VIOFO T130 improvment wish list


New Member
Feb 18, 2022
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Hello, I some days ago i recived the Viofo T130, but a some things are very important to me and I want to ask if VIOFO can implement them with software upadtes (maybe this thread should be "wishlist sticky")

1. enter Parkingmode witout HK4 ACC (I have huge powerbank over 40K mAh and some times i switch the position of the dashcamera in my car) maybe is it posible to enter parking mode by pressing some buttons?

2 option to disable LED Lights from GPS/MIC/REC/WIFI

3 disable gps and wifi (as option) in parkingmode

Best regards
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The correct name is Viofo (VIOFO), no matter how annoyed you are about something.
PS: If you are not satisfied with the T130, just hand it back, just don't hold protest demonstrations here.
Hello, I some days ago i recived the Vivio T130, but a some things are very important to me and I want to ask if VIVIO can implement them with software upadte (maybe this thread should be wishlist sticky

1. enter Parkingmode witout HK4 ACC (I have huge powerbank over 40K mAh and some times i switch the position of the dashcamera in my car) maybe is it posible to enter Parking Mode by pressing some Buttons?

2 option to disable LED Lights from GPS/MIC/REC/WIFI

Best regards
Viofo have both those options in some cameras and then don't put them in others!
Probably easy to add, at least the LED Off ...

Although, you could put some black sticky insulation tape over the LEDs, then they will not be visible.

The correct name is Viofo (VIOFO), no matter how annoyed you are about something.
PS: If you are not satisfied with the T130, just hand it back, just don't hold protest demonstrations here.
Seems like a reasonable request to me, not a protest!
I think you have misunderstood.
The correct name is Viofo (VIOFO), no matter how annoyed you are about something.
PS: If you are not satisfied with the T130, just hand it back, just don't hold protest demonstrations here.

Calm down dude! Im verry happy with this Produkt!

We as users can improve the product with our improvement suggestions or wish lists, I don't see any negative aspects in this, it benefits the manufacturer as well as users
We as users can improve the product with our improvement suggestions or wish lists, I don't see any negative aspects in this, it benefits the manufacturer as well as users
Always good to give feedback, and it does get noted.
Of course there may be a good reason for them not putting those features on this camera, but I don't know what it would be!
2 option to disable LED Lights from GPS/MIC/REC/WIFI
Yes, I would like to have the ability to turn off the LED indicators. This is necessary so that the dash cam would attract less attention in the parking mode.
I have successfully used this feature on 129+duo and now use it on A119 V3 as well.
And I was surprised when I did not find the led switch off in t130.
Hello, I some days ago i recived the Viofo T130, but a some things are very important to me and I want to ask if VIOFO can implement them with software upadtes (maybe this thread should be "wishlist sticky")

1. enter Parkingmode witout HK4 ACC (I have huge powerbank over 40K mAh and some times i switch the position of the dashcamera in my car) maybe is it posible to enter parking mode by pressing some buttons?

2 option to disable LED Lights from GPS/MIC/REC/WIFI

3 disable gps and wifi (as option) in parkingmode

Best regards
Normally if don't use the HK4, the camera will enter parking mode after 5 min no motion detected.

We will check other requests.

For WiFi disabled in parking mode, if no connections in 10mins, the WiFi will be turned off automatically.
We will check other requests.
It would be nice to have an option to turn off the LED indicators in the menu. Or get automatic shutdown of all LED indicators when the DVR enters the parking mode.
Normally if don't use the HK4, the camera will enter parking mode after 5 min no motion detected.

We will check other requests.

For WiFi disabled in parking mode, if no connections in 10mins, the WiFi will be turned off automatically.

