Stupid Romanian driver flipped his car nearly hitting us.

Mark S-H

Active Member
Jan 4, 2015
Reaction score
Pomorie, Bulgaria
Dash Cam
K6000, G1WH, G1WC, B1W, B4K
Hi, I have just joined DashCamTalk and Happy New Year to all. :)

This was an incident in August 2013 that I recorded...

Driving west to east towards Recas in Romania on 2nd August 2013.
(Approx. GPS Coords N45 46.712 E021 21.318).
This crazy Romanian driver lost control of his car and tumbled over to my side of the road. I had to swerve over to the wrong side to avoid him.
....Excuse the occasional swearing - at the time this was a scary moment!! :eek:

Please 'LIKE' if you think this is fairly dramatic!:)

Recorded with a K6000 dashcam.

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We walked back and made sure the driver was ok.
He had a large cut across his chest/stomach and had hit his head. The woman had also hit her head and cut her arm. They had got out and were walking around. :eek:
Looks like someone fell asleep at the wheel, or was not paying attention, and dropped a wheel off the side of the road and jerked it back to quick.
I think perhaps he was just driving too fast for the right-hand bend and was also maybe overtaking and just over-steered, lost control and couldn't regain control...or perhaps you maybe correct, he fell asleep, or even had a few too many glasses of vino the night before!! ;) Needless to say, the car was a total write-off and I imagine he got a good talking to from the woman/wife. :)
please turn off the anti-shake option in youtube... it makes it look like your camera is drunk.

glad to hear that the people in that car actually got out on their own and were walking around... looked pretty nasty!