Vortex Radar's DR970X Plus Test & Review Notes

Vortex Radar

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
United States
Update: Video review is now live.

So the DR970X Plus is now available for sale on Blackvue's website. I had a chance to preview it at SEMA. For the past few weeks I've had one in my car running alongside some other dashcams and while I prepare for my full video review, I figured I'd start compiling and sharing my thoughts so far.

On paper, this is a dashcam that I've been looking forward to as an upgrade to the DR970X which, video quality-wise, felt really lackluster. I love that they're stepping it up to a Starvis 2 sensor, larger aperture lens, faster shutter speeds, and higher bitrates, all of which work together to help capture more details like license plates.

Video quality has improved with the Plus model, but it's still not as good as the competition. I do find that it does a better job at capturing plates than the regular 970X, but still lags behind dashcams like the Viofo A229 Pro. I'm working on a video now comparing different models, but here's a few screenshots in the meantime.

Here's a car slowly passing me on the highway. Since there's a small speed differential, both dashcams do fine.

DR970X, DR970X Plus, Mazda slowly passing on highway.jpg

Here I'm passing cars with a faster speed differential and you can start to notice more of the difference between models:

DR970X, DR970X Plus, Passing SUV in town.jpg

DR970X, DR970X Plus, Passing cars in town.jpg

It's certainly not perfect, but it is better. Here's another with a car passing me quickly on the highway:

DR970X, DR970X Plus, A229 Pro comparison, Challenger on highway.jpg

The video quality from the DR970X Plus does seem a bit grainy. The Viofo footage looks much more clear and crisp. I'll post some video samples later on so you can see.

As far as HDR, Blackvue didn't include it and while the faster shutter speeds help to stop motion, I feel like it's not enough to capture plates at night.

DR970X, DR970X Plus, A229 Pro comparison, Night highway plate with car passing me quickly.jpg

I've still got a bunch more clips to go through, but so far the Plus looks better than the original, though not as good as the competition.

The lens itself is much larger than before and so previous circular polarizers don't fit. Hopefully Blackvue creates a new one for the Plus models.

One issue @rcg530 and I have experienced is lens focus / alignment issues, just like with previous model Blackvues. For that reason Blackvue has sent over a second copy of both models and some of those have had issues too, both front and rear, and so the left or right side of the image may be a little soft and blurry. I'm not sure why they're having a hard time nailing the lens alignment. I was hoping the updated lenses would help with this, but I guess not.

The rear cam has the same model number as before, but it has a slightly different lens too, though they're both still f/2. Instead of a wider 139 degree viewing angle, it's now a slightly tighter 131 degrees. I also noticed that the white balance can vary. Some of the rear cams are more magenta while others are more green. The drop from 4K to 1080p for the rear cam is painfully obvious and I'm not impressed with the rear video quality. That said if you're upgrading from a DR970X, you can always get a DR970X Plus 1CH and plug in your existing rear cam. I wish Blackvue had updated the model numbers between old and new rear cams to avoid confusion.

At SEMA Blackvue mentioned that their dashcams will finally add support for one standalone Blackvue connecting to the cloud via another standalone Blackvue. I got super excited about this feature since I run a 4CH setup with two separate 2CH systems for front/rear/left/right coverage and using a dedicated WiFi hotspot has been kinda problematic. For that reason, it should be much easier to have one dashcam connected to the cloud via a CM100GLTE or by using the LTE model and then have the other dashcam connect to it. However, at this time that feature is unavailable. I'm not sure when it will be added. That said, while I haven't tested it, you should still be able to connect other non-Blackvue devices, like phones and tablets, to a Blackvue hotspot.

One feature I really miss is one removed between the DR900X Plus and the DR970X, and it's still gone with the DR970X Plus. It's the ability to adjust individual voice options. I used to LOVE that you could start your car and only have the dashcam speak if it detects any impacts. Unfortunately it's now all or nothing, like Thinkware and Viofo, and so you have to choose between a chatty startup or missing out on important notifications when you get back in your car. Come on Blackvue! Please bring that feature back!

