Where can I get a non-defective A119 V3? (SOLVED)

Anyway, who is CYA?
CYA is long time DCT member CaptureYourAction, the retailer who has posted in this thread three times now since last Sunday in an attempt to help figure out your issue.

I posted a link to his web site when I mentioned his full member name in my last post.

To repeat what I said, he would be an excellent Viofo V3 vendor to consider as an alternative to Amazon.

You might benefit from having a private conversation with him or going directly to his web site's V3 offerings.


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I agree that the number of cameras, and the same thing being the problem every time, if it is a full blown product failure, then it is the first time in about a decade i have seen that to this degree.
I do also think this will be more and more a problem with newer cars, both EV and traditional vehicles with some excuses crammed in like stop / go and maybe hybrids.
I am dreading getting a new car, cuz my next car will probably be a EV, fortunately it will be 2 - 4 years before that happen.

When it come to product challenges then i have seen them all ( knocking on the bottom side of my computer table ) and that have also been a roller coaster ride.
There have been people with really strange things going on and several people have tried for 4 pages on this forum to help the person,,,,, only to finally learn that he/ she was plugged into some in car USB port that was not strong enough to power the system.
There are " so many" little things in regard to system problems, and even old guys like myself often forget some of them, even if many i have posted the same answer maybe 50 times since day #1 on this forum.

Once i only used Kingston memory cards and had like 6 of them, but ! one of them was fishy it would not work in one dashcam no matter what, but another memory card identical to it worked just fine, and the problem card it also worked just fine in other cameras. just not that particular dashcam, Thats just one of the WTH moments i have had over the years.

My last memory card ( A Adata endurance ) when i tried it first it did not work, so i tested it, and found out the speeds it was giving was only 1/3 of what it was rated for, i then formatted it using SDformatter and that brought back the speeds, but the card still fail sporadic in the cameras i have tested it in since then,,,,, aside for my Dji Osmo action camera, where i hit it with 4K/60 FPS footage at much higher data rates than any dashcam i have can produce.
So that strange card now live in my action camera, even if 256GB in it is wayyyyy overkill for the little i use that camera.

Erratic dashcam behavior is mostly to blame on the memory card or the power source, thats my experience in short. and some of the most premium cards i have ever gotten was years ago and 64GB U3 cards priced where you could get the same in 256 - 512 GB today, and those damn cards i barely got to fill 1 time before they died on me.
For a moment turning me off premium memory cards even if RMA on both was effortless and fast.
This was a while ago, different brand, but worth running through :

2nd post :

CYA is long time DCT member CaptureYourAction, the retailer who has posted in this thread three times now since last Sunday in an attempt to help figure out your issue.

I posted a link to his web site when I mentioned his full member name in my last post.

To repeat what I said, he would be an excellent Viofo V3 vendor to consider as an alternative to Amazon.

You might benefit from having a private conversation with him or going directly to his web site's V3 offerings.


Thanks for the recommendation. If my current unit turns out bad, I will avail myself of their services.
This was a while ago, different brand, but worth running through :

2nd post :

Thanks for the reference. Funnily enough, I had an 801, 803 and 805 of this type of dashcam (based on the Ambarella chip set) and was very satisfied. I particularly like that they produce a .gpx file that can be used in 3rd party viewers to play back captured footage along with a map display. Newer cameras, including the Viofo line, hide this information in the .mp4 file itself and, lately, have been sort of "encrypting" that data to force you to pay for their viewer software. Until I found a solution to this, I was unwilling to switch to any of the newer cameras. Check out this guy if you have this problem:
SergeiF and this Sergei.nz. Of course, they can always up the ante and put in real encryption that will effectively end this. This is why I waited so long to upgrade my camera.
Newer cameras, including the Viofo line, hide this information in the .mp4 file itself and, lately, have been sort of "encrypting" that data to force you to pay for their viewer software.
Does Viofo have its own software for viewing video files from Viofo DVRs?:unsure:
Newer cameras, including the Viofo line, hide this information in the .mp4 file itself and, lately, have been sort of "encrypting" that data to force you to pay for their viewer software. Until I found a solution to this, I was unwilling to switch to any of the newer cameras.

