Super Capacitor & Android App/Device

I just refitted two super caps after having camera trouble. The N5 seems hit and miss on it's power output. It corrupted the cards in both cameras when connected via the 3m cable.

It wasn't too smart of me to try this at 10pm in the dark, but hopefully it will prevent anyone else from making the same mistake!

It looks like the y cable is necessary when the N5 is used with the 3m cable. I will test and confirm tomorrow.
So, has it been determined that you can use the 3 meter USB cable supplied with the Mobius to view video and change setting with an Android phone without corrupting the memory card as long as you use the Y type OTG cable that supplies power to the Mobius?
Yes I can confirm the 3m cable, y type OTG cable and nexus 5 will work without corruption of the file system.
I can't get it to work with Y cable + Nexus 5/7/5x
Anything you need to do to enable the OTG on Android? I'm on 6.0.1