So far I feel like this is a much needed improvement over the original DR970X, but it still has room to go in terms of both features and video quality.
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After watching your video on the 2x 2CH I went that way as well with two 970X LTEs. I was looking at upgrading one to the 970X LTE Plus but I'm disappointed at these results.
Just finished a quick rough cut of some sample footage and comparison clips. This is mostly for me while I prep for the full review and take notes of what I see, but you can go ahead and check it out. There's day and night sample clips from the DR970X Plus, both at low speeds and high speeds. I also added some license plate freeze frames comparing it with the original DR970X and the Viofo A229 Pro. Based on what I'm seeing so far, the Plus is better than the original, but the Viofo is an even further improvement.

One issue @rcg530 and I have experienced is lens focus / alignment issues, just like with previous model Blackvues.
Just finished a quick rough cut of some sample footage and comparison clips.
Excellent work, and comparison, (that must have taken hours & hours to film & edit).
On the 3-way split screen you identify the Viofo as; “A229 Pro 2CH”.
Of course we know this is 2 CH “Rear” because you also provide the 60 Mb/s Bitrate.
First time, and “non-research” buyers might think the camera will maintain the 60 Mb/s Bitrate with the 2 CH “IR Interior” configuration, when it actually cuts the Bitrate in “half” to 36 Mb/s.
Would it be too work much / unreasonable to change;
Viofo A229 Pro 2 CH
Viofo A229 Pro 2 CH Rear

Btw, I’ve delayed my “YouTube Video Review” of the A229 Pro because I still consider the firmware only 90% - 95% finished / complete.
Night time HDR performance needs more tuning to perform at the level of the A139 Pro & A119 Mini 2 based on my testing.
I want the A229 Pro’s night time HDR performance 100% finished / complete so I can say it’s the “best” Viofo dash cam, and my prediction for “best” dash cam of 2024, (based on image quality).
Keep in mind we still haven't had a US summer to reveal potential parking mode overheating issues, (two Australian users are reporting overheating issues).
This is one of the reasons I said I wished the A229 Pro stayed a 2-CH system, and kept the external mic option.
I feel like the 3rd IR Interior channel is “overwhelming” the system.
Sorry for the rant, (back to the DR970X Plus).

New for 2024: Introducing the all-new BlackVue DR970X Plus
No CPL Filter
Same 1080p Rear Camera
Same Lens Focus Inspector

When I tested the U3000 I said;
“Without HDR the STARVIS 2 (IMX678) image sensor is almost useless during night time & low light conditions.”
It looks like the DR970X Plus will be just as “useful”.
Which processor does the 970X Plus version use? The sample footage is quite a surprise. Thanks Ariel.
Just finished a quick rough cut of some sample footage and comparison clips. This is mostly for me while I prep for the full review and take notes of what I see, but you can go ahead and check it out. There's day and night sample clips from the DR970X Plus, both at low speeds and high speeds. I also added some license plate freeze frames comparing it with the original DR970X and the Viofo A229 Pro. Based on what I'm seeing so far, the Plus is better than the original, but the Viofo is an even further improvement.

So the DR970X Plus is now available for sale on Blackvue's website. I had a chance to preview it at SEMA. For the past few weeks I've had one in my car running alongside some other dashcams and while I prepare for my full video review, I figured I'd start compiling and sharing my thoughts so far.

On paper, this is a dashcam that I've been looking forward to as an upgrade to the DR970X which, video quality-wise, felt really lackluster. I love that they're stepping it up to a Starvis 2 sensor, larger aperture lens, faster shutter speeds, and higher bitrates, all of which work together to help capture more details like license plates.

Video quality has improved with the Plus model, but it's still not as good as the competition. I do find that it does a better job at capturing plates than the regular 970X, but still lags behind dashcams like the Viofo A229 Pro. I'm working on a video now comparing different models, but here's a few screenshots in the meantime.

Here's a car slowly passing me on the highway. Since there's a small speed differential, both dashcams do fine.

View attachment 70297

Here I'm passing cars with a faster speed differential and you can start to notice more of the difference between models:

View attachment 70303

View attachment 70298

It's certainly not perfect, but it is better. Here's another with a car passing me quickly on the highway:

View attachment 70296

The video quality from the DR970X Plus does seem a bit grainy. The Viofo footage looks much more clear and crisp. I'll post some video samples later on so you can see.

As far as HDR, Blackvue didn't include it and while the faster shutter speeds help to stop motion, I feel like it's not enough to capture plates at night.

View attachment 70299

I've still got a bunch more clips to go through, but so far the Plus looks better than the original, though not as good as the competition.

