Some G90C issues

I did ;)

Reliability is still crap! Regularly cuts out after 25 seconds. :mad:
They are HDR artifacts (assuming you mean the trees) which you should only see when HDR is on - it works great when the car is stood still but when you're moving the two frames are always going to be different

shouldn't look like that though, something is amiss
Ah ok now I'm looking on the laptop and not the phone it looks worse - what seller was this one from and will they swap it?
Soooo much noise. The rearcam is a GT680, compare those two images...
Ah ok now I'm looking on the laptop and not the phone it looks worse - what seller was this one from and will they swap it?

Foxoffer. I had to pay some import tax (30%) and sending it back will take another 30 euro. I'm not prepered to shell out even more for a G90.
I'm getting myself a LS360W.
I'm not sure how much they are over there but you may also want to check out the SG9665GC from - I had the LS460W and the SG9665GC has slightly better picture quality at night.

I did read way back when the LS360W was running slightly better than the 460 - not sure if that was just problems with the initial 460 cameras that they have fixed now.

@jokiin you could do with a reseller in the Netherlands as it seems to be a rapidly growing market!
The SG looks good but I fear it won't work on the nearly upright windshield of my westfield. And I didn't find any sellers in the netherlands. So a price is hard to determine.
Looks pricey over a LS360W. (as I don't need the GPS)

Netherlands are (according to the media) running 100000 cams (on 10 million cars). it tripled in the last year.
Rene ( ) is one reseller you could contact. He has quite the reputation for customer service amongst the dutch dashcam community.
Although he had to stop the policy of paying after you had recieved the cam after people took advantage.
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Yeah I've noticed the DOD is popular there - it's very cheap too actually as I paid €210 for my LS460 way back when and I've just seen it listed at €139.

I've driven through the Netherlands in the past but pre dashcam days, I should do it again as there would be some nice footage :)
As for the Westfield there is a thicker mount provided with the SG that allows mounting on almost vertical windows - looking at pics i think it would work but @jokiin would know better - if it would work I'm not sure if @niko could maybe do you a deal?
The more I read about the SG the more I like it.
I want to go back to a smaller viewing angle (copmared to the GT680 and G90C)
But I can't find any info on the aperture? Is it F1.6?
That's a question for @jokiin to be honest.

Night video is cleaner than the GT680W and more sensitive than the G90 due to the IMX322 sensor.

It's on YT so not the best quality but here's a sped up journey showing 200 miles:

The DOD LS range are a nice camera but sometimes they can lose focus in heat whereas the SG is designed to cope with the Australian heat so works better due to metal lens holders etc.

As for the SGZC12RC it may be worth hanging on while they swap lenses on that one.
That's a question for @jokiin to be honest.
I was kinda hoping for him to respond. ;) Can't find the info anywhere online yet.
But you say its clearer than a 460W (F1.6)?

I was perfectly happy with a GT300W until it broke after two years. The 680W was a step down in quality and this G90C is simply unacceptable.
The example videos I see fron the SG don't look much better than the images from that GT300W, at least if I look at the distance you can read a licenceplate from.
But I can't find any info on the aperture? Is it F1.6?

f/2.0, we are using a 2mp sensor though, our pixel size is larger than the 3.5mp models so we can still achieve a better low light result than you can with smaller pixels and a larger f/stop
@niko does some special deal for members here, not sure what that is exactly, its still going to be dearer than the DOD though, different hardware which costs us more, our hardware is more comparable to the LS460W

Ultimately though buy what suits your needs and budget, if the cheaper DOD does what you need then why not