Still issues with newest batches?


New Member
Mar 10, 2015
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Was thinking of pulling the trigger on the Mini 0806 as it seems to fit what I want (1080P @ 30 recording, discreet form factor that can stay always attached, etc), however the more I read it seems like these are plagued with bugs and build quality issues.

Does anyone know if most of these have been fixed, or is it really luck of the draw for this camera? I also don't mind spending close to $150-200 on a dashcam, but I really want it to work out of the box, and not need electrical fixes or have something fail on it in short order...
I wouldn't say they are plagued with bugs and build quality issues, that would suggest that the problems are out of control. Being new, we are hearing about most issues as people can't necessarily find an instant answer through searching.

Quality issues:
  • There is still the occasional focus issue but not many now, most were from batch 1, the blind focus bench worker must have been moved to another job.
  • There is the occasional internal cable problem which causes power and gps failure but they seem to be getting rarer, most were early batch 2 - assembly staff needed some practice.
  • The gps reception issue from batch 1 seems to have been completely sorted.
  • There are quite a few memory card issues - people buying fake memory cards, nothing to do with the camera.
  • A few people have mentioned jerky playback, but that is always the playback device and nothing to do with the camera.
  • There have been a very small number of people mention the camera locking up and then getting warm, not common and I've not seen an explanation.
  • The rest of the quality issues seem to be one or two offs, like the power indicator not working, not common problems.

And the bugs:
  • The confusion between km/h and mph was sorted long ago.
  • I'm still waiting for the LDWS speed threshold to be implemented so that it is as described in the manual.
  • Some people are saying it doesn't alternate between cards when set to Auto on the card selection.
  • Some Australians would like 0.5 hour time zone adjustments which it doesn't provide.
  • It now appears to be fully working with exFAT memory cards.

That's about all I can think of...

And we are still waiting for the Parking Guard Mount.

I assume there are thousands being sold, maybe thousands to people who have visited this site yet we only see a few problem reports. I don't actually have any figures though other than Combi have sold well over 100 at around 5 per day and so far we have only heard of 1 being returned to them - a return rate of less than 1%. (Of course some may have been returned without reporting here.)

As for image quality, three of these were taken by my 0806 and the other by an Olympus stills camera costing three times as much:




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Just fired up my 0806 this morning for the first time (This is my first post to the forum).
I installed 2 Samsung 32gb micro SDHC cards along with the Registrator download.
Focus is fine and the playback is smooth.
I've only tried it out indoors and do not know about the GPS but I'll update if there is an issue.
No heating/shutdown issues.
I have no beautiful still photos to share like Conundrum's (BTW what resolution were you using Conundrum and were you using the CPL filter??).
Overall I'm very pleased with my 0806 and I will be getting a second one for the rear view if it will take decent shots out of my camper shell with the tinted rear window (I'll maybe have to experiment with the exposure/white balance settings?).
This has been a wonderful forum for someone such as myself who is brand new to the dash cam world and needs information and lots of tips.
Pictures were in Nigel's post not mine...I'm still debating this camera.

One question if the newest batches are better, how can you be sure you are getting one of them vs older stock? I'm also in Canada, so I was thinking of ordering from someplace in country if possible. I know I found it here for example:
off topic...why are sheeps with red dye on back?
off topic...why are sheeps with red dye on back?
Target practice. :D

Maybe so they can find them easily on the snow.
Pictures were in Nigel's post not mine...I'm still debating this camera.

One question if the newest batches are better, how can you be sure you are getting one of them vs older stock? I'm also in Canada, so I was thinking of ordering from someplace in country if possible. I know I found it here for example:
I think all of the old batch is gone by now.
Got mine from Joovuu which took awhile as they were waiting for the newer batch. I've since ordered a hardwire kit from Joovuu which arrived in less that a week which leads me to believe that Joovuu was being honest and reputable. I believe the packaging/box is what gives it away as being a new model. Mine also had the newest (2015) firmware installed as well.
BTW what resolution were you using Conundrum and were you using the CPL filter??
The images above are all at 2560 x 1080 resolution and yes, the CPL was used - you can see the rocks on the bottom of the river bed instead of reflections of the sky, although it wasn't carefully adjusted so maybe could have had even clearer water.

off topic...why are sheeps with red dye on back?
They are bred for knitting patterned red and white woollen hats. There are some blue stripy ones as well...
Olympus ? The image at far distances and the edges seems sharper in this one.
Yes, but I had to add some artificial sharpening because the 0806 was noticeably sharper than the original Olympus image, it was getting a bit dark for the Olympus but still fine for the 0806. (0806 images have not been touched.) The most obvious difference is that the Olympus has de-warp but you can't always see that if there are no straight lines.
off topic...why are sheeps with red dye on back?
Couldn't find an image of a blue stripy one, but here is a pink and red one:

The main reason is that they are all running wild on common land (and roads), not on farmland, so when their owners want to capture them it saves a lot of time if you can see which are yours from a few miles away.
The images above are all at 2560 x 1080 resolution and yes, the CPL was used - you can see the rocks on the bottom of the river bed instead of reflections of the sky, although it wasn't carefully adjusted so maybe could have had even clearer water.

Thank you Nigel, the photos are beautiful and I apoligize for mis- identifying you in my post.
Was thinking of pulling the trigger on the Mini 0806 as it seems to fit what I want (1080P @ 30 recording, discreet form factor that can stay always attached, etc), however the more I read it seems like these are plagued with bugs and build quality issues.

Does anyone know if most of these have been fixed, or is it really luck of the draw for this camera? I also don't mind spending close to $150-200 on a dashcam, but I really want it to work out of the box, and not need electrical fixes or have something fail on it in short order...
Keep in mind that regardless of quality, this is not a camera that can live full time in a car without removal. It has a lithium ion battery so it will need to be removed when parked on very hot days and very cold days. If you are looking for such, look to a camera with super capacitors.

If you're looking for discreet, look at the Mobius A,B or C lens with a capacitor kit and if you prefer a screen, the A118 capacitor models. The Mobius will have better night quality and has proven very reliable.
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My advice? Wait for batch 3+ unless you want to risk having to open up the camera to fix bad factory focus. Blind camera focus person was the one who focused my batch 2 camera, and who knows if they are still doing it today. If you are willing to take that risk, it's a great camera.
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Pictures were in Nigel's post not mine...I'm still debating this camera.

One question if the newest batches are better, how can you be sure you are getting one of them vs older stock? I'm also in Canada, so I was thinking of ordering from someplace in country if possible. I know I found it here for example:

We just got a new shipment two days ago, so if you order with us, you'll for sure get one from the newest batch! ;)

Also, like Nigel explained, the Mini 0806 has proven to be quite reliable. We've received very little reports of problems. You are only seeing posts of issues people are facing just because of how popular this dash cam is. However, the manufacturer has been able to iron out the issues very quickly.

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We just got a new shipment two days ago, so if you order with us, you'll for sure get one from the newest batch! ;)

Also, like Nigel explained, the Mini 0806 has proven to be quite reliable. We've received very little reports of problems. You are only seeing posts of issues people are facing just because of how popular this dash cam is. However, the manufacturer has been able to iron out the issues very quickly.

Thanks for posting that, it's always good to hear about reliability from someone who has some real statistics :)

Looks like Combi in the UK also got a new batch in and are busy selling again.
We just got a new shipment two days ago, so if you order with us, you'll for sure get one from the newest batch! ;)


Is this considered the 3rd batch of cameras that I read before was supposed to come out in March?