The lens itself is much larger than before and so previous circular polarizers don't fit. Hopefully Blackvue creates a new one for the Plus models.

One issue @rcg530 and I have experienced is lens focus / alignment issues, just like with previous model Blackvues. For that reason Blackvue has sent over a second copy of both models and some of those have had issues too, both front and rear, and so the left or right side of the image may be a little soft and blurry. I'm not sure why they're having a hard time nailing the lens alignment. I was hoping the updated lenses would help with this, but I guess not.

The rear cam has the same model number as before, but it has a slightly different lens too, though they're both still f/2. Instead of a wider 139 degree viewing angle, it's now a slightly tighter 131 degrees. I also noticed that the white balance has changed. The previous models had a more greenish hue while the newer ones are more magenta. The drop from 4K to 1080p for the rear cam is painfully obvious and I'm not impressed with the rear video quality. That said if you're upgrading from a DR970X, you can always get a DR970X Plus 1CH and plug in your existing rear cam. I wish Blackvue had updated the model numbers between old and new rear cams to avoid confusion.

At SEMA Blackvue mentioned that their dashcams will finally add support for one standalone Blackvue connecting to the cloud via another standalone Blackvue. I got super excited about this feature since I run a 4CH setup with two separate 2CH systems for front/rear/left/right coverage and using a dedicated WiFi hotspot has been kinda problematic. For that reason, it should be much easier to have one dashcam connected to the cloud via a CM100GLTE or by using the LTE model and then have the other dashcam connect to it. However, at this time that feature is unavailable. I'm not sure when it will be added. That said, while I haven't tested it, you should still be able to connect other non-Blackvue devices, like phones and tablets, to a Blackvue hotspot.

One feature I really miss is one removed between the DR900X Plus and the DR970X, and it's still gone with the DR970X Plus. It's the ability to adjust individual voice options. I used to LOVE that you could start your car and only have the dashcam speak if it detects any impacts. Unfortunately it's now all or nothing, like Thinkware and Viofo, and so you have to choose between a chatty startup or missing out on important notifications when you get back in your car. Come on Blackvue! Please bring that feature back!

So far I feel like this is a much needed improvement over the original DR970X, but it still has room to go in terms of both features and video quality.
Any idea about the shutter speeds?
I think ( dont hang me up on it ) Blackvue use one of the Ambraella chips as heart in their systems.
@Panzer Platform, good idea with mentioning that it's a front/rear setup and adding the note in. I'll do that for the full video. I still need to spend more time reviewing all the test results here with the A229 Pro and analyzing my own driving footage, but despite its flaws, the video that I'm seeing from the A229 Pro is definitely better than the DR970X Plus regardless.

@DCS Australia I'm not sure about those details off the top of my head, but it does appear that Blackvue is really cranking up shutter speeds, especially given that they don't have the second quick frame with HDR to help lock in shutter speeds, so it seems they're trying to crank up the light gathering capabilities and resulting shutter speed to hopefully freeze action. There's less ghosting from dragging the shutter in the DR970X Plus compared to the DR970X and A229 Pro.

Oh Blackvue's app still needs to be updated to support the new DR970X Plus'. If you have the regular or the LTE, you can't add it yet. Blackvue sent me a beta version of the app that allows me to do it, but it doesn't look like they've released that version of the app publicly yet, despite already selling and shipping the dashcam. @BlackVue_Pittasoft could you please release the updated app when you can?
I still need to spend more time reviewing all the test results here with the A229 Pro and analyzing my own driving footage
I’ve found it helpful to install an A119 Mini 2 on the back window next to the A229 Pro Rear camera for comparison.
I’m seeing the A229 Pro Rear is lacking compared to the Mini 2.
I guess that’s due to the lower Bitrate, and different processor.
Viofo sent me some “experimental” CPL Filters for the A229 Pro Rear camera.
I’ve installed one, and I plan to get some comparison test footage soon.

despite its flaws, the video that I'm seeing from the A229 Pro is definitely better than the DR970X Plus regardless.
Well yeah, that goes without saying. Lol
Even in my so-called “90% unfinished state” it will outperform the competition from any brand.
I just want Viofo to squeeze out the last 10% of image quality optimization so it can beat, or at least match the performance of the A139 Pro & A119 Mini 2.
I think Bill really wants the overall exposure brighter, but it’s coming at a cost of night time HDR performance.

