Zenfox T3 Triple channel dash cams free test invitation, limited quantity

Patronizing me :confused:. He's sending these cameras all over the world. We're probably the only ones actually trying to figure out solutions. Giving additional units to test various design changes is far more beneficial than "throwing these out to yes men", who'll do nothing but say Great Camera!

My Point Exactly:

1. Reddit Review:

2. Reddit Kiss Ass Review followed by People stating test camera it overheats:
3. Reddit Review where someone mentions overheating:
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Wasn't as hot or sunny today, so I am not sure a totally fair comparison. However, the Interior Camera only lasted 1 hr and 28 mins compared to the 2 hours 10 minutes of the modded camera on the same setup and same window position. So my Modded camera clearly showed improvement, especially being not as hot or sunny.

Front + Rear ran 2 hrs 21 minutes until car battery ran out of juice. Didn't drive around enough. Viofo shut off same time.
Patronizing me :confused:. He's sending these cameras all over the world. We're probably the only ones actually trying to figure out solutions. Giving additional units to test various design changes is far more beneficial than "throwing these out to yes men", who'll do nothing but say Great Camera!

My Point Exactly:

1. Reddit Review:

2. Reddit Kiss Ass Review followed by People stating test camera it overheats:
3. Reddit Review where someone mentions overheating:
My reaction was because at this point it is evident that Zenfox is pissed with us (that is what I perceive at least) for going to the extent we did, and asking for more testing units from them is like spitting to the sky, even though our intent was to find an answer since we didn't heard anything else from them. I don't think they will consider us for any future development testing they may have in hand. I hope I'm wrong.
It is funny how our cameras behave different, i have issues while driving, do that mean parking mode will be fine in my camera.
What memory card do people use that have no issues while driving ?
I have been using the Samsung evo 126gb and I feel it is pretty reliable
Patronizing me :confused:. He's sending these cameras all over the world. We're probably the only ones actually trying to figure out solutions. Giving additional units to test various design changes is far more beneficial than "throwing these out to yes men", who'll do nothing but say Great Camera!

My Point Exactly:

1. Reddit Review:

2. Reddit Kiss Ass Review followed by People stating test camera it overheats:
3. Reddit Review where someone mentions overheating:
I feel like most of those reviews are way too premature as they mostly talk about the unpacking and installation of the system but hardly hear any of the overal experience after some real world testing. Also I think some people want to ensure they can get the next new free sample by offering a well manicured and made up review then forget about integrity. There is not good service on doing that for anyone.
My reaction was because at this point it is evident that Zenfox is pissed with us (that is what I perceive at least) for going to the extent we did, and asking for more testing units from them is like spitting to the sky, even though our intent was to find an answer since we didn't heard anything else from them. I don't think they will consider us for any future development testing they may have in hand. I hope I'm wrong.

You're being a little too hard on yourself. By the looks of it, all they wanted was positive reviews. They got what they wanted elsewhere.

If they are connected with the company being speculated, I'm not surprised.
Yeah. i just inboxed the T3 so far, it will be hard for me to make any buy statements at the moment.
I am a tester not a blogger / influencer that make cotton candy pink reviews of anything coming my way, in return for youtube money.
My reaction was because at this point it is evident that Zenfox is pissed with us (that is what I perceive at least) for going to the extent we did, and asking for more testing units from them is like spitting to the sky, even though our intent was to find an answer since we didn't heard anything else from them. I don't think they will consider us for any future development testing they may have in hand. I hope I'm wrong.

Ok thanks for clarification. I took that as being snide, so my apologies. Zenfox probably didn't want anyone to go beyond unboxing and a quick test. As you see, most of those reviews aren't any bit extensive in nature. Unpacked, drove around love camera! We went well above and beyond the call of duty, and exposed serious flaws. I'm sure he's not delighted by our efforts.
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It is funny how our cameras behave different, i have issues while driving, do that mean parking mode will be fine in my camera.
What memory card do people use that have no issues while driving ?

Sandisk High Endurance. No issues with card itself.
I feel like most of those reviews are way too premature as they mostly talk about the unpacking and installation of the system but hardly hear any of the overal experience after some real world testing. Also I think some people want to ensure they can get the next new free sample by offering a well manicured and made up review then forget about integrity. There is not good service on doing that for anyone.

I absolutely refuse to be a shill for free products. Like me, hate me, call my what you want, the product has issues. I will state my opinion and the truth. I couldn't in good conscience recommend the T3 to people knowing there are serious design flaws that aren't going to be resolved by firmware alone.

