XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update


New Member
Mar 24, 2015
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Dash Cam
yi sport camera
Android application shows me there is an firmware update, after succesfully update camera stuck on beepeng loop...
ive found description and video of my problem made by Dezmen3:
Steps that caused this:
1. Connected camera to app. App prompted to update firmware to 1.0.0.
2. Updated till 100%, got V mark successful process. Clicked OK.
3. Camera didn't rebooted, firmware version remained 0.7.11.
4. After manual camera reboot - it died.

Doesn't helped me:
- Reformatting sd card
- turn on without sd card

Dezmen3 took this video:

Any idea how to fix this?
That beeping loop is it updating the firmware again - I'm guessing you have a firmware.bin on the root of the memory card?

It takes around a minute to complete that process if so.

An easy way to test is drop the memory card out and turn it on and see if you get the loop.
As an alternative try copying the standard firmware.bin file from my post in this thread:


Copy that onto your memory card and then try flashing that and leaving it for a few minutes.

There's also a copy of the firmware.bin hidden in the Yo Camera app on your Android device and on mine is fifty something MB so much bigger than the version I have here.
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ive tried with and without SD card. beepeng loop.
now i put firmware from your post to sd card, put sd card into the camera and turn it on. Camera start beepeng. so i leave it now for few minutes... lets see
When I did the initial upgrade from Android it took over five minutes in total - I've got to admit OTA updates are always risky on anything!
Worst case if that doesn't work hopefully it's a DirectUSB job assuming the camera will go into Ambarella Dev mode - @GearBest do you know if Xiaomi can make an ELF version of the firmware available for use with DirectUSB please as that would save lots of returns if people are having bricks during software upgrades?
When I did the initial upgrade from Android it took over five minutes in total - I've got to admit OTA updates are always risky on anything!
All started from Android app. Once it installed, it will download firmware_X.X.X.bin file to /SportsCamera/Firmware/ folder and then once you connect your camera it will prompt you to update.
Clicked yes and update started. The weird thing that first update try took like 10 minutes, but was not really successful. It stayed at 100% more than 10 minutes, so I've clicked cancel and it returned to menu. Tried again, it did 100% in half a minute then said you are good and updated.
But when I look into camera settings, firmware version remained 0.7.11. After rebooting camera it boot looped. Formatting SD didn't help. Tried to run update proccess with firmware.bin file - waited over 5 minutes, nothing changed.
after 25 minutes still beeping. shutting this down.
in my case android app prompted me to upgrade fmw. when i turn on my phone againt it says 100% ok. camera was off, when i turn it on it started beeping.
Would be nice to know how to enter dev usb mode to use Ambarella DirectUSB. There is no Up button in Yi Camera, when you connect to usb/turn off nothing happens, no new device detected.

this issue happen to me after i update the firmware 0.7 -> 1.0
manual restart and beeping loop,
im so panicked and i did this trick and its work for me, my yi firmware currently 1.0

my step:
-turn off xiaomi yi
-press and hold top button
-press on/off button once.
-release top button

this issue happen to me after i update the firmware 0.7 -> 1.0
manual restart and beeping loop,
im so panicked and i did this trick and its work for me, my yi firmware currently 1.0

my step:
-turn off xiaomi yi
-press and hold top button
-press on/off button once.
-release top button

ive tried this 20 times... doesn't work for me :( still beeping
Same. Didn't worked.
The only chance to fix it - download ELF firmware directly to ROM.
Do You think it is possible? how about xiaomi support?
Who did you both buy them from?

I've tagged Gearbest in here but if you've bought from elsewhere email their support and see if they can help too - the more that ask the more chance there is of getting the ELF file :)
I'm struggling to get it to go into DirectUSB mode so far - nothing has worked yet.

I've managed to make it make some very random noises (remove the battery, connect it to an OTG cable and then hold power) but so far nothing of use.