Tinted windows

The lense is clean. I can also notice the blurry image when inside the vehicle.
Morning everyone,
I removed the CPL filter and there is an improvement however the light issue is only across one horizontal line on the rear windscreen.
View attachment 56453
View attachment 56454
The horizontal artifact you're seeing (faint fuzzy horizontal black line) is one of the defroster heating wires that happens to be in the center of the image. Where it crosses the windshield of the two cars it distorts the image. Because it's so close to the camera it is completely out of focus. In the two photos at the beginning of this thread you can also see this effect. In the first photo ('after' with the rainbow in the windshield) if you zoom in you can barely see the fuzzy line in the street at the front of the silver van on the left and it continues to the left across the parked blue and black cars. In the 'Before' picture the camera is aimed up more (note the difference in the wiper arm location) and the out-of-focus heater wire is more visible extending from the street-side mirror of the car behind us to the front of the black car parked across the street.
We have solar blinds, basically the same as car window tinting but highly silver on the outside, as a roller blind. I have B+W linear (left) and circular (right) polarising filters. Looking through them both, the blind causes the rainbow effect. The linear polarising filter creates a touch more rainbow effect than the circular polarising filter. So based on this test sample stick with circular polarising.
Thanks again for all your comments. Installer is having a look and see if it something can be done.
The simple thing to do would be to remove the CPL from your rear camera and live with some reflections.
It has been removed. I have been told that it also depends on the quality of the film. If the installer can do something about it then that will be good if not then I will live with it.
It has been removed. I have been told that it also depends on the quality of the film. If the installer can do something about it then that will be good if not then I will live with it.

I'm aware that different types of window tint films can affect the severity of this problem to one degree or another but I don't believe that it will go away. While you may be able to reduce the issue with a different tint film you can't change the physics of what is causing the issue.

In any event, please report back with the results of your installer's inspection and advice.
I'm aware that different types of window tint films can affect the severity of this problem to one degree or another but I don't believe that it will go away. While you may be able to reduce the issue with a different tint film you can't change the physics of what is causing the issue.

In any event, please report back with the results of your installer's inspection and advice.
Will do!