Where is Timelapse on Blackvue Flagship model DR750s ?????? Why no Timelapse???


New Member
Dec 1, 2017
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United States
Blackvue is the only dashcam maker with no timelapse feature. WHY ??????
And why is Motion Detection on Blackvue cameras useless......WHY???????
C'mon Blackvue......Who cares about 60fps.....We want TIMELPASE and better Motion Detection !!!!!
Get it together BLACKVUE or im leaving
Anybody else wish they had timelapse?????? and better motion detection???????
Post below....
No to 1st and yes to 2nd but I wont lose sleep over it THe clarity is much better which is good enough for me
The number one feature to any Dashcam is Parking Mode. That is when u r away from ur vehicle and need eyes. This is where Blackvue Fails. Parking Mode is useless .The way it switches between park mode and normal mode is horrible. Thinkware does that so much better. Every time I get into my car and shut my door I get Impact Detected. Also there is no time lapse. That’s like the number new feature out now. And....On Motion Detection it is Far too sensitive. Even on setting one. The Blacksys CH200 has the best parking mode of all. And the Thinkware F800 Pro has the best Video Quality. I have had all 3. Blackvue just has good marketing and The Cloud View. Cloud View is Awesome !!!! But only 10% of people will ever use it.
So...... I am just buying time with my DR750s until the next truly awesome Dashcam comes out. If the Thinkware F800 Pro has Cloud Live View it would be the best.
If its so bad why did you buy it without researching these things Buy one of the others and be happy.

Some times its not the hardware its the ID ten T problem with the settings.

Also if you have timelapse and a 16gb card it will end up full of nothing before you know it

Another thing not thought of is I bet I could remvove all your wheels even with front and rear cameras and you would never see me.

They only look in a straight line and cant see along the sides of the car.

Until 360 deg cameras come it will stay the same
1- Nobody uses a 16gb SD card....
2- IF they had time lapse though....A 16gb SD card with Dashcam running time lapse at 1 frame per second will last a lot longer than u think.... possibly way longer than a 128gb SD running Full HD 1080p at 60 frames a second ( like my Blackvue DR750s 2ch
3- You must not have ever had a Blackvue DR750s Dashcam . If u did, u would know the motion detection settings even on setting 1 minimum it picks up EVERYTHING
4-Who steals rims nowadays? Lol
Dashcam sure are for accidents.... and vandalism ...and parking mode... and so I can have peace of mind... that is all
The Dashcam is not going to stop you from stealing my rims. But 99% sure it’s gonna see ur face or ur tags. You can’t catch everything even so. But the odds are in your favor if u have a Dashcam. There is no perfect system.
4- 360 degree Dashcam are horrible right now. They are years away....
5- The ONLY REASON I bought the Blackvue DR750s was for Cloud Live View and parking mode notifications. That is all...

Best of luck with ur 360 degree Fisheye View Camera. Years away from anything remotely worthy.
Until then........
Ha ha what a laugh. I have the following dashcams A DR400, a DR500 (died) a DR350 , a DR450 rear cam and now a DR750 front cam and have just bought another 450 for my Sons car

As Jokiin says BV supply 16gb cards so you had better get a mail off to them quickly and tell them they are wrong. I got 9 hours of recording on a 16gb card yestersday on the 350 and it wasnt half full.

As far as your wheels are concerned I was making a point which you obviously cant see that the camera doesnt see anything from the side and I have proved to a friend that parking mode for something like that is virtually useless. If you only have a front cam I would just walk around the rear. Simples If you have both there are ways to get to the other side without being seen

I dont actually use parking mode any more because of what it is.

I dont use the cloud as maybe the sun will come out and all the clouds will disappear, as an organisation found out this week. Seems clouds are not impeneterable.

For mine to record while i am driving and retain that is enough.

As I said if they dont meet your high standards BUY SOMETHING ELSE.

Next time research a purchase before you buy rather than moan afterwards.

If you are leaving dont let the door slam please
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I also think that Blackvue cams are poorly thought out and could be much better with better thinking behind them- the potential is there but it is not being used :( If that is how they want to build cams then fine- it won't hurt those who do their research well enough before buying because we won't buy a cam that doesn't suit us :cool: But many folks simply equate Blackvue's high selling price with high quality or good features then discover afterward they made an unwise buying decision. The only fix for them is on the user side of their own keyboard :whistle:

I wouldn't have a Blackvue cam for my own reasons. If given one I'd play with it then sell it and use the funds to buy better cams from better companies :p If you've got a Blackvue and you like it then good- I'm happy for you because I want everyone to have a cam they like :D At present they still have the best parking mode which is their best feature and a commendable achievement (y) Otherwise they may not be a good choice for most folks, so do your research before buying any cam and do that well. And if you've done that then you'll understand that Blackvue isn't interested in your opinions or desires for their cams so there's no use in complaining about them here (or anywhere else for that matter) and that problem cannot be fixed at all. Caveat Emptor :cautious:

Ha ha what a laugh. I have the following dashcams A DR400, a DR500 (died) a DR350 , a DR450 rear cam and now a DR750 front cam and have just bought another 450 for my Sons car

As Jokiin says BV supply 16gb cards so you had better get a mail off to them quickly and tell them they are wrong. I got 9 hours of recording on a 16gb card yestersday on the 350 and it wasnt half full.

