XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update

same here. Dead. Tried almost every button combination to get this thing working.
I wonder if maybe the Android application isn't double checking the checksum of the downloaded file before it tries to flash it?

The copy of firmware.bin here if probably safer for people to use to upgrade for the time being - the problem is that by the time people find this thread they'll have killed their camera :(

I just had a thought actually.

Maybe the bootstrap is still active.

Try downloading this file:

Copy it to the root / top level folder of the memory card, then insert the memory card in the camera and turn it on.

Wait 30 seconds or so then put the memory card back in the PC and see if you have a help.txt or drives.txt - they'll either be in the top level folder or the DCIM folder if this does anything.

If that does generate output then there's a chance that firmfl could be used.
the problem is that by the time people find this thread they'll have killed their camera :(
Seriously we should broadcast the issue on the internet, to make people aware and even better, force Xiaomi to react. I already did it on Reddit.
Can you try that script file in the post above yours to see if it does anything please as if it does it may be recoverable?

I'm guessing half the problem is that you've got an Android app downloading a file from China on an already overloaded server - when I tried yesterday I noticed it kept cancelling the download half way through.

It does look like the app should be checking it as the web server returns the MD5 for the file - but whether it actually gets checked is another matter and if it isn't that would explain this problem potentially.
Can you try that script file in the post above

Cannot do this at the moment, I'm in the open space office and this thing is beeping like a f*ing bomb :) Will do it in the afternoon.
Basically what I'm thinking is if the Ambarella boot strap is working there's a chance you can recover using a FAT32 memory card. I'm going to be driving most of today so here are my thoughts in case any one can try.
  1. Make sure your memory card is FAT32 format - usually any 32GB and below will be (I don't know if this works with exFAT)
  2. Basically download the full 1.0 firmware from here - https://mega.co.nz/#!VR0DlTIS!xdpKWT9RYBcCaFBBs9yJrMh8SkfKG9ks5mii0-jXfyo (It's a self unpacking executable so you may need to adjust browser settings to make sure it comes down ok.)
  3. Once that comes down and runs you will have a file named 1.0.0YDXJv22_1.0.0_build-20150228224521_b630_i446_s638.bin on your Windows desktop.
  4. Rename that to firmware.bin
  5. Copy the firmware.bin file to the top level of your memory card
  6. Copy the firmware.bin file to the DCIM folder on your memory card
  7. Download autoexec.ash from https://mega.co.nz/#!IINiHI5D!uW9s8PqlJukjzu3PPYB01SXIswHvttRZU7mq1edngBo
  8. Copy this autoexec.ash to the top level of your memory card
  9. Eject memory card from Windows - important to make sure all is ok on the card
  10. Insert card into Yi
  11. Connect Yi to power source
  12. Turn on Yi
  13. See what happens
It might not work but it's worth a go as if it's broken this may help reprogram a good 1.0 firmware.
Can you try that script file in the post above yours to see if it does anything please as if it does it may be recoverable?

ok, here it is, it's responding to the autoexec.ash file, heres the content of the help.txt:

supported built-in commands:
addr2func bp cardmgr cat
cd chmod config cp
cpu date deletedir dmesg
dramcfg drives dsputil echo
eeprom eval false ffuc
format hal help history
hotboot ioerr jobs kill
ls md5 mesg mkboot
mkdir morph mv flashdb
nice poweroff pref ps
pwd ramdisk readb readl
readw reboot reset resume
rm rmdir savebin sleep
suspend sysmon t test
time touch trap true
vol writeb writel writew
yyinfo usbclass ver vin
sm corefreq dramfreq idspfreq
dll cleandir volcfg firmfl
nvd nftl bbt romfs
lu_example_util lk_example_util wifi net
lu_util lk_util ipclog ipctest
ipcmutex ipcslock ipcstat ipcprog
ipcirq boss

and drives.txt:

5 drives present in system
drive 'A' - NFTL Media
drive 'D' - SD/MMC
drive 'E' - SD/MMC 2
drive 'F' - RAMDISK
drive 'Z' - ROMFS
Brilliant thanks - can you try my next post about copying the firmware onto the card in two locations and the new autoexec.ash and trying that? It sounds like it should work!
Brilliant thanks - can you try my next post about copying the firmware onto the card in two locations and the new autoexec.ash and trying that? It sounds like it should work!

