X2 screen randomly turns back on

I've relocated mine right over to the right hand side of the windshield now - it might be worth trying that as I think these slimline ones are potentially prone to interference from other devices near them.

When I started initially trying various places I just tucked it into the sunvisor with it facing sticky side up and it worked fine there!

To be honest now I know it's just turning on the say GPS has been reacquired it doesn't bother me - I thought it might have been something more serious :)
Today I first time was able to see how X2 LCD screen "suddenly" turned ON while I was driving under highway bridge. It's looks like after ver yshort GPS signal loss LCD screen turned on, which makes me think that this "sudden" LCD turning On is related to temporary GPS signal lost as was assumed by few other forum posts. It doesnt bother me, at least I know the cause. Will try to keep eye on driving under bridges and trough underground car park to see if it's proven to be 100% theory.
I'm calling it confirmed. And yes maybe it's a good thing to know GPS signal was interupted. Niko did you switch to the long cable square GPS yet?
I wonder if this accounts for my unit locking up whilst driving?
I wonder if this accounts for my unit locking up whilst driving?

You mean your X2 is locking up / freezes while driving under bridge or through tunnel ?
I'm calling it confirmed. And yes maybe it's a good thing to know GPS signal was interupted. Niko did you switch to the long cable square GPS yet?

I had slim GPS for first few month last year, then I went over to one of GPS antennas from Panorama S series with blue LED, because I like to see ( check time to time ) from outside, while car is parked if X2 is still in parking mode or BDP is kicked in. If blue LED blinks, it means GPS locked, which means X2 is still in parking mode, - logical ;)
Besides, GPS antenna is mounted in top left A pillar corner and this blue blinking led may give an extra "warning" for bad guys about some sort of additional in car security system installed.
You mean your X2 is locking up / freezes while driving under bridge or through tunnel ?
No, my X2 locks up whilst driving on the open road. I've had it a few times now. My sensor is the correct way up, stuck to the window in clear space. I also get GPS speed spikes
No, my X2 locks up whilst driving on the open road. I've had it a few times now. My sensor is the correct way up, stuck to the window in clear space. I also get GPS speed spikes

Speed spikes on RV is normal in some way, its due to how RV reads data. I would not worry about those sudden speed spikes. If playback on original Viewer, then there whould not be speed spikes.
Have you tried to drive without GPS antenna connected, - does it locks up then as well ?
right, so the last few days ive had the screen timeout set to 30 seconds, to see if this causes issues, etc, and tonight when i drive into the garage, the gps signal lost (as it should--its all concrete and an in-ground garage) and the screen turned on.

of course this has been determined to be GPS lock/unlock issues, but just wanted to confirm I had it happen to me...
right, so the last few days ive had the screen timeout set to 30 seconds, to see if this causes issues, etc, and tonight when i drive into the garage, the gps signal lost (as it should--its all concrete and an in-ground garage) and the screen turned on.

of course this has been determined to be GPS lock/unlock issues, but just wanted to confirm I had it happen to me...
I have the same. When the GPS signal is lost the screen comes on. I don't see it as an issue though as it alerts you to the GPS signal being lost.
I dont think it has anything to do with the GPS. I dont have GPS antenna and sometimes my screen goes on.
i can confirm the screen comes on every time when GPS is lost, and not any other time.

since i have had the screen timed to go off after 30 secs, the screen only turns on when i enter the garage to my place and the garage to the job.

if the screen ticks on by itself without gps, sounds like something is amiss...