As far as your wheels are concerned I was making a point which you obviously cant see that the camera doesnt see anything from the side and I have proved to a friend that parking mode for something like that is virtually useless. If you only have a front cam I would just walk around the rear. Simples If you have both there are ways to get to the other side without being seen

I dont actually use parking mode any more because of what it is.

I dont use the cloud as maybe the sun will come out and all the clouds will disappear, as an organisation found out this week. Seems clouds are not impeneterable.

For mine to record while i am driving and retain that is enough.

As I said if they dont meet your high standards BUY SOMETHING ELSE.

Next time research a purchase before you buy rather than moan afterwards.

If you are leaving dont let the door slam please
I also think that Blackvue cams are poorly thought out and could be much better with better thinking behind them- the potential is there but it is not being used :( If that is how they want to build cams then fine- it won't hurt those who do their research well enough before buying because we won't buy a cam that doesn't suit us :cool: But many folks simply equate Blackvue's high selling price with high quality or good features then discover afterward they made an unwise buying decision. The only fix for them is on the user side of their own keyboard :whistle:

I wouldn't have a Blackvue cam for my own reasons. If given one I'd play with it then sell it and use the funds to buy better cams from better companies :p If you've got a Blackvue and you like it then good- I'm happy for you because I want everyone to have a cam they like :D At present they still have the best parking mode which is their best feature and a commendable achievement (y) Otherwise they may not be a good choice for most folks, so do your research before buying any cam and do that well. And if you've done that then you'll understand that Blackvue isn't interested in your opinions or desires for their cams so there's no use in complaining about them here (or anywhere else for that matter) and that problem cannot be fixed at all. Caveat Emptor :cautious:

Sorry but Blackvue has the worst parking mode compared to all Dashcams. Especially when compared to BlackSys and Thinkware. In Korea where Dashcams are used far more often then in USA, Parking mode is the most important feature. And they do not turn to Blackvue for Parking Mode because Blackvue has one of the worst Parking modes. It’s not even considered when people talk about Best Parking Mode Dashcams. Do yourself a favor and YOUTUBE
“ Best Parking Mode Dashcam” and u will see nobody is even considering Blackvue. Their forums are full of people complaining about how sensitive Motion Detection is in Parking Mode and how useless it is. But I’m sure someone on this forum will say they have 20 Blackvue Dashcams and Parking Mode works great. LOL.... anybody that says that.....100% does not have a Blackvue DR750s Dashcam and is posting in the wrong Forum section. Two year old models are on another forum buddy... LOL. This Thread is for DR750s Blackvue ONLY!!!!!!. So if u don’t have one please keep your thoughts to yourself because u don’t know what u r talking about. ......Clearly.....
And the Reason they supply a 16gb SD Card is for people like me. I tossed the 16gb card out into the trash and put in a Lexar 128gb. The 16gb model is the cheapest model u can buy in the DR759. That’s why people buy em. I like to keep at least 2 weeks of recording. With a 16gb it is a total waste. Minimum useful size SD Card is 64gb. But I’m sure some people on here think 16gb is enough. LOL. Clearly they are not running Parking Mode with 2 Cellink B Batteries like myself. Without Parking Mode u r only using Half ur Dashcam.
Phil , Thank you for agreeing with me. Blackvue Dashcams are poorly thought out. But I’m sure someone will say they work flawless
Yes, what frustrates me is that Blackvue does not listen to their customers frustrations. This will be their downfall because competition is getting tight.
If the DR750s 2ch had time lapse, better Parking Mode, and a few more little things , it would be the best.
Today it’s 27 degrees in NJ and my DR750s 2ch is giving me Random “MANUAL RECORDING STARTED” voice prompts every 2 min on its own. Apparently this thing has a mind of its own when it gets below 32 degrees.
Stupid Stuff like this pisses me off. I contacted Blackvue directly and they suggested I put a Price of electrical tape over sensor to avoid false manual recordings.
UNREAL BLACKVUE....... Really???? Electrical tape is ur fix........
and that was straight from Blackvue Support. They want me put electrical tape to fix my $1000 Dashcam System. :barefoot::love::(:coffee::(
. Two year old models are on another forum buddy... LOL. This Thread is for DR750s Blackvue ONLY!!!!!!. So if u don’t have one please keep your thoughts to yourself because u don’t know what u r talking about. ......Clearly.....

I DO have a DR750S and am very happy with it as I dont make Hollywood blockbusters with it and rarely ever bother to look at what it has recorded as I have seen it all out the windscreen whilst driving. Unless something untoward happens there is no need for me to review it.