Which processor does the 970X Plus version use?
2023 DR970X = SigmaStar CPU (model number not provided)
2024 DR970X Plus = ???


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Viofo sent me some “experimental” CPL Filters for the A229 Pro Rear camera.
Is it is a genuine CPL, or a linear polarising filter?

Really no point putting the Circular bit on a rectangular filter!
So they fell short? Whats with all these companies speeding up there product to market before it works great.
Is it is a genuine CPL, or a linear polarising filter?

Really no point putting the Circular bit on a rectangular filter!
Please forgive my incorrect wording.
I meant to say “Square CPL Filter”.
Happy now? Lol

So they fell short? Whats with all these companies speeding up there product to market before it works great.
Because a fast nickel is worth more than a slow dime when you're trying to kill two birds with cake in hand. lol
So they fell short? Whats with all these companies speeding up there product to market before it works great.
Maybe everyone's in a rush to release a Starvis 2 dashcam?

As for falling short, I suppose it depends on what you're measuring against. Compared to the original DR970X, this is definitely a better dashcam. Video quality is a noticeable step up.

Some of the feature implementation annoyances like the voice announcements, well that's the same as the DR970X. I hope it goes back to how they did it with the DR900X Plus and before. Heck even lens alignment issues, that's nothing new either. I've seen that with many Blackvues over the years.

So if you're comparing strictly to the original DR970X, this is a very welcome improvement, primarily for the video quality, but also for bonus features like the longer buffer to start clips earlier, as well as the ability to connect one Blackvue to another's WiFi hotspot (assuming that feature actually gets implemented in time).

Now if you compare it to other Starvis 2 dashcams, I think that the video quality still falls short. I was really hoping that Blackvue would at least match the video quality of the competition, but that simply isn't the case. For that reason I'll probably continue running multiple dashcams like the DR970X Plus up front and another dashcam up front too like the A229 Pro or A139 Pro which has been on my WS for a while now. The only thing missing is the looooong term parking recording and I'm absolutely loving the U3000 for that. I've been traveling more lately and the U3000 is the only one that can record the whole time I'm gone, even with the other dashcams plugged into multiple battery packs, while the U3000 is just using my car battery over OBD, lol.

So I feel like we're still in a situation where it's Blackvue for cloud, Viofo for video quality, and Thinkware for long term parking recording. I was really hoping the DR970X Plus would give both cloud and awesome video quality in one package, but while the video quality is better than before, I wouldn't rank it as awesome.
How long is "looooong" term recording? I occasionally road trip to week long conventions, so for my old Blackvue DR900S I picked up a B-124E plus a pair of eBay B-124X expansion modules (the maximum that fit under my trunk), which lasts me a few days at least, and I wired it up so that the packs will recharge if my car is remote started, which I can do via Drone Mobile. It still requires me to ocasionally check in on my car, but it can all be done remotely, and I figure its a decent trade off.

My plan is to upgrade to the 970X Plus LTE to get cloud support, as soon as Blackvue fixes their app, and my new blendmount arrives.
So the DR970X Plus is now available for sale on Blackvue's website. I had a chance to preview it at SEMA. For the past few weeks I've had one in my car running alongside some other dashcams and while I prepare for my full video review, I figured I'd start compiling and sharing my thoughts so far.

On paper, this is a dashcam that I've been looking forward to as an upgrade to the DR970X which, video quality-wise, felt really lackluster. I love that they're stepping it up to a Starvis 2 sensor, larger aperture lens, faster shutter speeds, and higher bitrates, all of which work together to help capture more details like license plates.

Video quality has improved with the Plus model, but it's still not as good as the competition. I do find that it does a better job at capturing plates than the regular 970X, but still lags behind dashcams like the Viofo A229 Pro. I'm working on a video now comparing different models, but here's a few screenshots in the meantime.

Here's a car slowly passing me on the highway. Since there's a small speed differential, both dashcams do fine.

View attachment 70297

Here I'm passing cars with a faster speed differential and you can start to notice more of the difference between models:

View attachment 70303

View attachment 70298

It's certainly not perfect, but it is better. Here's another with a car passing me quickly on the highway:

View attachment 70296

The video quality from the DR970X Plus does seem a bit grainy. The Viofo footage looks much more clear and crisp. I'll post some video samples later on so you can see.

