VIOFO T130 3CH / 2CH details?

All the pieces of mine have arrived. Mine came in 2 shipments but looks like everyone else gets everything in one. Another rear install today, already got front unit in.

Rear cam is the same form-factor as the A139 but uses different cabling and plugs. Mounted my front in RHD configuration due to mounting and cabling restraints:


L to R: Blueskysea B2W - Viofo T 130 - Garmin Mini2 - Viofo A 139 - Garmin 57

Will also clean up the cabling mess today too ;)
If they was all mini 2 size, you could have a lot more cameras there, not least if the mini 2 had a less,,,,, what do you call it tall ? 90 deg USB plug :)
I'm using a non-Garmin cable on the Mini2- the Garmin cable fits as tightly as the 57 on the right. Both are the best-fitting USB plugs I've found on any dashcam :)

All the pieces of mine have arrived. Mine came in 2 shipments but looks like everyone else gets everything in one. Another rear install today, already got front unit in.

Rear cam is the same form-factor as the A139 but uses different cabling and plugs. Mounted my front in RHD configuration due to mounting and cabling restraints:

View attachment 57967

L to R: Blueskysea B2W - Viofo T 130 - Garmin Mini2 - Viofo A 139 - Garmin 57

Will also clean up the cabling mess today too ;)
It looks like you are not using the rear camera on the T130. No more room on the rear glass?
It looks like you are not using the rear camera on the T130. No more room on the rear glass?

It goes in today- didn't have the chance till now. Time to again re-do all the cam cabling to both improve appearance as well as allow me to have USB/c, USB Mini, and USB Micro cables available for testing purposes so I don't have to go through this again anytime soon. No free lunch, not even for beta-testers ;)

I installed the main unit on mine this morning after some preliminary testing. Unfortunately there is something wrong with the rear unit that causes the whole system to reboot frequently when I connect the rear cam, but working with viofo for a possible fix.
I suspect a bad rearcamera cable or the rear camera itself could be defective.
After a lengthy drive to the fedex warehouse i got my camera, no taxes - no huge handling fee :) instead the top of my gas tank gauge was decapitated from the 2 X 128 KM drive ( 2 X 79 miles )
Only the drive down there was eventful ran into a accident on the motorway, so where i was supposed to blast past with 130 kmh i passed by at walking speed in a que a few miles long.
And by the time i got to the accident 1 of 2 lanes was blocked and a little car was sitting in the EMG lane, and then 2 cops was chatting with some other people, so not even a interesting for my dashcams to share.

Okay going home was at one time also bad for my blood pressure, so traffic was okay but lots of cars, and then suddenly we was dropped to 80 kmh where we should be doing the double of that, turned out it was a flat bed truck, some how still with his flashing yellow lights on, but there was no long or wide load on the back of it, but those lights prompted people to drop to a crawl when overtaking the truck doing 80 kmh as is the max for a truck here..
Things like that do not sit well with me, even if i do praise due diligence and being careful, but :rolleyes: it was just a truck aside for the 2 flashing yellow lights which he should also turn off now that he dont have a load on anymore.


Doing a little static testing on the computer table right now + doing settings.
Tomorrow i have a family event to attend ( dinner with my nephew and his GF and her 2 kids ) - Sunday i have to go visit my mother, but i am not leaving town before i have installed the T130.
And BTW i have decided to install it up high anyway and offset to the driver side ( left ) so it will sit next to the A139 where it should feel right at home.
The rear camera, well it will have to wait until Monday.

On the face of it the T130 do feel nice and beefy, and it is also heating up nice here on the computer table, but so far it have just recorded 15 minutes or so, i will leave it running as is
It is a 3CH model, looks different compared to others in the market.
We are also looking for reviewers, soon we will have new batch samples available, please send PM to me.
Too late for that ? When is the release date for this, should i send you a message, as I am not pleased with video quality for some reason on my 3ch a139. I am also not sure how useful the interior camera would be, as i can see as others said, the mirror will get in the way, with my 3ch though i can mount that camera anywhere.

I do like the feature that it can record the driver side window in case someone gets pulled over etc. etc. want that recorded. But mirror might be an issue, but cannot tell till one tries i guess. I hope the rear camera cable is longer, the one with my 3ch it barely reached the back it needs to be atleast 5 feet longer vs what is provided right now.

I like to personally try out the new model, it looks slicker and hopefully not an oven toaster :). Is there special hardwire kit for this, i would like to continue using my current hardwire kit.
It's the same "HK3-C" hardwire kit as the A139 uses, so no need to add or change that. I didn't exactly compare the rear cam cables as I left the A139 installed, but I did move the A139 rear cam to a new spot, then put the T130 where it had been. The T130 main body is perhaps 150mm(6") closer by cable run and IIRC barely reached that spot, so the T130 cable might be slightly shorter. Note that I don't fully trust my memory on this and you shouldn't rely on it alone either. Hopefully someone here can do a side-by-side comparison. I am certain it's approximately the same length.

I got a HW kit with the T130 sample, but i am just going to swap the camera over to that, i assume in the days to come ( rainy days permitting )
I dont feel like installing a #3 HW kit into my car when there is already one that are compatible.
It's the same "HK3-C" hardwire kit as the A139 uses, so no need to add or change that. I didn't exactly compare the rear cam cables as I left the A139 installed, but I did move the A139 rear cam to a new spot, then put the T130 where it had been. The T130 main body is perhaps 150mm(6") closer by cable run and IIRC barely reached that spot, so the T130 cable might be slightly shorter. Note that I don't fully trust my memory on this and you shouldn't rely on it alone either. Hopefully someone here can do a side-by-side comparison. I am certain it's approximately the same length.

I sure can do the compare if i get the model, i really hope it does not look like a dildo with peeping hole on the windscreen. How is the aesthetics of this camera ? Video quality i am guessing is the same and does this have working station mode without glitches ?

btw is interior camera infra red as well ? any firmware or feature updates etc ?
The interior swivelling camera appears to be geared towards LHD vehicles.