web cam audio question


Jan 17, 2016
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hello !
i have problem or question about webcam function, i have last firmware version 1.3 and i try to connect cam on 2 different pc s with win7 os. One is 64bit another one is 32.. but problem is with audio driver. When win find driver (DEMO) and update it for video and audio ,that drivers work ok in device manager. But when i want use it with skype, audio is always muted, when i want to move slider of cam audio device in windows sound mixer, that is not possible! I also try do disable ll audio rec devices in my sound control panel and afc set usb audio device (from git2 cam) as default, but no luck with sound again. Maybe git2 work only as a cam and not in same time as audio mic.. or i do something wrong?
thank you for answer
I know in firmware 1.3 the HDMI audio is disabled because of some problem in Novatek SDK. But I don't know if this can affect the Webcam audio.

could you be so kind and try yours at home, is audio working ? i try now one more time on win8 and same thing, you can't move slider, sound is always muted :/
is the audio meant to work in webcam mode, most cameras I've seen that have this mode is just for the video, you still use the normal mic from the computer
that is good question, when you buy webcam , you always get webcam with mic.. when you connect git2 as webcam your OS will install 2 drivers.. one is for video called DEMO and another with same name is for audio. Can somebody try this at home with skype or viber, in settings try DEMO audio driver for audio input device. Git2 have internal mic and have standard usb audio driver i don't see problem only if this is bug. My cam is new and i first put new firmware 1.3 so i don't know is same thing happen with old 1.2 i try find some info about this on internet but no luck for now.
OK so i did a fresh install of skype, since i hadn't installed it on this pc since it was last rebuilt. plugged in the git2 (with 1.3 firmware) and video works fine. no sound though. it's also wanting to use the DEMO1 "microphone". i don't have any other microphones on this PC (it's a desktop, not a laptop) so that's the only mic available. i'm running windows 10 pro 64bit, fully patched 1511.
agree that when you buy a webcam, it comes with a mic.
ok, it's a bug in firmware ! thank you for your time installing skpye :D
We confirmed there is no sound while using as web cam.
Is it possible to implement this feature in future firmware?
Is it possible to implement this feature in future firmware?
This can not be implemented due to the platform limited.
uf i'm sad for that, but thank you for your answer !