What's the difference between class10 MicroSd vs uhs-1 MicroSd?


Oct 23, 2015
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United States
I know that dash cams recommended class10 micro sd for optimal result. I'm trying to look for a replacement but the performance in those uhs-1 or 3 is too good. Plus peoples using those for capturing HD video. So I wonder will any of the dash cameras is compatible with these type of class? by the way, what brand is the most reliable?

Fyi, I have a SG9665gc
We will be doing an update soon which will increase compatibility with more cards, if buying cards now though better to stick with known supported models
...I wonder what will happen?
Most often, corrupt files. I find that it depends on the camera, some like certain brands more than others.
We will be doing an update soon which will increase compatibility with more cards, if buying cards now though better to stick with known supported models
Ok so I have 2 different brands in my shopping cart. Lexar U3 and transcend UHS-1, so either should be fine?
Transcend is what our engineer uses but by all accounts the Lexar are great cards and should be fine