SJCAM SJ4000+ 2K Gyro Official Owner's Thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2015
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Hello SJ4000+ Plus 2K Gyro Action Cam Users,

We have opened this official thread for support direct from (official SJCAM site), product update information and new firmware release support.
How can we know we have a original sj4000 i have one unbranded that i got from antelife in Set/14

Is there any way to check if mine is a original one ?
How can we know we have a original sj4000 i have one unbranded that i got from antelife in Set/14

Is there any way to check if mine is a original one ?

Does your model have Wifi? If so, please try connecting to the SJCAM App QR code which should be printed on the packaging.

You can also try here:

Please send a link of the Description. if it says SJCAM SJ4000 and there is no logo on the front of the unit, then it is a fake.
A couple questions:

1- when did your boxes start to have that security code ?

2- my camera have wifi and it connects to my android on sjcam app version2.9.8(422) the camera firmware version is G2015048V02 from Apr 8 2015

But on your post you say no logo on the front its a fake, but on your security check page you have:

5) Software and App: This is the best way to confirm that you bought a genuine SJCAM. Non-SJCAM products will not work with SJCAM firmware. The short-cut to verify the WiFi version of any SJCAM is to simply connect to first install the SJCAM App onto your device (Android or Mac) and try to connect your camera with it. If you are connected, then your SJCAM is 100% Original.

Were do i stay my camera have no logo on the front, but it connects perfectly to the android app?
This is a bit of a nonsense to be honest with you. If a camera does not have a logo it does not 100% mean its a fake. Earliest batches of non WiFi camera had no logo.
In attempt to defer from you are leaving some people quite confused and provide incorrect information at the same time. It might not be your fault as you said you are new to SJCAM, but your employee should explain to you such things.

Is there any way you can buy off, as this is so confusing for your customers. For instance I got a message from a person who wanted to get tech support for sj4000 and instead got offered to wait and buy Git2?

Just offering a friendly advice, not trying to be sarcastic as usual. People are quite unsatisfied with how handles their requests lately, it harms your brand for sure.

#1 With SJ5000+ WiFi, and was later implemented in some SJ4000 (late batches).
#2 good for you
#5 If it works with app its genuine one.
You can read this guide I wrote for more detailed info on identifying fake cameras.

If your camera is working just fine, why on earth would you bother with fake vs real thing?
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@efcm Okay, you said "Set/14 " so this mean September 2014 or September 14. If it was September 2014 then not having a logo is a possibility. SJCAM's have all had logos for around a year now.

@Pavle - has zero affiliation with (VIOFO) anymore.

So.... this is very true: "Is there any way you can buy off, as this is so confusing for your customers. For instance I got a message from a person who wanted to get tech support for sj4000 and instead got offered to wait and buy Git2?

Just offering a friendly advice, not trying to be sarcastic as usual. People are quite unsatisfied with how handles their requests lately, it harms your brand for sure."

Viofo( is pushing their own brand as you mentioned above and have apparently stopped offering support via site and this freshdesk:

I hope this clears up some of the confusion.

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Is there any way you can buy off, as this is so confusing for your customers. For instance I got a message from a person who wanted to get tech support for sj4000 and instead got offered to wait and buy Git2?

Just offering a friendly advice, not trying to be sarcastic as usual. People are quite unsatisfied with how handles their requests lately, it harms your brand for sure.

Ah, so you know the difference. You are asking if we can purchase the domain from them? We will see if they will sell. We agree it is not fair to our customers.

We will be launching a new site with complete support section to better service SJCAM customers. Thanks for your concern for SJCAM customers.

@Pavle - has zero affiliation with (VIOFO) anymore.

Viofo( is pushing their own brand as you mentioned above and have apparently stopped offering support via site and this freshdesk:

I don't want to talk this as is off topic, but I have to say something.

This is the first time that I saw you or your company said have zero affiliation with SJCAM.COM. OK, this depend on you.

But I wish you think twice before you post, how do you get info that we stopped support for
We would not do such stupid thing, if someone buy from us, if no support, they can easily open a paypal case then get money back.
But we got many email every days, we try to do best.
Our SJCAM support team work longer time than every other people. But actually the retail sale is not good, maybe hugely affected by your online store, so most of the time we are replying email for whom not buy from us.

If you don't satisfy with our support for SJCAM, even we can create an agent on freshdesk for you, you can reply emails on freshdesk directly.
As you have your own official website last year, so we think we should do what we need do.

I did some checking why suggest Git2, I am not sure if @pavel mentioned is from this customer.
Someone asked if we have some models that come with specific sensor, I told our support team only our Git2 support, see attached.
We just show the product info to users who want to know it, we did not try to marketing GitUp cameras by this way.


This shows me that you guys are not taking care of your past customers - paypal disputes or not. Please do not come on our threads again if possible.

I am not sure which email Pavle received from Git but we have heard similar. email seems also to not be getting answered. your site chat is always offline which also shows that you are not serious about supporting sjcam products.

I think Pavle may be right that you guys should sell your site to us if you don't want to fully support "all" the products you sell.



  • sjcam-viofo-freshdesk.jpg
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This shows me that you guys are not taking care of your past customers - paypal disputes or not. Please do not come on our threads again if possible.

I am not sure which email Pavle received from Git but we have heard similar. email seems also to not be getting answered. your site chat is always offline which also shows that you are not serious about supporting sjcam products.

I think Pavle may be right that you guys should sell your site to us if you don't want to fully support "all" the products you sell.

I think from now on I should come here often, thank you for bring us here.
We do what we should do for SJCAM. I know for you, it is easily to forget everything we did for SJCAM, and then just want to get the SJCAM.COM.
This is getting off topic. Please PM me if you have anything else you would like to say. Let's keep the forums here for support. Not for talking about the history if the sites.

