What temperatures can this sustain?

A Texan

New Member
Jul 13, 2015
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United States
I have had a B40 based camera that worked great for me for a few months - video was great during the day and decent at night. However, it eventually lost usuable focus. While it still records, the video is unusable. I think that it got overheated and either messed up the chip or distorted the lens.

My car sits out in the sun and the Texas summer can bring the temperature of the windshield up around 150° when there's no wind.

After reading a lot of good things about the Street Guardian, I'm considering taking the plunge. But, I'd like to know what kind of temperatures this camera can withstand before I risk this much money.

@A Texan

Thanks for that - those details didn't appear to be included in the Amazon listing. Looks like my quest for a new camera will have to take me elsewhere.
Chamber tests on SG9665GC are done on much higher figures than advertised.
It is wrong to think if you see "others" advertising +10C higher temp. it will perform better.
Yours and many others reported problem about going out of focus comes mostly from plastic lens holder being used in dashcam.
SG9665GC has special metal lens holder tested to work in extreme Australian hot weather, there for there are no focus shift.

Check @alexsoll post. It says regarding lens: 7 layer glass, metal body ( @holder );)
We've shipped plenty of these to Texas and have nothing but happy customers.

no heat warping, no heat focus shift, no problems.

The SG9665GC will not disappoint guaranteed backed by a no hassle 1 year warranty.
the B40 version uses a plastic lens and lens base, it will not hold focus in higher heat, we changed to a metal lens and lens holder specifically for this reason, Australia gets worse temps than Texas
the B40 version uses a plastic lens and lens base, it will not hold focus in higher heat, we changed to a metal lens and lens holder specifically for this reason, Australia gets worse temps than Texas

That's good to know. Sounds like this one is worth a shot. My B40 took great video when I first got it. Now, the video is too fuzzy to be usuable.

Sounds like this one is worth a shot.
2 4 6 8 buy now don't wait. if you wait the shipment will be sold out in no time they are that hot at the moment. you wont look back, best move I made.
We sold out today, I think @Pier28 will start on back orders again by this time tomorrow if they haven't already

End of the month before the next production run will be ready to ship
We sold out today, I think @Pier28 will start on back orders again by this time tomorrow if they haven't already

End of the month before the next production run will be ready to ship

We're officially out of stock as well. We do have some reserved for a special fleet sale. We'll find out this week if the deal is ready to close immediately or if they don't need them until August. We will make this reserved stock available for sale for all if the latter.
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Back on the original thread subject, I wanted to mention that the fleet sale I talked about above is for a company spread across Nevada where there is plenty of HOT desert sun. We don't expect any problems based on the excellent track record we've already established in Texas, East Coast, Australia, Saudia Arabia, and beyond.
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Definitely the right camera. :)

You didn't really need to respond to my wisecrack Jon but thanks for the reassurance. :)

I got a kick out of the story about the guy who got the wrong unit 'cause it reminded me of when I was in high school and was working in a shipping department and realized too late that I had somehow sent out a big pair of scissors instead of the item I was supposed to ship which was still sitting on the workbench when a co-worker asked where the scissors were. :D
Yeah the wrong item to Alaska order was the result of processing the most shipping labels in one day I've ever done before as a result of the titlewave of backorders to fill. After all day QA/Packing I made it to the post office with 5 minutes left to spare. I delivered them all to the post office myself since it was too late for a daily pickup. Imagine a mustang packed with boxes that looked more like Santa's slay than a vehicle. I've since twaked my shipstation process to reduce the chance of mis-ship happening in the future. (lesson learned). In other recent news, We just learned how to setup our system to dropship for others. (exciting week of learning)
Thanks for that - those details didn't appear to be included in the Amazon listing. Looks like my quest for a new camera will have to take me elsewhere.
I might be pointing out something that may be obvious (my apologies if so): the "storage" 70 degree high end of the range mentioned is in Centigrade and this is 158 degrees Fahrenheit ... the "people" scale used in the US.

So, if the inside of your car at the windshield gets to 150 degrees (Texas and US measure in Fahrenheit), the -20 to 70 C range should suffice, I think. But, I don't have any personal experience yet with dash cams though, so ... check it out for yourself.

Also, the operating temperature high of 60 degrees Centigrade is 140 degrees Fahrenheit ... so, while driving, might be good to turn the AC on ... certainly for the people in the vehicle anyway! :)