Unreliable Ignition On Recording

I see a shutdown bug was confirmed on 1.20 so maybe better not to use that while trying to troubleshoot the problem

I had my first Mobius problem last week after going to 1.20 . My car has keyless start (ie. push button) and when you shut if off it kills everything (ie. engine and ACC power). You can't turn the engine off and go straight to ACC- like with a traditional keyed ignition system.

So, I turned the engine off and then immediately wanted to listen to the radio - so pushed the "START" button to get ACC power on. However, both Mobius shut down and failed to restart. I've definitely performed the same procedure with older firmware versions and not had this problem. The Mobius are powered from ACC power.
I'm guessing you have yours set to 10 sec delay on shutdown. If power is applied while the camera is shutting down, the Mobius will not start up. One process has to end before another can start .
Yes, but I've never noticed this before the update to V1.20 ( I usually check when I do changes to the IGN to check the Mobius is operating okay.)

I would also have thought it would still restart (after the shut down has finished) given the USB power is sitting there?
Today on Techmoan's G1W Blog, someone who previously reported that...

"If I disconnect the power from the accessories socket and plug it in after the car was started it works fine but to me this is not how it’s supposed to work but I can live with it"

... has discovered that the problem was caused by a faulty accessory socket USB adapter. Having replaced it with a different USB adapter, his G1W now starts recording when the engine is started.

Possibly worth consideration by Mobius owners with this issue?
A problem has been acknowledge with the Mobius (at engine start up) as being a software/ hardware timing issue.

What I had happen the other day could indicate during Mobius shutdown you can have a similar event occur. I need to do some experimenting.
I've read through the thread, but I can't recall anyone relate my experience per se.

Others seem to have a problem when first starting the car, but my problem is when the car is stalled (I'm a driving instructor, so the car stalls several times a day!). When the learner restarts the car, the Mobius stops functioning, so unless I pull the cable out of the cigarette lighter socket and re-insert it, the cam won't function. This problem has only recently developed. Previously the cam would continue to run even after the stall and restart. I drive a Toyota Corolla, and when the car stalls the power to the lighter socket remains intact.

So is it because of a firmware update, and can I revert to older firmware to overcome the problem? Or is it because of a power surge and should the learner theoretically wait 5 sec before restarting the car.....but then how come the problem didn't occur previously?

I would appreciate your thoughts?

Since posting the above, I tried reverting to earlier firmware, but with no result.

I have tried several permutations in the settings re Power off delay, Power off standby etc, and the only option that works is if I choose the "Disabled" button in the Power-Off Disconnect option.

So if the car stalls and is restarted, the camera stays on...woohoo!.....but the only drawback then is it will continue to stay on after the car is switched off and I leave the car at the end of the day. So the only workaround I can think of is to press the button to manually switch off the cam at the end of the day. If I don't then it will continue running until the internal battery dies!! Not the best solution, but better than trying to monitor the cam every time a learner stalls.
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I've read through the thread, but I can't recall anyone relate my experience per se.

Others seem to have a problem when first starting the car, but my problem is when the car is stalled (I'm a driving instructor, so the car stalls several times a day!). When the learner restarts the car, the Mobius stops functioning, so unless I pull the cable out of the cigarette lighter socket and re-insert it, the cam won't function. This problem has only recently developed. Previously the cam would continue to run even after the stall and restart. I drive a Toyota Corolla, and when the car stalls the power to the lighter socket remains intact.

So is it because of a firmware update, and can I revert to older firmware to overcome the problem? Or is it because of a power surge and should the learner theoretically wait 5 sec before restarting the car.....but then how come the problem didn't occur previously?

I would appreciate your thoughts?

Since posting the above, I tried reverting to earlier firmware, but with no result.

I have tried several permutations in the settings re Power off delay, Power off standby etc, and the only option that works is if I choose the "Disabled" button in the Power-Off Disconnect option.

So if the car stalls and is restarted, the camera stays on...woohoo!.....but the only drawback then is it will continue to stay on after the car is switched off and I leave the car at the end of the day. So the only workaround I can think of is to press the button to manually switch off the cam at the end of the day. If I don't then it will continue running until the internal battery dies!! Not the best solution, but better than trying to monitor the cam every time a learner stalls.
The developer is aware that there are power-on issues under certain circumstances but I have no idea why your problem only appeared recently. We are currently testing new firmware and the results are looking encouraging although there will always be one point in which a power-on will not trigger - when the camera is shutting down.
Thanks for your reply Isoprop. Looking forward to the new firmware.

Just to clarify, when the learner stalls the car, the camera is still running OK and is not in shutting down mode. The camera only switches off, AFTER the learner re-starts the car....at no point are the electrics to the cigarette lighter socket off during this process to shut down the camera.
Others seem to have a problem when first starting the car, but my problem is when the car is stalled (I'm a driving instructor, so the car stalls several times a day!). When the learner restarts the car, the Mobius stops functioning, so unless I pull the cable out of the cigarette lighter socket and re-insert it, the cam won't function. This problem has only recently developed. Previously the cam would continue to run even after the stall and restart. I drive a Toyota Corolla, and when the car stalls the power to the lighter socket remains intact..

That is a very similar situation (power wise) to what I posted at the top of the page. I did the same thing the other day (but with a shorter pause between IGN OFF and ACC ON and didn't have it occur.) I recently updated to 1.20 and never noticed it happen in nearly 12mths with the older firmware.... Perhaps I just never timed it "right" with the previous firmware for it to happen?