front GC with CPL and tinted glass is set to +0. I suspect you'd get much better results with it set to +0, or maybe even -1/3.

Just an update, just confirm that my EV setting is set to +1/3 (I thought that one level up from 0 is +1).
still trying to catch the same scenario (as close as possible with my posting above) .
...confirm that my EV setting is set to +1/3 (I thought that one level up from 0 is +1)....
I still think you do not need any 'plus' EV adjustment - the camera is more than capable of handling tinted glass on it's own. That combined with the fact that your sample video is overexposed tells me you should back it off to +0.

Here's a couple of clips from my front facing GC through tinted glass with a CPL and +0 EV to demonstrate:

Here's one front and rear facing GC with CPL. Rear of vehicle has privacy glass and camera has +2/3 EV but should probably be backed off to +1/3.

This link shows how dark my rear glass so you have something to compare:
I reviewed some of my video and I definitely notice overexposure as well.
The IQ definitely needs some work for bright environments.
I reviewed some of my video and I definitely notice overexposure as well.
The IQ definitely needs some work for bright environments.

it's something we're working on this month, we spent many months on stability related stuff last year that was a higher priority at the time, this is top of the current list of things we're looking at now
Running at -2/3EV I had trouble seeing the orange indicator light on the X3 in the second clip at 0:08 and 0:11. And this can be important.
Overexposure also changes the colour of that light to white. Added first clip to show how it looks like without overexposure.

I've definitely been getting better results on the latest (non-beta) firmware and EV set to -1/3, even with it tilted back down to a 60/40 road/sky.

I'm just uploading a clip to PM to @jokiin of the auto exposure getting a bit unruly, but no big blowouts or washouts.
Adjusting the exposure comp means you will also lose -1/3 of a stop at night.
Yeah damm good work by Niko there, no guess work, look listen and repeat if you feel like it.

maybe a E/V that can be 1 setting from 22:00 to 05:00 and then another setting the rest of the day is possible ?
I just picked up on this in my own thread, trying to figure what to buy. The Blacksys CF-100 seemed good, but people kept telling me it melted in the heat. But I suspect that some of the people in these threads have their own favorite horses in the race.

This is from one drive last afternoon. (WDR on -2/3EV, beta9)

And this is this morning. I thought clouds were the problem, but basically anything white/bright will screw things up.

The WDR should really be able to cope with this, if it can boost dark parts at night it should dull overexposed areas at daytime. How many different exposure times is the WDR using? And why is it biassed towords the bright one if it is overexposing?
I urge the engineers to fix this quickly because frankly it's unacceptable for a premium product.
You'll be happy to know Rick had a face to face meeting with the engineering team at the factory this week, and some very exciting ideas and new tricks should be possible. Stand by :)
Bright skies here ATM and i go for a drive later.

The SG minions is hard at work on this @Feitelijk
You'll be happy to know Rick had a face to face meeting with the engineering team at the factory this week, and some very exciting ideas and new tricks should be possible. Stand by :)
You're right. That does make me happy! :D

Any more info on how many images het WDR is taking and what the ratio in exposure times are?
Or is it just messing a bit with the local gamma factors?
I just picked up on this in my own thread, trying to figure what to buy. The Blacksys CF-100 seemed good, but people kept telling me it melted in the heat. But I suspect that some of the people in these threads have their own favorite horses in the race.

Blacksys CF-100 has inferior video quality compared to the SG or Panorama cams; I own one of each.
WDR will enhance the dark areas, we are working on an update now and will be making changes to the WDR function, the AE table is being rewritten and contrast adjustments, there's a lot of other things getting done as well but expect the next beta in around two weeks
WDR will enhance the dark areas, we are working on an update now and will be making changes to the WDR function, the AE table is being rewritten and contrast adjustments, there's a lot of other things getting done as well but expect the next beta in around two weeks
Good news.
Sorry for yet again a technical question but does the exposure table apply to the entire image or can it be applied to smaller areas of the sensor?
If it applies to the entire image that would according to me mean that the WDR is just a posprocessing by boosting the gamma in dark areas, right?