XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update

Да нет никаких способов , неужели не ясно ? И что покажет hdmi если камера не грузится. Как вариант по spi шить, но чтоб по spi шить надо по spi прошивку слить...
Да нет никаких способов , неужели не ясно ? И что покажет hdmi если камера не грузится. Как вариант по spi шить, но чтоб по spi шить надо по spi прошивку слить...
Я так понял, что ты этим и занимаешься или умеешь. И прошивка у тебя есть. Давай уже делись, хватит устраивать здесь бизнес :)

For the rest of the guys: sorry for Russian in this thread.
So i have the exact same problem!
here is the video link:

What i did at first was change the battery from the original Xiaomi to another battery from a HASEE phone which has 1800mAh with 3.7V and surprisingly the camera worked! ofcourse i had to open up the camera to join the contacts of the battery.I also discovered that the camera image sensor got EXTREMY hot on the process,i could connect with my phone and all,the live video woud turn into a pink tint from the sides and the heat woud be unbearabe to even touch so i had to let go of the batery and it would turn off,but the whole thing did turn on every time i used the other battery.

Later after i guess another firmware update OR IDK what it doenst work with the HASEE battery too.
stuck with the same Beep Beep Beep continiously.I tested and tried to fix it over a month now,Still hopefull for some results any of you may find!
Я так понял, что ты этим и занимаешься или умеешь. И прошивка у тебя есть. Давай уже делись, хватит устраивать здесь бизнес
Нет у меня прошивки, и способов её прошить тоже не знаю (прошивка по spi лишь предположение, требующее спец оборудования ). Хотя если б была , я бы врядли всем подряд стал рассказывать как чинить камеры. А с другой стороны бизнес на этом не построить )) , процент окирпичивания мал, колличество владельцев тоже не так велико. Всё что я могу это лишь продать СВОЮ рабочую камеру на запчасти, которую покоцал , или купить на запчасти окирпиченую, чтоб восстановить покоцаную..
I dont have firmware , or any options how to recover bricked cameras.
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Hello everybody again. I have a very GOOD news for all. Your cameras will be fixed soon. I've got the ELF file and I know how to fix our cameras using directUSB mode. Everything is very easy. I've unbricked my camera 10 minutes ago. Prepare your cameras, charge your batteries. I need to clarify under what conditions I can redistribute the file.

You cameras will be alive tomorrow!
Hello everybody again. I have a very GOOD news for all. Your cameras will be fixed soon. I've got the ELF file and I know how to fix our cameras using directUSB mode. Everything is very easy. I've unbricked my camera 10 minutes ago. Prepare your cameras, charge your batteries. I need to clarify under what conditions I can redistribute the file.

You cameras will be alive tomorrow!
That is excellent news! And day has changed, where is it? ;)
Hello everybody again. I have a very GOOD news for all. Your cameras will be fixed soon. I've got the ELF file and I know how to fix our cameras using directUSB mode. Everything is very easy. I've unbricked my camera 10 minutes ago. Prepare your cameras, charge your batteries. I need to clarify under what conditions I can redistribute the file.

You cameras will be alive tomorrow!

oh thx for good news!!
i've wait for 2 months.
Hello All,

I know this is an old post but recently my YI action camera died when It failed to upgrade firmware.

Please help me with the executable files to try the fix. (Autoexec.ash and the firmware for my YI action camera.)

YI Action camera - SN-Z23L model-YDXJ01XY

Mine also 3 LED only then stuck, anybody has a solution? tried already the short circuit and firmware method.