As far as HDR, Blackvue didn't include it and while the faster shutter speeds help to stop motion, I feel like it's not enough to capture plates at night.

View attachment 70299

I've still got a bunch more clips to go through, but so far the Plus looks better than the original, though not as good as the competition.

The lens itself is much larger than before and so previous circular polarizers don't fit. Hopefully Blackvue creates a new one for the Plus models.

One issue @rcg530 and I have experienced is lens focus / alignment issues, just like with previous model Blackvues. For that reason Blackvue has sent over a second copy of both models and some of those have had issues too, both front and rear, and so the left or right side of the image may be a little soft and blurry. I'm not sure why they're having a hard time nailing the lens alignment. I was hoping the updated lenses would help with this, but I guess not.

The rear cam has the same model number as before, but it has a slightly different lens too, though they're both still f/2. Instead of a wider 139 degree viewing angle, it's now a slightly tighter 131 degrees. I also noticed that the white balance has changed. The previous models had a more greenish hue while the newer ones are more magenta. The drop from 4K to 1080p for the rear cam is painfully obvious and I'm not impressed with the rear video quality. That said if you're upgrading from a DR970X, you can always get a DR970X Plus 1CH and plug in your existing rear cam. I wish Blackvue had updated the model numbers between old and new rear cams to avoid confusion.

At SEMA Blackvue mentioned that their dashcams will finally add support for one standalone Blackvue connecting to the cloud via another standalone Blackvue. I got super excited about this feature since I run a 4CH setup with two separate 2CH systems for front/rear/left/right coverage and using a dedicated WiFi hotspot has been kinda problematic. For that reason, it should be much easier to have one dashcam connected to the cloud via a CM100GLTE or by using the LTE model and then have the other dashcam connect to it. However, at this time that feature is unavailable. I'm not sure when it will be added. That said, while I haven't tested it, you should still be able to connect other non-Blackvue devices, like phones and tablets, to a Blackvue hotspot.

One feature I really miss is one removed between the DR900X Plus and the DR970X, and it's still gone with the DR970X Plus. It's the ability to adjust individual voice options. I used to LOVE that you could start your car and only have the dashcam speak if it detects any impacts. Unfortunately it's now all or nothing, like Thinkware and Viofo, and so you have to choose between a chatty startup or missing out on important notifications when you get back in your car. Come on Blackvue! Please bring that feature back!

So far I feel like this is a much needed improvement over the original DR970X, but it still has room to go in terms of both features and video quality.
@Vortex Radar
@Panzer Platform

What is the horizontal FOV (or AOV) for DR970X Plus, advertised and actual? Have you checked it?
On video DR970X Plus looks much wider FOV compere to Viofo, and we know that Viofos FOV is way short of what is advertised (around "whopping" 95° actual vs 140° advertised in case of Mini 2)
I think much narrower actual FOV is the "secret sauce" for Viofos superior video quality, i.e. we get better video quality on exchange to worse FOV.
@Vortex Radar
@Panzer Platform

What is the horizontal FOV (or AOV) for DR970X Plus, advertised and actual? Have you checked it?
On video DR970X Plus looks much wider FOV compere to Viofo, and we know that Viofos FOV is way short of what is advertised (around "whopping" 95° actual vs 140° advertised in case of Mini 2)
I think much narrower actual FOV is the "secret sauce" for Viofos superior video quality, i.e. we get better video quality on exchange to worse FOV.
I don’t think Ariel, and Robert are as “neurotic” as me as to construct a test rig to confirm & verify manufacturer’s advertised claims of horizontal FOV’s.
I think I’ve got a monopoly on “crazy with too much free time”. lol

All three 4K Viofo dash cams;
A129 Pro
A139 Pro
A229 Pro
Are on the “widest” horizontal FOV end of the spectrum for all Viofo dash cams.
I’ve been begging Bill to put a “narrow” horizontal FOV lens on a 4K Viofo model.
I was told the lens manufacturer simply doesn't make them, and he’s working with a new vendor to make “proprietary” lenses just for 4K Viofo dash cams.
For reference to show what I consider a wide vs. narrow horizontal FOV I will show you a comparison of the;
93° Original A119 Mini (2022)
111° A229 Pro Front
112° A139 Pro Front
See attached screenshots.

