What to do with a spare dashcam?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius 1S Telephoto, A139, B1W
For any dashcam owners looking to upgrade to a new Dual Channel camera. What do you plan to do with your existing camera(s)?

When I upgraded to a GC, I relocated my previous camera to the rear screen. If I buy dual channel now I'll have two 'redundant' cameras. I suppose I could run everything side by side for comparison or data redundancy.
For any dashcam owners looking to upgrade to a new Dual Channel camera. What do you plan to do with your existing camera(s)?....
Side cams. Oh, wait - I'm already doing that with a pair of repurposed A118Cs.
if it was my car only it would have cams each side but now I've just got multiple front cams and rear cams, when the dual channel comes it will have more front and rear cams.
Now that I think about it, I already have a spare dashcam doing nothing. I'll give it a go in the fixed rear side window of my estate car.
As my profile pic shows, interior cam.. it's in the top left of my windscreen, my profile pic is cropped though, the actual FOV is much wider
Sidecams obviously but if you end up with a lot more than you need, use as pc web camera, motion detect front door camera and finally give them friends or sell.
When I retired my first dash cam that I bought 7 years ago I used it as a hidden indoor surveillance camera facing towards a sliding glass door where I had previously experienced a break-in. I had it plugged into an AC USB wall charger and used it like that for many months running it full time maybe 6 or more hours per day.
I think rear-facing cameras are very very interesting to watch/replay.
I think rear-facing cameras are very very interesting to watch/replay.

One time, I came upon a very busy, fast moving roundabout and waited until it was safe to enter the flow of traffic. Later that night I was reviewing the footage from my rear camera and discovered that some high strung, very impatient guy behind me was going absolutely ape-sh*t because I didn't immediately launch myself into the roundabout quite as soon as he would have preferred.
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I think rear-facing cameras are very very interesting to watch/replay.
Yep, most of my most interesting videos come from the rear camera. This I posted a while back but still worthwhile.
Original plan was to get a rear cam, but GB messed up the order and sent 2, not 1. OK, put the extra one on the drivers side. Then crazy things start happening on the other side and my job is putting me in that spot daily so I buy a cheapie to cover the 4th side till I can do better. Liked a new cam so got it for the rear, moved that one to where the cheapie was. 4 sides covered but not completely; still pretty good though :)

Now I have a cheapie cam in excess, but it's a battery powered one so it can't take the heat here. Can't give it away because everyone I know speeds or drives like crap so if I gift it to them it will go against them instead of helping them. It's not good enough for home security either. So I'll keep it for a spare and for when I borrow a car ;)

And I've got a 'project truck' which I hope to have running in a month or 3. Of course it will need cams, good cams and not the cheapie. And 4 of them because one justc won't do anymore. Here I go again :rolleyes:

...And 4 of them because one justc won't do anymore. Here I go again :rolleyes:

Yep, it's a slippery slope once you take that first step.

I'm already planning on how I'm going to handle getting a new vehicle in about a year. Have to have at least one cam in operation on my way to the dealer to pick up the new ride and, it goes without saying, at least one in operation in the new vehicle on the way home.
At least one always, and more as soon as possible :cool:

Yep, it's a slippery slope once you take that first step.

I'm already planning on how I'm going to handle getting a new vehicle in about a year. Have to have at least one cam in operation on my way to the dealer to pick up the new ride and, it goes without saying, at least one in operation in the new vehicle on the way home.

always a concern for GC owners, not quite ready yet but we have a suction mount we're working on which will help out with those types of situations