Trade shows


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia ~ Shenzhen, China
Dash Cam
Too many ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have just finished the Global Sources show in Shenzhen, it's a domestic market show but still quite a few international buyers which was good, quite a lot of interest for us that we weren't really expecting

Next show we'll be at is in 6 weeks in Hong Kong which will be more international, anyway here's a couple of pics of our booth from the show for no particular reason
12 copy.jpg 18 copy.jpg 24 copy.jpg 04 copy.jpg
Looking good - some interesting models there mate - have you tweaked the G for the Australian market as well? One of Niko's comments about the G being USA and Australia market specific makes much more sense now :)

What are the timescales on that SG-7LA50G please? Is that going to be Aptina or Omnivision based? That combo with an OV sensor would be a right winner :) And plans for a 70 in there longer term or are you saving that for the GuardTrak?
have you tweaked the G for the Australian market as well? One of Niko's comments about the G being USA and Australia market specific makes much more sense now :)

we have some changes getting done now, still underway but is due to ship in a few weeks time

What are the timescales on that SG-7LA50G please? Is that going to be Aptina or Omnivision based?

that model is Aptina, we have another we're working on with the OV4689, no timeframe on either at this stage, tooling is done but still has more bugs than a council flat at this stage so lots of work to do in firmware before it's ready to go

And plans for a 70 in there longer term or are you saving that for the GuardTrak?

could happen, undecided at this stage

So is there a way I could get a list of every camera you've made. Just the ones actually released. Not asking for secrets here, just some clarity on any existing models models for sale that you/your company(/ies) have put out.

With the GT2S cancelled I can't wait much longer; but I've been SO impressed with the GT2S story and your level of commitment, that I want my next camera to have YOUR name on it, so to speak.

So I just need to know which cameras those are :D
Show prep ;)

Daft question but when you do shows like this do you just display empty boxes or do you take some actual full retail kits / samples to give away to really interested folks?

I'm not thinking about a trip to China to get a few freebies but am just thinking if you meet people there who are really serious about buying I guess them going away with something is really good PR?
we take finished product, we don't give it away though, the ones that ask for freebies generally just want something for nothing and have no intention of buying (I won't get into stereotypes but they generally speak with thick accents) anyone that's serious never hesitates to pay for a sample, sample costs get refunded when an order happens anyway
That's the sort of thing I was wondering thanks mate - it definitely makes more sense about the way that works though - you at least know people are serious that way :)

Will you be doing a bit of floor walking as well to see what the competition are up to while you're out there?
That's the sort of thing I was wondering thanks mate - it definitely makes more sense about the way that works though - you at least know people are serious that way :)

Will you be doing a bit of floor walking as well to see what the competition are up to while you're out there?

will be having a bit of a poke around as time permits
You should definitely take pictures of any fit women that are working there selling stuff!

You could get one of the C12s set up doing motion detection inside the booth and then do a post show YT clip! A bit random but shows people who don't realise how it works :)
You should definitely take pictures of any fit women that are working there selling stuff!

They don't do that here, not like western trade shows

You could get one of the C12s set up doing motion detection inside the booth and then do a post show YT clip! A bit random but shows people who don't realise how it works :)

Interesting idea
What's that? o_O