This is certainly not true for the A119V3 in this discussion because the third party Dashcam Viewer can read and display all information including GPS positions, g-sensor info, etc.

As the previous post, I'm not aware of any Viofo viewers.
I assure you that it is true. I suspect that the developer of the Dashcam Viewer either reverse engineered the GPS coordinate obfuscation or (more likely) licensed it from Viofo itself. In the old days, some chipsets (e.g. Amabarella) put the GPS coordinates into the closed caption track on mp4 and some just wrote out .gpx files. I had be using the old Datakam viewer to view these files. When I got the Viofo (and also the Spytec which I think is just a re-branded Viofo), the viewer could not read the GPS coords. I did some googling and found a solution by this guy : https://sergei.nz/2020-update-of-the-nvtk_mp42gpx-py-script/. If you know python, you can see how they do it. Anyway, I still use the old Datakam Registrator Viewer after extracting the GPS coords into a .gpx file. Even though you have to go thru a bunch of hoops to keep it working (the developer died a few years ago) I really like the layout and functionality of it. It is a very well designed and executed piece of software.

I did try Dashcam Viewer a couple of years ago and at that time it was a hot mess. Multiple windows all over the place. I just downloaded it again and it has improved a lot. I would pay $35 for it if I really needed a solution. I would NOT pay $75 and frankly I don't what would make it worth that much.

As posted by quite a few long standing members, we have never had reports of the main settings being reset on so many consecutive devices, especially from one owner from a series of supplied V3 dashcams.

The offer has been made by Viofo and CYA to test a Dashcam prior to despatch.......that has gone quiet. Has the offer been taken up or is the knowledge that a known good unit is an issue?

Now, the same owner is accusing Viofo of encrypting the MP4 files...... for what reason? These files go nowhere except in the owners archive.

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I am still investigating the settings reset problem. I agree that it is unlikely that I am the only one in the world to have the problem. Power problems was the first thing I investigated and I am still working on it. I really hope it's something on my end and that I can fix that. Not having a lot of reports of this problem certainly points to a problem on my end.

As for the other issue, I did some more research and I stand corrected. Viofo is not obfuscating the GPS coordinates in the mp4 moov atoms. If you want the long-winded explanation as to why I thought it was, I have posted it below.
As for the settings reset problem, I have been using the A119 on it's included power adapter for a couple of days now and have not had any resets. This is not proof but if I don't have a problem for a week or so, I will have to conclude my power adapter is the problem. This odd because I have been using this one to charge my iPhone and to power my previous dashcams. I may have to break out the o-scope if this is the case, just to satisfy my curiosity.

Thanks again for any help from you guys. I have always found these types of forums useful.

Long-winded explanation of my mistaken belief that Viofo (and Spytec) tried to obfuscate the gps coordinates on purpose:

I had to spend some time to come to this conclusion because I had bought a Spytec A119 (which looks exactly identical to the Viofo unit) and I attempted to use Sergei's python program to extract a gpx file for use in my dashcam viewer and that failed. I did some research and Sergei had found that some Chinese vendors had started "obfuscating" the gps coordinates through the simple process of adding an offset to the numbers. He reversed engineered this and produced an update to his program that reversed this obfuscation and produced correct gpx files. I downloaded this and, voila, it worked. So I assumed that the Spytec had firmware that applied the obfuscation. When I acquired the A129 and A119, I continued to use this method with success.
When you challenged me on this, I did some experiments on both the Spytec and my A129 mp4 files and when I applied the de-obfuscation I got erroneous coordinates! Now I was confused since I had been using this method for a couple of years now and it worked fine. BUT, I was using a windows batch file to actually call the python script and it turns out, it was not calling the script with the obfuscation option selected! So I have been wrong all this time! Again, my apologies.
As for the settings reset problem, I have been using the A119 on it's included power adapter for a couple of days now and have not had any resets. This is not proof but if I don't have a problem for a week or so, I will have to conclude my power adapter is the problem. This odd because I have been using this one to charge my iPhone and to power my previous dashcams. I may have to break out the o-scope if this is the case, just to satisfy my curiosity.
You need to use the adapter that came with the DVR. The fact that your adapter charged the iPhone and other DVRs worked with it is not an indicator. You are torturing the 4th DVR and never deigned to connect it to the adapter from the kit...:eek::banghead:
I will concede that the symptoms described are out of the ordinary for any power or memory card related problems.
There was a time IOS / apple devices would throw a spanner in the works too if you had the memory card in one of those, though as i recall also not anything like this