My two tests (Melted / Modded Camera) + Factory show marked differences with the Modded lasting longer in direct sunlight and same suction setup. Plus, we've already established the thermal pads used on the cameras are junk.

People on Reddit who are raving didn't go beyond surface level testing. Now, there are a few people who are highlighting overheating, but they seem to be in the minority.
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People on Reddit who are raving didn't go beyond surface level testing. Now, there are a few people who are highlighting overheating, but they seem to be in the minority
I don't think Reddit dashcam section has near the audience Dascamtalk has, not close at all. And I hope future buyers will take the time to do their research before they buy. There are good chances some of them will get here, then hopefully they invest sometime reading this tread as well as kamkar1 tread.
Ok thanks for clarification. I took that as being snide, so my apologies.
Sorry about that. Didn't mean it that way. My apologies for occasional dark humor.
I don't think Reddit dashcam section has near the audience Dascamtalk has, not close at all. And I hope future buyers will take the time to do their research before they buy. There are good chances some of them will get here, then hopefully they invest sometime reading this tread as well as kamkar1 tread.

Unfortunately, I am seeing the T3's turn up on Ebay and other outlets. Which makes me think either Zenfox is moving forward with selling these units or people who have received cameras are offloading them onto the world. Either way, this doesn't bode well for his company. As these units become mainstream, assuming Zenfox ignores our advice and goes to full production, daily useres will begin to recognize the flaws. Right now, it's inexperienced testers, influencers looking for their next promotional video, and causal users more excited about the unboxing and a five minute drive than putting the T3 through its paces.

Then you have this community where you, myself, and others are putting this camera through real world testing. Colder environments, hotter environments, parking mode, regular drive arounds, etc and finding out all the shortcomings. Clearly, @Zenfox_Official knows about the overheating issue, because the new firmware specifically "Addresses" the problem. And by Addressing, he disables the the interior camera after camera gets hot, and then the other 2 still stop recording after a while if mounted on the windshield.

I should have pointed this out, and failed to do so: My daily driver originally has the Viofo on Suction Cup and had the T3 mounted to windshield. Even on the new firmware, the T3 overheated. When taken off windshield and put onto a suction cup, the T3 fairs better with keeping the front and rear cameras alive, while the interior overheats and is disabled by the revised firmware.

Worth Mentioning If I haven't already done so: I have a 2nd car, that sits outside 24 hours a day, exposed to the elements. Hot, Cold, Sun, Rain, etc. The Viofo A129 Duo is mounted to the Windshield using 3M adhesive and has never once stopped recording or overheating in park mode or daily driving.
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Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/B088WN41YF
the T3 is clearly being sold to the public. Course, I doubt these people will be happy longterm once they start realizing all the problems that are sure to ensue.
Pretty good reviews on there, apart from the lady who was disappointed that it stores the video on a memory card instead of on her phone!

Presumably your overheating issue has been solved for the production ones.

Have you got any other issues with yours?
Presumably your overheating issue has been solved for the production ones

Careful with those presumptions! And remember the source: Amazon and Reddit "unboxed and it powered up" reviews, not "It's been hot all week and the cam never stopped" like you'd get from knowledgeable foliks ;) They'll soon get to that in those places because unless Zenfox did something to improve heatsinking the overheating problem WILL remain. Firmware can't fix physical problems.

Pretty good reviews on there, apart from the lady who was disappointed that it stores the video on a memory card instead of on her phone!

Presumably your overheating issue has been solved for the production ones.

Have you got any other issues with yours?

Woah Nelly. A bit hasty and lack of attention to detail. Did you not notice this tag on 7 of the 8 reviews!

Vine Customer Review of Free Product

Meaning these people got the item as a promotional, and as we've already seen on Reddit, didn't take much time with the product before writing a raving review. Only one "Verified Purchaser" named Mr. Yee. I put about as much stock in the problem being resolved as I do in these reviews. Zero, Zilch, Nada, None.
Careful with those presumptions! And remember the source: Amazon and Reddit "unboxed and it powered up" reviews, not "It's been hot all week and the cam never stopped" like you'd get from knowledgeable foliks ;) They'll soon get to that in those places because unless Zenfox did something to improve heatsinking the overheating problem WILL remain. Firmware can't fix physical problems.


Vine Customer Review of Free Product <-- Says it all. About the same as all these Reddit Reviews touting the camera with nothing more than unboxing the product and a few days driving around tops.

On this forum, we've all put the T3 through rigorous testing and found there's far more lurking happening below the surface (poor thermal paste, overheating, cameras dropping out) than these glowing reviews actually state.