I have tested many times with powerbank at home, the T130 dosnt enter parking mode, should i change some settings in the APP?
I have tested many times with powerbank at home, the T130 dosnt enter parking mode, should i change some settings in the APP?
What parking mode is set in your settings?
Do you have a GPS signal at home?
If there is no movement in the frame and according to GPS, then the DVR switches to parking mode after 5 minutes. If you drive at a speed >8km/h (this should be determined by the GPS module), then normal recording will turn on.
In my case it doesn't switch into the parking mode either (a tabletop setup using the USB cable from the box), no matter how long I wait, ensuring there's nothing in the cam's field of view (just covered all the lenses). I've set the parking mode entry timer to 90 seconds via the app - and also switched off the GPS. I wonder if GPS being disabled is somehow interfering, if as @Karagandinez said it's one of the inputs to the mode switch decision. Does anyone know, or could @viofo, maybe clarify, please?
I have tested many times with powerbank at home, the T130 dosnt enter parking mode, should i change some settings in the APP?
A139 had problems with the transition to the parking mode when connected to a power bank.
If you connect the included adapter through the cigarette lighter, then everything works fine.
Maybe it's the same here... :unsure:
What's stopping you from checking it yourself?:unsure:

Fair enough - though as mentioned I'm testing indoors right now, so no proper GPS signal reception - and with GPS enabled (but having no satellite fix) it doesn't switch to the parking mode either. So at the first glance it would indeed seem that non-working GPS (due to being disabled or poor reception) interferes with the parking mode entry.
You can get into your car and without installing the DVR on the glass, connect it with the included cable to the cigarette lighter and see if the parking mode will turn on or not.
In my case it doesn't switch into the parking mode either (a tabletop setup using the USB cable from the box), no matter how long I wait, ensuring there's nothing in the cam's field of view (just covered all the lenses). I've set the parking mode entry timer to 90 seconds via the app - and also switched off the GPS. I wonder if GPS being disabled is somehow interfering, if as @Karagandinez said it's one of the inputs to the mode switch decision. Does anyone know, or could @viofo, maybe clarify, please?
If you don't use the original car charger or hardwire kits, it will not enter the parking mode. Other USB type-c cables always have a signal on ACC PIN.
It would be nice to have an option to turn off the LED indicators in the menu. Or get automatic shutdown of all LED indicators when the DVR enters the parking mode.
This will be supported on V1.2 version, we need some time to update the APP also, will share the testing firmware here once ready.
If you don't use the original car charger or hardwire kits, it will not enter the parking mode. Other USB type-c cables always have a signal on ACC PIN.
When using a normal power bank the camera should enter in parking mode no matter the cable used.
Camera just needs power from power bank, no matter if the ACC wire is present or not because this parking mode is based on motion detection and/or GPS.

Previously parking mode based on power bank was working OK on all dashcams models. Now it's just not working.
The problem is with people who don't want to spend $400 on a "special" power bank because the car dealers don't let them connect a HK to the car fuse box because of warranty.
Keep in mind that most of these "special" power banks can't offer at least 24 hours of power for a 2K or 4K 2CH dashcam. Spending a lot of money for the setup for a feature which is working just few hours.

If a Viofo dahscam can enter in parking mode when using a power bank only if using a special cable, then this cable must be sold by Viofo. Or at least Viofo to sell cigarette chargers with detachable USB cable which can be used on a normal power bank to enable parking mode.
When using a normal power bank the camera should enter in parking mode no matter the cable used.
Camera just needs power from power bank, no matter if the ACC wire is present or not because this parking mode is based on motion detection and/or GPS.
You seem to be looking at the Russian forum.
There, a person conducted tests with the A139 connected to the power bank and the car's cigarette lighter.
When the registrar is connected with a standard USB type-c, the registrar does not enter the parking mode, from the word at all. At least to a power bank, at least any USB charger. If you power it with the supplied adapter through the cigarette lighter, then everything works fine.
Perhaps the T130 behaves the same way.
I am not watching that thread. At some moment I was reading the A119 V3 thread on that forum because I consider the 4PDA forum is just great with a lot of people helping.

Now I will write this from my memory, maybe something is not exactly: I wanted to make A139 working with a power bank. I cut the Viofo USB-C cable at one end and soldered an USB-A standard connector. The Parking Mode was working. I don't remember exactly if the USB-C cable was from the cigarette lighter or from an HK3. The idea is that no resistor was needed. just soldering the wires at the correct pins of the USB-A.