That being said when i and a few others got the SG9663DR camera to test, a couple of us had problems, in my case ( using parking guard for just 1 hour ) if my car was parked for over 18 hours the settings would reset, any shorter duration and everything was fine.
This was with the factory battery in my 2012 car, that otherwise did not display any problems, but there must have been some none the less, cuz i put in a new battery and that solved the problem for me.
Same camera i also as the only one in the world managed to screw up in the sense that now it broadcast wifi just fine, just no way in hell can i connect to it, and i have tried every trick in the book and even curb balls the old SG boss told me to try.
BUT ! i do not think i would be able to do that again with a new SG9663DR camera, not least as i have no idea how i did it, the first many weeks connecting to the wifi was effortless.
OK. Final post. Using the USB power adapter included with the Viofo A119 V3 cured the problem. This means that all the returned units were probably functioning properly, as well.
I spent some time using my oscilloscope to look at the power leads on the mini USB connector at the termination on the camera for the first few milliseconds after the microswitch closed. I found that both my old adapter and the one included by Viofo oscillated between 5.2V and 4.3V for the first 200 ms. In other words, they both looked pretty much the same, so no solution here. I then tried this experiment. Instead of using my driver-seat microswitch to switch the 5V coming from the 12v-to-5V adapter, I set the switch to closed and then simply plugged/unplugged the entire adapter from the car power receptacle. This produced a very different waveform on the 5V line. It started at 0V and ramped slowly over about 500ms (half a second) to 5.2V. From this I deduce that the power input of the Viofo does not tolerate fast voltage variation. This usually means that it does not have enough power "decoupling" or filtering. I can only guess that the Mini 803 that I had before did or at least did not care about the voltage fluctuation.

Any, long story short, I learned (or re-learned) a lesson. Once you think you know what is happening (I thought Amazon simply had a shipment of bad cameras), it is difficult to consider other things. Also, just because something has worked for you before, is no guarantee of future performance :)

Again, thanks for the help.
This usually means that it does not have enough power "decoupling" or filtering.
The supercapacitors charge fairly slowly so don't filter the power supply effectively, and it doesn't have electrolytic capacitors because they don't like heat. So it is a little different to other electronic devices, for good reasons.
This is another story where 'we' know it's either a faulty installation or an incompatible SDCard but no matter how many posts of advice are given, the owner knows best.
Our engineer thought this issue is related to the power supply.

We also developed a testing firmware to optimize the settings save to flash before the camera shutdown. If other users want to have a try can get below firmware.
As an engineer myself, can I ask why you decided to save the settings at shutdown instead of when the user actually sets them?
Also, why save in FLASH instead of the battery-backed RAM?
I was always taught that because of stray electrical interference it was always a good idea to fit suppression to any low voltage cables feeding into sensitive electronics.
You find these ferrite suppressors on many devices, even the power supply lead, the keyboard, mouse and printer on your computer may have them fitted ( that bulge in the cable ).

If i recall correctly the power cable to Viofo is 1/8" ( 3.25 or 3.5mm ) diameter, works better if you take two turns of cable through a larger ferrite though.

I have fitted one of these to many devices and never had a problem, I have one fitted to my A119 V3 cable close to camera. I used to work with industrial robots and if these had
been left off the signal leads going back into robot cabinets the robots would lose track of the program and reset themselves etc. due to electrical interference. I guess on a
Tesla with all the electrical power flying around from inverters etc that there may well be lots of stuff to make your dashcam do strange things.

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