WiFi Not staying on after leaving car.


New Member
Mar 7, 2020
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Thinkware U1000
I am unable to view live view since the update. I have my camera set to motion mode so I can use live view. Usually the Wi-Fi remains on.

I've now noticed that after leaving the car, the dash cam goes into parking mode but the Wi-Fi led doesn't stay lit. I can't connect to the dash cam anymore via live view from home. Has anyone else experienced the same issue?

I can confirm that my router is working - When the car is turned on and the DashCam is all up and running, the dash cam connects to the internet through my in-car WiFi router and I can view live footage.
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And you are sure it worked before the update ?

because I doubt your car's wifi stays on when the car's off ? (mine certainly doesn't)

it's normal that the wifi led is off in parkmode (only the red record button stays on )
And you are sure it worked before the update ?

because I doubt your car's wifi stays on when the car's off ? (mine certainly doesn't)

it's normal that the wifi led is off in parkmode (only the red record button stays on )
Sorry forgot to mention, the WiFi router is not built in to the car. It's a mini router which is plugged in 12v, stays permanently on. And yes it has always worked without any problems. Since the update, it doesn't connect anymore. I've just tried to view the live update and I've took a screenshot. When I open the app just before pressing live view I can see that it has received info from the DashCam and it shows the time of the last update.. (02:28) Screenshot_20230404_142903_THINKWARE CLOUD.jpg but as soon as I press live view it does not connect which is very strange.