Suggestion for file naming convention on all Viofo equipment


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
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Dash Cam
Hi all,

Change the filename counter so it increments for the entire day not just per journey.

This will tell you straight away if any recordings are missing.

File names.
2018.0124.013015.001.MP4 24/01/2018 01:30 - 01:35Hrs time recording started
2018.0124.013515.002.MP4 24/01/2018 01:35 - 01:40Hrs cont recording
2018.0124.112010.003.MP4 24/01/2018 11:20 - 11:25Hrs New journey.
2018.0124.134510.004.MP4 24/01/2018 13:45 - 13:50Hrs New journey.
2018.0124.154510.005.MP4 24/01/2018 15:45 - 15:50Hrs New journey.
Many journeys later the last file for the day. Note the counter number 150 - it keeps counting up until the next day starts.
2018.0124.234510.150.MP4 24/01/2018 23:45 - 23:50Hrs New journey.

| New day first run.
2018.0125.134510.001.MP4 25/01/2018 13:45 - 13:50Hrs New day first New journey for the day so the counter resets to .001

@viofo @VIOFO_Support
@DashcamDPR Consolidated text - thanks for pointing out the way the counter works currently.
@jokiin Consolidated the text :)

Removed the book I had started to write here! Consolidated it to what I hope is easier to understand.
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I think the counter resets per journey, not for the hour

so when the cam is switched off, then back on, regardless of time, the first file of that switch-on, will start with 001
An example was I had my car in for some work and because they only started it and moved it a short distance the capacitors didn't even create a file. My car just mysteriously moved from the inside of the garage to the outside, yet the counter was showing that it appeared no files had been missed as it was the next hour. I only realised it when I was checking my recordings. In this case it didn't create a file as I ran an undelete deep cycle program and it didn't find any missing.

did you ever consider if your camera was disconnected at this time?
did you ever consider if your camera was disconnected at this time?

I think the counter resets per journey, not for the hour

@DashcamDPR thanks for the reply it seems I missed that "feature" Checked a stack of my files and they all appear to end on the end of the journey. I seem to have some files that are missing in the middle of the count and others that are corrupt at the end. This could be the DVR being loose between the GPS and the DVR.

@jokiin you raise a good point when the car went in to another shop they did disconnect it but it was obvious as it just was missing a block of video. The mechanic previously recharged my aircon and strangely less than a month later my aircon pump died. I guess he didn't want me to see what if anything he did the second time as it cost me to be told its broken. I had forgotten the camera was even on the car.

All that aside the recording of video does not prove what the last file was, it is assumed. If the counter kept incrementing it would be a lot clearer to check.

I have lost files and had files that are corrupt and think having the sequential numbers would highlight if there was a problem.

Thanks both of you for your input.

I'll correct my incorrect assumption regarding the file counter going back to 001 every hour. Still would like to see sequential numbering however.
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