Side Dashcam


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
So you desided to go all in and install cameras at the sides of your vehicle too, then allow me to share some of my experiences and ideas on the matter.

First if you want a reasonably stealthy install there is a fjew things to consider beside the shape and size of the camera.
To make the camera stand out as little as possible it have to hug the edge of the window, this in turn mean that if you use a wide angle lens there is a chance of it having some of the edge in the footage, even if the lens is right up against the glass in the side window.

This is a picture of my experimental setup using my innovv C3, and as you can see its not extremely close to the edge of the window, and even at this distance there is a good chance of getting the edge in the footage.

And this is just the 90 Deg C3 camera, with a wider lens installing discreete can be even more problematic.

Here is a sample of what kind of readability you can expect to get in daylight and nighttime in a small town without too much ambient light from massive billbords and the like, so its just streetlight and a little from shop windows.
The daytime footage is captured at 40 - 50 - 70 km/h speeds, the night time is 70 - 60 - 50 km/h.

This is the link for DL of the raw footage.

I see it this way.

1. In daytime on a sunny or really bright day like today you can expect to read licenceplates and other things along the road, but they have to be at a car length distance or more to be captured good, things too close will suffer from motion blur at the most common speeds ( 50 km/h and up )
2. On cloudy days the performance will drop more in regard to motion blur, but do remember just becuz you cant read the plate of the car that T-bone you, it should still be proof that you are not to blame.
3. Nighttime, again as above on cloudy gray days motion blur will be a issue, even more than a camera pointing forward, but this is the prize for capturing things moving by in low light with current CMOS technology, but again in a court of law if it get to that there should be some validity to the footage captured.

Cameras for side mounting will benefit from a design thats made for this kind of use, things as curtain airbags and the like need to be taken into consideration when designing and installing cameras on the side.
It would be nice if they could be made extremely small, i am thinking cellphone small camera + lens, the small Innovv C3 camera housing might be too large for many cars, not least the new ones.
I think with a cellphone size camera/lens module it should allso be possible to get the unit in a more stealthy position, and not least allso in a place where ppl getting in and out of the car dont hit the camera.

I like the side camera idea, but i will hold back from following thru on it untill there is dedicated cameras for it, or if dual cams with 2 remote cams get small enuff.
I dont think a dual panorama X1 like setup will do it due to the shape of the X1 camera unit, C3 might be better then, but i dont want to collect a handfull of SD cards from my car when i need to save captured footage.
My dream is to have only 2 SD cards or even better 1 SSD to capture the footage from.

I hope this have given you a little to think about before you get too hooked on side cameras in the car, and do remember by far the most situations you will encounter on the road can be dokumented with just the 1 front camera.
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I hope this have given you a little to think about before you get too hooked on side cameras in the car, and do remember by far the most situations you will encounter on the road can be dokumented with just the 1 front camera.
Nearly all the videos we see posted are from front cameras, I can't even remember seeing a video from a rear camera of someone being rear ended even though a lot of people do have rear cameras!

...but this is the prize for capturing things...
I don't know if that is a Danish spelling or deliberate wrong use or a mistake, but in English it should be "price", a prize is what you get when you win the lottery. Thought I would point it out as the rest of your English is very good and that stands out as being wrong and you use it quite often.
Yeah i do murder the english language at times, you should seem some of the stuff i catch myself before i press post reply.

Some times i scratch my head in disbelief and think to myself "did i just have a brain aneurysm" as the things i have written don't even look a little like what i intended to write :D ( and i often do the same in Danish )
Yeah i do murder the english language at times, you should seem some of the stuff i catch myself before i press post reply.

Some times i scratch my head in disbelief and think to myself "did i just have a brain aneurysm" as the things i have written don't even look a little like what i intended to write :D ( and i often do the same in Danish )
I enjoy a bit of entertainment, never know when to correct people though, in some countries everyone wants you to correct them and teach them new words, other countries they take offence and other countries they get embarrassed by the mistake. Then there are the French speaking places that have no intention of using or learning any English anyway!
I undestand it, when i see rubbish translations on tv it get my heart rate going, but i am okay with myself making mistakes as long as ppl are able to undestand me without using a decoder ring.
After all english is my second language, and what i do know i lave learned myself as english class in school for me was everything but english if i was there at all.
I undestand it, when i see rubbish translations on tv it get my heart rate going, but i am okay with myself making mistakes as long as ppl are able to undestand me without using a decoder ring.
After all english is my second language, and what i do know i lave learned myself as english class in school for me was everything but english if i was there at all.

Kamkar, I'm impressed that you taught yourself how to speak and write English. I've noticed that when you take your time posting, you do a better job of it but I've also noticed that you are slowly improving your English language skills. Either way, good job!
Tv is my master in many ways, its allso there i picked up most of what i know about American history and other things.

Sadly its far from all info my brain store, it still have a mind of its own, but learning is best for me if i can do it my own pace, and some random things i pick up real fast, and yet others i can't even get to stick if i used a gallon of CA glue.
I enjoy a bit of entertainment, never know when to correct people though, in some countries everyone wants you to correct them and teach them new words, other countries they take offence and other countries they get embarrassed by the mistake. Then there are the French speaking places that have no intention of using or learning any English anyway!
Tv is my master in many ways, its allso there i picked up most of what i know about American history and other things.

