Waving Video Image

That's what I thought at first. But i'm wondering now if signal interference could be a possibility. Just throwing out an idea. Will collect more data and get back.
Are you going to wrap it in tin foil hat? Lol. If you do make sure to snap a few pictures. Sorry, I just thought it was funny. I think it's the lens but to be honest with so many different little components any one of them could be causing video distortion. Logically thinking you have three critical components that have greatest effect on video quality - CMOS, processor and lens. Then you could have things such as poor connection or bad soldering that may have negative outcome on image quality even with best components. I would suggest asking for help from people that reside in countries with lots of dashcam users. I know that Russia and China have lots of dashcams in use and they also have repair shops called "service centers" for dashcams. Maybe someone can ask "friend of a friend" about possible cause of this problem. I am sure you are not the only one with such issue.
It might come to that as a last resort. Trying other things first.
It's only doing it on the right side.
Hope not... Gonna cost at least $32 buck to send and seller could say never received it and already having fight as she sent wrong colour *sighs*
I had this with a cheapo cam and was told it was the lens. Took the cam apart & fixed it firmly with epoxy & all sorted.
I later had the same problem with my DOD cam, when I took this one apart, I noticed the lens was screwed down but the screws pressed on springs which, in turn, held the lens down. I tightened the screws ever so slightly & the problems was fixed.
I had this with a cheapo cam and was told it was the lens. Took the cam apart & fixed it firmly with epoxy & all sorted.
I later had the same problem with my DOD cam, when I took this one apart, I noticed the lens was screwed down but the screws pressed on springs which, in turn, held the lens down. I tightened the screws ever so slightly & the problems was fixed.

Wow.. Hmmm will give it a try next time if i can open it completely...


Something seems to hold it in one corner. They glued the screen to the back case too.
Is it normal for you guys?

It does it other times when not as hot.

Today I have this problem too. The same. Outside -10 celsius, after 1 hour working the cam normalising, now is ok, this is temperature very sensitive cam. If was -25 celsius maybe the screen will be die........