Here’s the link to my “VIOFO Horizontal FOV Database”

I think much narrower actual FOV is the "secret sauce" for Viofos superior video quality, i.e. we get better video quality on exchange to worse FOV.
I don't think narrow horizontal FOV increases image quality, it just makes it easier to read fine details directly in front of the camera in the center of the image.
When I hear image quality, I think Bitrate & processor tuning.


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haha yeah I haven't bothered ever measuring the exact AOV specs. I'll eyeball stuff to see if it's wider or tighter maybe, but that's usually about it. That said, I'm immensely grateful that you're spending the time testing that out. Something I've found with testing is we all have our things that we focus on and are most interested in and it's great that we can compare notes afterwards. :)
I'm immensely grateful that you're spending the time testing that out. Something I've found with testing is we all have our things that we focus on and are most interested in and it's great that we can compare notes afterwards. :)
Aww shucks, I’m blushing. Lol
I have zero education, training, and experience in electronics, computers, and photography.
There’s no way I’ll ever be able to test at the level of you, and Robert.
So I test simple, odd ball stuff.
I got an email from Alex (Viofo) yesterday saying the OBD2 Power Cable might be ready just in time for Valentine’s Day.
I think that is going to sell like gangbusters for the plug & play folks.
I’m excited to test how it will trigger in and out of parking mode, (voltage based, time based, motion based).
Or, if it’s really sophisticated and has the ability to determine KOEO / KOER (key on engine off / key on engine running), and key off by monitoring CAN Bus Pins 6 & 14.


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I don’t think Ariel, and Robert are as “neurotic” as me as to construct a test rig to confirm & verify manufacturer’s advertised claims of horizontal FOV’s.
I think I’ve got a monopoly on “crazy with too much free time”. lol

All three 4K Viofo dash cams;
A129 Pro
A139 Pro
A229 Pro
Are on the “widest” horizontal FOV end of the spectrum for all Viofo dash cams.
I’ve been begging Bill to put a “narrow” horizontal FOV lens on a 4K Viofo model.
I was told the lens manufacturer simply doesn't make them, and he’s working with a new vendor to make “proprietary” lenses just for 4K Viofo dash cams.
For reference to show what I consider a wide vs. narrow horizontal FOV I will show you a comparison of the;
93° Original A119 Mini (2022)
111° A229 Pro Front
112° A139 Pro Front
See attached screenshots.

Here’s the link to my “VIOFO Horizontal FOV Database”

I don't think narrow horizontal FOV increases image quality, it just makes it easier to read fine details directly in front of the camera in the center of the image.
When I hear image quality, I think Bitrate & processor tuning.
I do read all of reviews you guys post here and I am really grateful for the huge work you do.
@Panzer Platform - your work on AOV is amazing, and that what triggered me to pay attention in the first place.

I believe that AOV is one of the important features for the dash cam (all manufacturers focus on it and advertise), after all who cares to read plate in front of you if something hits you about 45° from the side and you don’t even see it? So there should be a balance.

I fully agree with you that no matter what lens supplier tells about lenses AOV, what matters is what we get as a final product.
I would understand small deviation, but we are talking about 25% to 50% difference!

On image quality:
By no means am I an expert on anything photo or video related, not even close.
I am just regular consumer and, I like image quality of Viofo, despite not that great AOV, I voted with my $$.

I see the hardware used on all this cameras are pretty much the same, and yes the image quality is fine-tuned by firmware, but common sense tells me that it is easier to fine tune and perfect narrow AOV than wide AOV.

I think it would be nice to mention AOV differences in review, for some people wider AOV could be more important than slightly less image quality.
See the snapshot form the video above, note the same 60Mb/s bitrate.


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Thank you for the kind words.
I disagree on “balance” (compromise).
I want the narrow FOV of the original A119 Mini (2022) on a 4K Viofo model.
And if it doesn’t show 45° to the side you always have the option to add additional left & right side cameras.
I’ll be glad when 4-CH dash cams become the norm, like 2-CH systems are now.

Here’s screenshots from the;
93° A119 Mini (2022)
99° A119 Mini 2 (2023)
111° A139 Pro
??° A229 Duo (2022) I haven’t measured this one yet.
Try to read the phone number on the truck.


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