USB Type C (slim reversible USB connectors you've been waiting for)

I was pushing for these on the 0806 but Rayman was saying they're too expensive for now - they'll be great when they're more popular though for all those computer accessories - the Apple Lightning connector has certainly helped push them down this route :)
As far as this is concerned, I get the new power ability but I never saw a need for the fits both ways. I mean how hard is it if it doesn’t fit to turn it over? Have we gotten so lazy that we cant just turn a plug over if it does not fit the first time?
miniUSB is easy enough to insert by a quick look/feel I guess. microUSB is a bit of a pain especially on an android phone even going in the right direction. I love the lightning connector on my iPhone. If they are building a new high power faster USB connecter they might as well go al out and make it reversible. I'm ready for it. The heck with backwards compatibility as long as there is one of each port on our computer for now.
I find the biggest problem is when USB plugs are printed with the logo on the wrong side, particularly with micro USB.
Micro usb is a pain with my asus tablet, but thats the one place where i have had any "problems" so far.

I do however support this new C type
This is a great idea. It's not a matter of being lazy. On cameras mounted high on the windshield or behind the rearview mirror, it's difficult to see the port and cannot always remember which is the flat side. I say 2 thumbs up!
With Micro USB heavy handed people mash them in the wrong way and break the socket, the reversible plug is definitely a plus
Not just heavy handed people. My wife has broken 2 Type A sockets on 120V USB wall chargers trying to insert a cable the wrong way. Probably shoddy construction on the chargers but it did happen. :(
About reversible usb ( micro-usb ) plugs I was talking to manufacturers around 10 years ago when was dealing with mobile phones. Long before me, there has been talks between computer components reseller guys about USB, later USB 2.0 to be reversable. So this is no new "innovation"-idea. Its just sad to see that idea which has been proposed by many people 10-15y ago takes so long time to go into development. I am afraid its going to be another 2,3 maybe 5 years before it goes worldwide universal use, like it took 10 years for MicroUSB ( Nokia-type ) connector -plugto be worldwide universal on mobile phones.
The industry seem to be working off " if it aint broke dont fix it" and then been having a hard time facing up to the fact that it is indeed broke.
Dear me how hard can it really be - I have never had a problem with any of the current formats of USB plugs on my PC, Camera's Lap-top or Mobile devices and a tip to know which way up it needs to go is to mark the top side with 'Tipex' or a nick cut into the plastic housing.

Of course it will be useful if only to carry the extra power but the way he was going on about it anyone would think he had found the Holy Grail. This guy must be on something 'very' special or he has a reversible USB plugged up somewhere
I wish they would stop coming up with different "universal" connectors. Since all my dash cams have one, how 'bout we use the mini HDMI as the standard?

Funny how the cigarette lighter 12 volt socket hasn't changed since introduced.
I have been wondering the same some times, that socket is really too large for today, especially since smoking have become a no-no.
I allso often wonder why cars look like they do today as some of the best looking cars was made decades ago.

But i guess its just the nature of us humans playing in.
The cigarette socket has changed over time. The most recent change being that there are now some "accessory only" sockets that shouldn't be used for a lighter element.
The cigarette socket has changed over time. The most recent change being that there are now some "accessory only" sockets that shouldn't be used for a lighter element.

Hardly, the cig socket in my 1962 Ford Consul (when it was an 'extra'!) is the same as in my 2008 Mercedes and the accessory 'upgrade' you mention is just a small part added to the original socket arrangement - ah progress lacking in some areas and excelling in others mostly driven by consumer demand.