Sadly its far from all info my brain store, it still have a mind of its own, but learning is best for me if i can do it my own pace, and some random things i pick up real fast, and yet others i can't even get to stick if i used a gallon of CA glue.

Recently, I saw a woman on Public Television who is now an attorney. She told the story of how she learned English by watching Sesame Street in her home country.
OK, so back on topic here. I've been experimenting with lateral facing side cameras for some months now and have come to find them invaluable.

I like when I come to a traffic light or stop sign that I am capturing the traffic coming towards me from a long way off in either direction of the intersection, perpendicular to my line of travel.

Here is an example where I am a stop sign, preparing to turn left. The camera is capturing the entire road to the right of my vehicle, otherwise completely out of view of the front camera.
(Haven't checked the left facing camera in a day or two, so I only can show the right side camera at the moment.)

Of course, it can be very useful to capture cars traveling in the lane to either side of my vehicle. Often, I capture things I didn't even know were happening until I have reviewed the footage.

I also run my cameras when I am away from my vehicle and I find that lateral facing cameras are fantastic for parking mode.

This is especially useful in large parking lots.
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I know a English guy who moved over here, we use to go fishing a lot, and me and my friend talked to him in English and he talked back to us in Danish.
This often resulted in other anglers looking at us with a WTF look on ther face :D but we all enjoyed sharpening our second languages that way.

I think it was the south side of london he said we sounded like, i find that strange as i allways believed i was speaking American English.
...believed i was speaking American English.

There is no 'American English', just a lot of different accents using the same words (usually).

People living in Maine sound different than the rest of the New England area, and people in Boston sound different than both of them.

Texas and Oklahoma are bordering states but have different accents which in turn are different than the rest of the western states.

The southern states have their own accents but Louisiana is almost a different language in some areas. The most southern state, Florida, has almost no accent.

To complicate all this different words are used to describe the same thing in various areas of the country. In the midwest the word 'pop' is used to describe carbonated non-alcoholic beverages while in New England the word used is 'soda'. In the deep south where my son lives they used the word 'Coke' which in the rest of the country is a brand name the same as Coca Cola.

I could probably go on for a few pages on this subject but you get the idea - there is no 'American English'. :confused:
That is a fascinating field of study called Sociolinguistics.
I once met William Labov, the founder of the discipline (after dating his daughter).

There is no 'American English', just a lot of different accents using the same words (usually).

People living in Maine sound different than the rest of the New England area, and people in Boston sound different than both of them.

Texas and Oklahoma are bordering states but have different accents which in turn are different than the rest of the western states.

The southern states have their own accents but Louisiana is almost a different language in some areas. The most southern state, Florida, has almost no accent.

To complicate all this different words are used to describe the same thing in various areas of the country. In the midwest the word 'pop' is used to describe carbonated non-alcoholic beverages while in New England the word used is 'soda'. In the deep south where my son lives they used the word 'Coke' which in the rest of the country is a brand name the same as Coca Cola.

I could probably go on for a few pages on this subject but you get the idea - there is no 'American English'. :confused:
In this small country there is some local dialekts i can hardly undestand, and the ppl living on the island Bornholm speak more Swedish than Danish.
Sadly all these dialekts are as good as gone now, not only dont the kids from those areas speak it, but allso in general those areas of Denmark is getting more and more thin populated as ppl move to the big cities.
The goverment even pay to have old empty houses taken down in those outside areas, and offcourse i am the other way around i want to move there, but i cant as there is little jobs out there.

I dont know why the hell every body want to live in and around Copenhagen, 10 wild horses couldn't drag my ass over there.

I do love the southern dialekts in the US as they are presented in some movies, like Doc holiday in the movie Tombstone.

Really i should go to see/hear it for myself, but i fear that will never happen.
I would think the shape and profile of the Street Guardian SGZC12RC (aka Panorama X1 Remote Camera) would be ideal for the sides. I'll have to experiment for myself, and see what new customers thing as new feedback comes in. (newly released, so lots of exploring to do)

@niko Posted these pix

Left side


Right side

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I really wanted to mount my C3 camera off the rear door itself, but i was not able to do that with the mounting brackets i had.
I am allso pretty sure that if my airbags deployed both C3 camera and main body will be hit in ther current locations, but i simply cant do it much better with the C3 camera as the wire is pretty stiff, and due to its layout the wire come off the housing and strait into the car in a "large" loop.

So in that regard the X1 camera is much better then the C3, but both are easy to see in the side windows, too easy for my liking. ( will snap pics like the one niko have made of the X1 )

I am leaning towards the mobius with a lens extension and then hide the body in the door, but then one will allso have to do somthing to be able to get hold of the SD card, and the camera would be down low on the door window and not up high where i would prefer it to be.

:) i think its best to just not be too serious about this for a while untill more optimal solutions are available.
Kamkar, I'd like to commend you on your use of the English language. It's well known that we British are very lazy when it comes to language foriegn to us, and always expect others (naively) to use English.
I know English is now regarded as the universal business language, but that has just served to make native English speaking countries even lazier with our communication skills.
Here's a slightly different approach to side cam choice and logistics: two sets of dual-channel dashcams, whereby two main cams set up as front and rear, and two secondary - as side cams? Just a thought ;)