windows 10 and video playback


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2014
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SF bay area, California
United States
Dash Cam
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just upgraded to 10 on an older laptop that was running 7. on 7, it would play my mini 0805 21:9 files smoothly on QuickTime only. it stuttered when played in win media player and VLC. now on 10, it plays very smoothly on win media player and VLC. I prefer watching on media player as it will play a queue of video files smoothly in succession as opposed to playing one clip at a time on QuickTime. I'm guessing win10 now has native support for newer codecs that enable a more efficient playback.
just upgraded to 10 on an older laptop that was running 7. on 7, it would play my mini 0805 21:9 files smoothly on QuickTime only. it stuttered when played in win media player and VLC. now on 10, it plays very smoothly on win media player and VLC. I prefer watching on media player as it will play a queue of video files smoothly in succession as opposed to playing one clip at a time on QuickTime. I'm guessing win10 now has native support for newer codecs that enable a more efficient playback.

I noticed the same thing, I had problems playing certain Full HD web videos full screen, and now everything is super smooth. I'm glad I upgraded right away.
There might be a very real cost for that video smoothness on Windows 10. It appears that the default settings are "spyware central".

‘Incredibly intrusive’: Windows 10 spies on you by default
Published time: 31 Jul, 2015 22:39

Microsoft’s new Windows 10 operating system is immensely popular, with 14 million downloads in just two days. The price of the free upgrade may just be your privacy, though, as changing Windows 10’s intrusive default settings is difficult.

Technology journalists and bloggers are singing Windows 10’s praises, often using the words such as “amazing,”“glorious” and “fantastic.” The operating system has been described as faster, smoother and more user-friendly than any previous version of Windows. According to Wired magazine, more than 14 million people have downloaded their upgrade since the system was released on Wednesday.

While the upgrade is currently free of charge to owners of licensed copies of Windows 8 and Windows 7, it does come at a price. Several tech bloggers have warned that the privacy settings in the operating system are invasive by default, and that changing them involves over a dozen different screens and an external website.

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Well i was just told ( by a tv program on History 2 ) that Apple do the same with ther icloud.

I am not sure how much there is in win 10, but i think i have disabled most of it, dident even bother with the free office as i have never had a need for any office like software.
But yes, when i got into disabeling and opting out of stuff in win 10 i was like :eek::eek::eek: so thats on from the word GO.
Is allso freak me out that win 10 can see beyond my netcard and see the router provided by my ISP, not least as its a cheap crappy netgear router with proven flaws to it :(

To me it is not as scary as what Danes hand over to our goverment wich have little success when it come to it implementation and security in IT, or what so many ppl them self hand over on facebook and simmilar sites.
I've never used "cloud" storage from any source. I can't understand how anyone would use it.

I seems to me to be a no-brainer that any non-local storage is going to be an open book to someone.
...any non-local storage is going to be an open book to someone.


But I do use it for non-critical, non-personal data - like stuff I might want to share with someone but that is too large for an email attachment.
I've never used "cloud" storage from any source. I can't understand how anyone would use it.

I seems to me to be a no-brainer that any non-local storage is going to be an open book to someone.

I've never used "cloud" storage from any source. I can't understand how anyone would use it.

I seems to me to be a no-brainer that any non-local storage is going to be an open book to someone.
There was a TV series which ran from 1995 to 1998 called BUGS
and most episodes seemed to centre around someone taking over something which was mainly controlled by computers. I seem to remember one episode where a building in the middle of nowhere was purely computer storage - holding offsite data for banks, big business etc - despite it having state of the art blah, blah, blah, somebody managed to hack in & do mischief.
There might be a very real cost for that video smoothness on Windows 10. It appears that the default settings are "spyware central".

Anyone watch Kingsman?
Wasn't there also a similar theme on an episode of Dr Who?

Once the world has downloaded their free software, 'they' flip a switch and we all turn into zombies.
Oh, wait...
You're referring to "Dr WHO"?
hehe close down facebook - twitter and instagram for a week, and watch phone lines to the local crisis center go red hot and the suicide numbers skyrocket.
And sorry for sounding a little cold hearted and stone cold, but i would laugh my ass off, even if some of the dead was related to me.

And dont get me wrong i am not a technophobe, but some of the stuff ppl have come up with lately is just BS in my eyes, and it do offend me a little ppl kan make a gazillion dollars on that.

I do allso think that some time in a far far future we will be held in content for what we humans are dooing now and have been doing the past decade or 2.
hehe close down facebook - twitter and instagram for a week, and watch phone lines to the local crisis center go red hot and the suicide numbers skyrocket.
And sorry for sounding a little cold hearted and stone cold, but i would laugh my ass off, even if some of the dead was related to me.