I need to go to the toilet again. I suppose it looks weird when some beeping comes from the cabin. I hope they will not call the security :)
I forgot to say with the new script it will need at least a minute to flash - I should have put a power down in there to change the LED colour but if it works we can tweak it :)
do you think it will be beeping during the flashing process? :cool:
The "firmware.bin" file might have to be copied just once to the root of the memory card, because the only reference is "D:\firmware.bin" and it is inside the PRI partition of the FW.
do you think it will be beeping during the flashing process? :cool:
It does indeed beep during the flashing process - or at least it does when the firmware is working!

@kerenmac that reference is for when the firmware is working - the quick and dirty autoexec.ash above basically runs firmfl which is an internal command and doesn't currently have a full path reference so it just looks in the present working directory which can change between cameras. For example running the drives and help commands above sometimes results in them being saved into the DCIM folder which is why the firmware when used with firmfl may need to be in a different place.

Actually that does raise the point that it might get confused seeing a firmware.bin file - I'll rename it and tweak the scripts if this doesn't work to give another option.
Right a second option in case that one didn't work - new items in bold - it's worth deleting all the firmware.bin copies before you go any further if that previous method didn't work.
  1. Make sure your memory card is FAT32 format - usually any 32GB and below will be (I don't know if this works with exFAT)
  2. Basically download the full 1.0 firmware from here - https://mega.co.nz/#!VR0DlTIS!xdpKWT9RYBcCaFBBs9yJrMh8SkfKG9ks5mii0-jXfyo (It's a self unpacking executable so you may need to adjust browser settings to make sure it comes down ok.)
  3. Once that comes down and runs you will have a file named 1.0.0YDXJv22_1.0.0_build-20150228224521_b630_i446_s638.bin on your Windows desktop.
  4. Rename that to yifirmware.bin
  5. Copy the yifirmware.bin file to the root \ top level of your memory card
  6. Download autoexec.ash from https://mega.co.nz/#!5dMS0TST!HtyrSPD72YE1fawq9dUYQLWmzK-A61s9-ycs9nTcgMk
  7. Copy this autoexec.ash to the top level of your memory card
  8. Eject memory card from Windows - important to make sure all is ok on the card
  9. Insert card into Yi
  10. Connect Yi to power source
  11. Turn on Yi
  12. The camera will start beeping about once a second - leave this - the script now has a poweroff command so in theory the beeping may stop once it's completed - it may take over 5 minutes. Once it's completed it will delete the autoexec.ash and yifirmware.bin files and create a progress.txt
  13. Put the card back into the computer and check if the yifirmware.bin files are still there - they should not be - also check progress.txt - this should show multiple entries and finish at 100%
  14. See if the camera powers on - it should after power is removed and readded.
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As it can execute the autoexec.ash file could "t app reset_factory" work?
Maybe "t app reset_factory
reboot yes"?
It sounds like it should work!
Unfortunately it doesn't. I gave it 3 minutes, beeping like crazy. I pulled the battery off, then power on - again - only beeping. The thing is I only have 64GB card, maybe it's an issue here.
Possibly - with the bootstrap being so early in the process it may not support exFAT / 64GB cards but saying that it did work with the previous script.

It might be worth trying the second option to see what happens then, otherwise maybe someone with a smaller card and a failed camera could try.

When I did the update from 0.7 to 1.0 I timed it at around 4 minutes to copy the firmware to the camera and then it took another minute on top to flash it so it was 5 minutes in total.

Maybe tonight you will have more luck - fingers crossed but as we have those commands it should be fixable.
Unfortunately it doesn't. I gave it 3 minutes, beeping like crazy. I pulled the battery off, then power on - again - only beeping. The thing is I only have 64GB card, maybe it's an issue here.

try a smaller card that is native FAT32