This is getting off topic. Please PM me if you have anything else you would like to say. Let's keep the forums here for support. Not for talking about the history if the sites.

I think I can talk here freely, also in future I will focus on talking products.
If you don't want to talk about the history, you need double think what you are talking.
Pavle brought up the complaint about users not receiving support from your site, not Us. Many people are confused still.

As long as you guys also can provide excellent service for SJCAM products, we'll be happy.

Without wanting to go into it , here is a reply a reader send to me :

You should know that I always say what I mean, so that is why I brought up the topic, as it seamed quite confusing.
Hi Pevly. Hi hi sorry. Forget your name but not to worry. I emailed sjcam with concerns about the sj4000 as to gimbal use on multi copter. They came back to me which really shocked me and this is what they had to say.

Dear Richard,

Glad to know you, and thank you for your advices, I'm Leo Zhou from VIOFO LTD.
VIOFO runs SJCAM( for action camera ) and VIOFO (for car dash camera), and now we have a new product--- GitUp action camera.

Brand: GitUP
Models: Git1, Git2

The GitUp action camera is for middle-high end market, which have same compact size like GoPro, you could put GitUp camera into GoPro's gimbal and waterproof case, 100% fit, it has same USB port like GoPro which can connect power in and AV out at the same USB port.

Also it has better battery than SJCAM, it have almost 2 hours and 15 minutes battery life.

Have you any experience with this action cam. I emailed them back to see if I could blag a camera from them for fpv testing but I probably will never hear anything back from them regard this but sure.

I'm a little annoyed however as I only received their email after ordering an Xiaomi camera to try on My hexacopter.

Here is some pictures. I can only add 1 this way. Please check your pictures I will upload a few now. Note these are screen shots from a PDF file they sent me.

This can also be seen on my Facebook page
This is what I received.

So what shocks me are two things :
  • Why sjcamhd does not continue to sell on like they used to?
  • Why does not improve support?
With these two things fixed, you can :
1. Improve customer satisfaction which is getting lower last few months.
2. Make more money which is what both @sjcam_official and @viofo want

So why not make piece and start improving service and making money? I am the only one here to see that you are being suborn and ignoring most important thing - customer satisfaction.

I know its none of my business, but I actually care for action camera community. SJCAM created something good and now ****ted all over it with this internal problems.

It appears that my posts only bring more troubles :) Oh well.
Without wanting to go into it , here is a reply a reader send to me :

You should know that I always say what I mean, so that is why I brought up the topic, as it seamed quite confusing.
Hi Pevly. Hi hi sorry. Forget your name but not to worry. I emailed sjcam with concerns about the sj4000 as to gimbal use on multi copter. They came back to me which really shocked me and this is what they had to say.

Dear Richard,

Glad to know you, and thank you for your advices, I'm Leo Zhou from VIOFO LTD.
VIOFO runs SJCAM( for action camera ) and VIOFO (for car dash camera), and now we have a new product--- GitUp action camera.

Brand: GitUP
Models: Git1, Git2

The GitUp action camera is for middle-high end market, which have same compact size like GoPro, you could put GitUp camera into GoPro's gimbal and waterproof case, 100% fit, it has same USB port like GoPro which can connect power in and AV out at the same USB port.

Also it has better battery than SJCAM, it have almost 2 hours and 15 minutes battery life.

Have you any experience with this action cam. I emailed them back to see if I could blag a camera from them for fpv testing but I probably will never hear anything back from them regard this but sure.

I'm a little annoyed however as I only received their email after ordering an Xiaomi camera to try on My hexacopter.

Here is some pictures. I can only add 1 this way. Please check your pictures I will upload a few now. Note these are screen shots from a PDF file they sent me.

This can also be seen on my Facebook page
This is what I received.

So what shocks me are two things :
  • Why sjcamhd does not continue to sell on like they used to?
  • Why does not improve support?
With these two things fixed, you can :
1. Improve customer satisfaction which is getting lower last few months.
2. Make more money which is what both @sjcam_official and @viofo want

So why not make piece and start improving service and making money? I am the only one here to see that you are being suborn and ignoring most important thing - customer satisfaction.

I know its none of my business, but I actually care for action camera community. SJCAM created something good and now ****ted all over it with this internal problems.

It appears that my posts only bring more troubles :) Oh well.

Wow, You just opened a big can of worms.......

This can also be seen on my Facebook page
This is what I received.

So what shocks me are two things :
  • Why sjcamhd does not continue to sell on like they used to?
  • Why does not improve support?
With these two things fixed, you can :
1. Improve customer satisfaction which is getting lower last few months.
2. Make more money which is what both @sjcam_official and @viofo want

So why not make piece and start improving service and making money? I am the only one here to see that you are being suborn and ignoring most important thing - customer satisfaction.

I know its none of my business, but I actually care for action camera community. SJCAM created something good and now ****ted all over it with this internal problems.
I did recheck with that email, we gave some suggestion for the customer, is not a professional reply.
But to satisfy the customer, and as we sell both SJCAM and GtiUp camera, we recommend the better one.
It seems he like our camera much, even he created a new thread on the forum to talk the GitUp camera, so it is not bad.

To simply ask your question, if it is more and more difficult to make money for selling SJCAM, I don't think we need more people for support.
We do support, then customers come to manufactures, we lost many customers who have bought products from us before.
So we need re-think the relationships, and do something different, not only sell SJCAM.

@pavel "It appears that my posts only bring more troubles :) Oh well."

I think it is OK to talk this, I see you want to know history about the action cam, this is also a part of action cam history.