And dont get me wrong i am not a technophobe, but some of the stuff ppl have come up with lately is just BS in my eyes, and it do offend me a little ppl kan make a gazillion dollars on that.

Last month, I got behind my first texting zombie driver. The guy was oblivious ..... to everything ..... stoplights, traffic flow ...... everything. I'm semi-crippled from an encounter with a drunk driver when I was on a motorcycle and this texting guy was far more dangerous than a drunk in my opinion.

While it's humorous to watch a young lady fall into an open manhole while texting, it really does emphasize just how absorbing (damaging?) this tech really is.
Yeah those drivers are scary stuff, its "funny" how here within the last decade or so cars going off into oncomming traffic with a head on crash as result have skyrocketed.
If my mood is bad enuff and its safe i will yell my head off at them, and i do think i underlying have a whish that the person will get out of his car for a fistfight.

ANd i am not a fighting man, before my brain snapped 2-3 years ago i had only been in a fight 2-3 times, thats allready dubled by now though 1 event might better be called a outright attack on my part.
But when a person nick my car and i calmly tell that to him and he just speek jibberish back to me ( polish i assume ) and i then calmly tell the same in english and then get ignored and looked at as if i am carzy, well then things start flying with me the way i am now, in that case my foot to his stomach, a lot of screaming in english and german too as i know many poles speak that too, and then i walked off.

I bet ppl at the burger king where it happned must have looked amazed, sadly i did not have a dashcam back then.
A year or so ago we had an instance where a young girl & her passengers were killed when her car veered over to the other side of the road.
According to reports, a text had just come in on her phone in the seconds before the crash.
According to the local paper, police couldn't tell if she'd been reading the text when she crashed as the phone had a pinlock.
There's been no other reports about this.
Strange that in this day and age, with all the tech at their disposal, police are unable to unlock a phone.

Again, one more good reason for compulsory cams in/on everything on our roads.
Whilst a single cam wouldn't show what was going on inside the car, the audio track would give plenty of clues.
Again, one more good reason for compulsory cams in/on everything on our roads.
Whilst a single cam wouldn't show what was going on inside the car, the audio track would give plenty of clues.

I disagree. Compulsory anything leads to abuse in the end.

I don't know about your government, but I do not trust US government at any level. Their operating principles appear to be waste, fraud, abuse and criminal racketeering of all sorts.
As a outsider i am not at liberty to trow any deep punches at the US government, and as such the ppl who voted for the ppl there.

But i feel exactly the same about the Danish government, and there fore i have stopped voting as i feel i do more harm by voting than i do not voting.
This is a major disappointment to me, but i have to realize that all the times i have voted in the previous 30 years i have been a part of the problem.
I pray every day that for the next election there will be a party to vote for that is willing to make all the desissions that the current parties have bypassed for decades as it will not make for more votes.

In my eyes being a good politician is not about being popular and have your seat in parlement for decades,it's about doing the things that need to be done, and most of them will not be popular with the masses.

I am pretty sure if the old Greeks that came up with the concept of democracy came back they would be ashamed of what there good idea have been turned into.
I disagree. Compulsory anything leads to abuse in the end.

I don't know about your government, but I do not trust US government at any level. Their operating principles appear to be waste, fraud, abuse and criminal racketeering of all sorts.
I don't trust my government either - you always know when a politician is telling lies... his lips move.

But on the first point, how could anyone abuse a compulsory dashcam?
But on the first point, how could anyone abuse a compulsory dashcam?

See "1984" by George Orwell.
As this thread is about W10 I'll stop there, and get back on track by saying that I passionately hate W8.1 which was pre-installed on my laptop, but I will not even consider installing w10 until enough is known about it, and until it's problems have been discovered and worked out. By that time I hope to be conversant enough in Linux so the point will become moot to me :cool:

See "1984" by George Orwell.
As this thread is about W10 I'll stop there, and get back on track by saying that I passionately hate W8.1 which was pre-installed on my laptop, but I will not even consider installing w10 until enough is known about it, and until it's problems have been discovered and worked out. By that time I hope to be conversant enough in Linux so the point will become moot to me :cool:

I'm guessing you're going with the omnipresent government surveillance? Yeah, right. It takes them all their time to get a decent phone signal.
In any case, a compulsory dashcam could simply mean 'choose any one from a list of recommended' and not 'we will fit a cam when we manufacture the car so that the cam can constantly transmit all its data to us'.
And how many licensed drivers in the US? Around 212 million? If government agencies can't keep tabs on a handful of terrorists, what chance do they have of monitoring the driving public?