Do the ppl modding firmware's say what changes they have made ? in case the brand want to do the same in the factory firmware's.

vvs, as well as many other ppl (myself included) wtote directly to viofo with direct suggestions of introducing/fixing the particular feature(s) tested in mod variants. Viofo generally is not respoding well to those, for which I am sure they have their business reasons.

To everyone asking about night sharpness/readability in 715: the night comes every day ( :) ) - what could be easier than coming out for a 15min dashcam test drive and reporting the results here?
Yes. many brands are not that good at communicating or should i say at least appear to be communicating, this could be a language barrier or maybe a culture in the company.
I think no matter how big your company / brand are, you can always be better and you should always listen to your customers, CUZ no other brand can pull off the "trick" Apple have pulled off.

Following a hit-and-run trafic in which I caught the license plate but won't help anyway because there is no "proof", I decided to buy the A119v3 to avoid this situation in the future.

I've been reading about firmwares and notably the problems occuring with FW 2.xx. Is this still the case with the latest 2.5 firmware ? Should I stick to FW 1.03 once I receive my unit ?

Also, from my understanding, VVS mod is based on the official 2.X firmware but does not have the "freeze frame" issue. Is that correct ?

I've tested 1.03, 2.00 and vvs mod 2.05.

In my opinion he's done a good job as the colours are better, the freeze frame is good, and I can hear my indicators.

I'm sticking with vvs and a resolution of 2560x1080, to avoid too much sky. High bitrate.
Is it vvs 2.05 or 2.5?
I've been reading about firmwares and notably the problems occuring with FW 2.xx. Is this still the case with the latest 2.5 firmware ? Should I stick to FW 1.03 once I receive my unit ?
To answer this question, we need you to clarify what exactly are the problems you are referring to. Be as explicit as you can please.
PS (offtopic) In your hit-n-run case, can't the police legally do the inspection of the others party's vehicle based on your policie report and supplied number plates, and confirm thereby the fact of collision with your car? I guess it is up to the local legislation, but I find it strange that they turned you down, as what more could you have done in that situation?
Is it vvs 2.05 or 2.5
Yes, VIOFO kind of confused everyone a bit, by their firmware numbering system, where the Rev1 firmwares always had a 0 after a decimal point, i.e. v1.02, v1.03, v1.04, whereas Rev2 versions do not have that zero, and get incremented by 0.1 like v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v2.5 (that last one was NOT officially released by VIOFO - read my posts earlier one or two pages ago).
There was never v2.05, so the answer to your question is v2.5.
NB: To avoid confusion (there were cases where different builds of the same version found their way to the public), it is advisable to always refer to the f/w build number, which has a format YYYYMMDD.
For those technically savvy, it can be read in the BIN file header by any text viewer. This build number (essentially a date of the build) is NOT changed when the mod is made. For example, M_2_715 is in fact, a second vvs's mod (M_2) based on VIOFO's f/w v2.5 build 20210715, hence the shortened suffix 715.

Hope this helps.
And, for God's sake - please someone tell me what that "freeze frame" issue is that ppl keep referring to in their posts.
I have been talking to vvs for a couple of years, and used almost every mod he did for 119v3, but honestly still can't think of what that description of an issue could mean. Hope that is not the reference to (in)ability to read the number plates on the video snapshot at night containing the superimposed multiple camera HDR frames... because it would be a wrong name for that...

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Following on from my testing and thinking I was set I've had to make some changes.

My new car windscreen has more of a slope at the top, more horizontal. After examining some footage it seemed very dark. It also showed that the lens angle was slightly raised. It was fairly obvious that the lens was taking in more sky than it should and as posted here many times this was messing with the auto exposure.

Next step was to click the lens down one notch and the change made a massive difference, back to normal brightness. The snag however was that being set to 1080 I wasn't seeing as much sky as I'd like so I've gone back to 1440. Sky back to normal, more dash, but crucially the brightness is back to what I'm used to.
And, for God's sake - please someone tell me what that "freeze frame" issue is that ppl keep referring to in their posts.
I have been talking to vvs for a couple of years, and used almost every mod he did for 119v3, but honestly still can't think of what that description of an issue could mean. Hope that is not the reference to (in)ability to read the number plates on the video snapshot at night containing the superimposed multiple camera HDR frames... because it would be a wrong name for that...


That appears to be a reference to eliminating motion blur in each frame in a clip of dash cam footage (day or night with or without HDR).

The term "freeze frame" when used to describe a single sharp frame capture from a dash cam is a misnomer, however. Technically, "freeze frame" is a term from cinematography which means, "an optical effect or technique in which a single frame of film is reprinted in a continuous series so as to give the effect of a still photograph when shown".
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A clip using VVS Mod V2.5 20210715 (aka: VVS49 M_2_715) recorded 40 minutes after sunset (sorry about the Dutch talk on the radio): (496 MB)

2560 x 1080 30fps
High Bitrate
EV 0
HDR off
CPL fitted
MP4 file format

Two frames from the clip:

20210910204647_000597.MP4_snapshot_00.37_[2021.09.10_22.49.36].jpg 20210910204647_000597.MP4_snapshot_02.37_[2021.09.10_22.52.31].jpg

Next night time test will be with HDR on.
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Next night time test will be with HDR on.
The MOD of the VVS49 M_2_715 firmware implies round-the-clock use of the included HDR, for this this was done.
Perhaps someone will not like it, but only the inclusion of HDR gives the reading of numbers at night 50/50, the numbers will also not be overexposed when reflected.
From the posts I've read here I get the impression that HDR is more trouble than it's worth for most and I've never tried it.
There is no problem with HDR, you need to understand what you want, a beautiful landscape, or the readability of numbers (at night), there is no such firmware that would satisfy everyone 100%, a compromise is needed.
I want the best combination of smooth video and freeze frame
Viofo have sneaked 2.5 into the latest official release link :

I thought that I had recorded useful test footage with HDR on... Alas, I didn't notice that the CPL filter had come loose :confused:
This must have happened when I put the camera on its mount too hastily.
The clips show dashboard glare and other artefacts. Here is one frame:


In the coming week, I expect to make quite some miles in light and dark circumstances with HDR on and the filter fitted correctly.

BTW, in order to avoid constantly removing the camera I am tempted to leave it on its mount in the car during weekdays.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea since humidity in my (unheated) garage can get high, especially in autumn.
How to fit the CPL filter correctly? The glass is spinning and I don't know what position it should be in.