I have been on this Site for 5 years and have installed and used and repaired all the models mentioned so I probably have forgotten more about them than you know
I am well aware there are other forums for other models but you seem to think that as a new member of only 3 weeks you know everything about everything . Maybe parking is not its best feature but for those who use them differently they are satisfactory.
Strange that my older cameras worked fine in the Canadian winter at -2c and in Texas at +40C Also in Aus atm it is over 37C and my 750 is working fine as is the 450 and the old 400.

If you have such an aversion to Blackvue sell the thing and buy something else.

I get sick of posters who buy something without fully researching before buying and then publicly rubbish the product because of their own shortcomings.
By your analogy if your crappy Chev Impala had a V12 better aerodynamics and a sports body it would be the best

If you want the best buy it and stop moaning about what you did buy because you didnt read up enough about it

By the way what does a Price of electrical tape look like.

I might suggest you also keep your opinions to yourself as you have no idea about my experience regarding dashcams.

You said you would leave. As Johnny Cash said to Roseanne's new boyfriend when he turned up drunk raving on a bit. "I havent known you long enough to miss you." Bye.
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Forums are for opinions and experiences, not sure if u are aware of that Aussie....

If u do not agree with someones opinion, i suggest u go drink a Budweiser and go listen to some Johnny Cash...

Just because your camera works great and you are happy with it, does not mean all other cameras sold out there are going to work great.
Its common sense.....I am Glad yours works flawless

For your info, i am strictly talking about parking mode on the Blackvue DR750s 2ch. You CLEARLY dont use parking mode on this model so why are you even commenting on my posts??
I dont care if u have been a member on here for 20 years. That means absolutely zero

This is why i hate posting on these forums. You get these members that think they know everything and get upset because they disagree. If you dont agree with my post then just move on.......i am posting my experiences.... Not yours..... Thats what Forums are for.
Stop getting mad that i am unhappy with Parking Mode on the Blackvue DR750s. Its Childish ....

So............As of today Blackvue released a NEW Firmware for the DR650s to help improve False "Impact Detected in Parking mode" warnings so i am assuming it will soon be released for the DR750s as well.
Also as of today it is 14 degrees F in New Jersey USA and snowing and again, my Blackvue DR750s 2ch Proximity sensor has been going on/off on its own every minute saying "MANUAL RECORDING STARTED". Only happens when VERY cold outside. I am not putting a peice of electrical tape over Proximity sensor like Blackvue support suggested as a fix.
If you had read as much as perhaps you should have before buying you would have seen this in the specs

"Overhauled Motion Detection Sensitivity in Parking Mode. Motion Detection has been improved to reduce “false activation” like moving trees or bird. This will save power and storage space."

So its already there on a 750.

We are ALL entitled to our own opinions and we also get sick of new members who come and try to tell us how to suck eggs.

As I said you are bleating about a camera that you are unhappy with when had you done your homework properly you may not have bought it and we wouldnt have to put up with your ravings.

If Blacksys has the best parking mode and you think that is the be all and end all of a dashcam BUY ONE.

Far more things to use it for than parking mode which is way down my list
Even the least amount of research would have shown you that the parking mode of the BlackVue cameras is poor.. to say the least. IF parking mode was that important.. you bought the wrong camera. Perhaps 2018 will be a better year for you.:)
Stop Trolling my replies Aussie ...It is so funny how u think because u have been a member for so long that you know everything. I hate to inform you but sometimes things don’t work as they should. Can u believe that????!!! Lol. I guess I should’ve read up. Lol. You don’t even use PARKING MODE ON BLACKVUE so why are you even commenting on any of this.... Oh I forgot..... you have been a member for years and have 20 Blackvue cameras. Lmao!!!! Lol.... You are replying to threads that you have NO IDEA WHAT U R TALKING ABOUT...... I use all features on my Blackvue, Not half of them like you. So if u have never used Parking Mode do not reply. This Thread is STRICTLY about PARKING MODE

I am not trolling your replies I am expressing MY opinion which you said the forum is for.

Or is it just for you to stuff your opinion down everyone elses throat.

Not everyone is obssessed with parking mode and its been well known to most other than you that it isnt the best feature of the brand.

So why did you buy it. Oh thats right so you could moan about it on here and tell us a Blacksys is better .

Well buy the Blacksys and go away.
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No, you are Trolling my posts. Can you say Shrimp on the Barbie?????
You have nothing at all to add to this TOPIC so it is called Trolling. A member that has been on here for 5 years should know this...LOL.
This topic has absolutely nothing at all to do with you because you dont use parking mode. So get out of my Thread.
guess nobody told Blackvue, they supply this model with 16GB cards
yes ,i think the 16gb models are for people who buy it, then toss out the 16gb sd card and buy a bigger SD card. Since they dont sell unit without an SD Card...16 gb SD card will get u about 1-3 days worth of video if u r using Parking mode or Constant Recoring with a Cellink B battery like i sometimes do. But i guess for few 16gb will suffice. Me personally i like to record all the time. I also live in the city and u never know whats gonna happen when u r not looking. Better safe than sorry
New Jersey Yea Says it all.. By the way Im neither an Aussie or an arrogant American. Ive set up parking mode and its working OK.
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