X2 screen randomly turns back on


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2014
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Too many
OK it seems I'm the only person seeing this particular bugette, but basically I have the X2 set to 30 second timeout on the LCD screen.

Probably four or five times now since I've had it from October I've noticed that the screen can randomly turn on without any reason.

It's done it again tonight, except this time I made a mental note (and used Siri to make a reminder) that it had happened again on the journey back.

The X2 makes no noises, it's not an event being triggered, so I don't know what it is.

Here's a video clip - I noticed the screen on around 1:30 into the clip:

A bit random but not sure if anyone else has seen this?
mine used to this all the time, when i used the transcend sd cards. now with kingston 64gb in front, and sony 32gb in rear haven't happened
I havnt seen random screen turn ON. I am not saying it happening or not, because unit is fully hidden behind RVmirror opposite from driver. I only check every time start car if unit goes from parking to recording mode. Other than that ( during driving ) it is impossible for me to see screen. Maybe if moving X2 lower, so can see screen always while driving, then could confirm if it happening to me or not.
Yeah it's a strange one - it doesn't seem to affect operation but I'm more intrigued as to what causes it to turn the screen on.

When the debug firmware is available I'm expecting lots of things will start to make sense when we can read the logs :)

Mine is pretty much in the same place as yours is Niko, I just sometimes notice the reflection of the screen at night time in the plastic bit near the sunglasses holder.

It doesn't happen much - it's as though something triggers the g sensor but not quite enough to actually make it save it as an event file.

That's interesting about the cards though - I have new cards to put in today so I'll see if this happens again. I was running two of the Samsung Pro 64GB cards (older black cards with grey writing).
Now that would make perfect sense - in that clip I went through a short tunnel and the screen came on shortly afterwards - I'll have to keep an eye on that but you may have got the root cause there!

We don't tend to have that many tunnels here and I don't see the problem too often - do you get it a lot in Singapore?

I'll be doing that route again at the weekend so I'll see if it happens again then - that's a fantastic observation thank-you :)
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Now that would make lots of sense - in that clip I went through a short tunnel and the screen came on shortly afterwards - I'll have to keep an eye on that but you may have got the root cause there!

We don't tend to have that many tunnels here and I don't see the problem too often - do you get it a lot in Singapore?

I'll be doing that route again at the weekend so I'll see if it happens again then :)

Singapore is too small a country - I fear one day you will find all of us living closer to the earth's core :D
I happen to commute over a very long tunnel (approx 10km) every day and noticed this pattern. I can't be sure if it always due to the tunnel but I noticed this strange phenomenon whenever I'm out of one.

Your video also seems to suggest the same. At 1.20 onwards your unit shows a stuck GPS speed despite being in the open, and briefly reset to zero before getting speed data again.
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Exactly right - in Registrator Viewer it shows loss of GPS from 20:03:18 until 20:03:25 which is exactly when it came back on - I think you've cracked this one for sure thank-you :)

It also explains why people without the GPS unit have never seen the problem!
Im sorry to disappoint you Reverend, but i dont have a gps and used to do it.
It sounds like maybe different things can cause this in that case - looks like we'll have to keep an eye on this one :)
It sounds like maybe different things can cause this in that case - looks like we'll have to keep an eye on this one :)
You can easily test the GPS theory by driving into an underground car park, no need to go looking for tunnels
There is one at the local supermarket - I'll give it a go tomorrow night and see what happens :)

There aren't that many around these parts, think we've got too much space!
Mine has been doing that for a while, on a 50 mile trip the GPS will loose connection 3-4 times, causing the screen to come on. I do this drive two times a week and there are no tunnels or any kind of obstructions, and it also seems to loose the connection in approximately same locatons, and clear sky.
Which way do you have it facing? Sticky side up?

Is it the original slimline one or the square one?

Mine has been much better behaved since I got it located in the corner of the windscreen so it was away from the camera.

I went and sat in an underground car park to kill the signal and sure enough as soon as I came out I got the signal back and the screen lit up so thanks @L_ynch for the heads up.

Now we need to figure out why the cameras without GPS sometimes do it.
Slimline and facing sticky side up. It sits under the forward collision sensor in the middle of the windshield, and it has a clear vew of the sky.
Also a cold start is pretty fast and it regains signal when warm almost instantaneous, so i dont think that it struggles to receive the signal, and when it randomly looses the signal during long drives it takes about 3 minutes to regain.
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