2014 DOD LS460W Sony Exmor CMOS, ISO3200, F1.6, WDR, 3DNR, 5x GPS, HUD

Right I've done some night testing with the CPL.

With EV set to 0:

With EV set to +1:

With EV set to -1:

EV+1 washes out numberplates when you have xenon headlights so no good for me - although it didn't seem massively different with the CPL at night tbh and I can live with that I think!

And a daytime clip now the CPL is working as expected - much better than previous:
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I've bitten the bullet and bought a higher end CPL along with a step up adaptor as per this post:


I've bought a Hoya HD CPL - it's way above spec what is required for this purpose but I can use it on my DSLR too (I'll be telling the mrs it was a fiver!).

Here's the Ken Rockwell review:


It's supposed to let through over 99% of light so will be interesting to see how it compares - it should totally negate the need for removal at night - in theory anyway but in practice we will find out next week when it all arrives and I figure out how to connect it all together :)
Just reviewing todays footage and also getting the problem with the lens going out of focus in hot weather - do any dashcams not have this problem?
Here's how the LS460W at 15Mbps CBR compares to a G90 running custom firmware at 24Mbps:










You can see the DOD is clearly better at low light footage - they all look like daylight - but it does seem to have issues stopping motion and the G90 is better at capturing numberplates etc.

Whether this can be fixed in firmware remains to be seen.
You can see the DOD is clearly better at low light footage - they all look like daylight - but it does seem to have issues stopping motion and the G90 is better at capturing numberplates etc.

Whether this can be fixed in firmware remains to be seen.

the DOD is lighter, but also loses focus as a result, you could always brighten the picture on the G90 (post processing) but notice there's also some strange artifacting going on the the G90 samples as well, neither are perfect, just different
I understand that when it's set to higher ISO values - but when the DOD is running at a reported ISO of 50 it should have no issues with focus at all with the low exposure times? I've noticed in a few screenshots I've not uploaded here that it's as though they're trying to do something like HDR in firmware as you sometimes get two exposures overlaid. Maybe a timing issue? All swings and roundabouts I guess though.

Also noticed that the change between PAL and NTSC doesn't seem to change the frame rate of the video like a lot of other cameras. Not a bad thing but different.

The lens focus issue in the heat wasn't expected on this cam either as putting a cheap lens in front of a decent capable sensor seems like a waste - maybe the accountants are trying to save money on the bill of materials?

That G90 with HDR can make it look like you've just had some good psychedelic mushrooms :)
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@reverend, this "motion problem" in DOD is from your CPL filter ,
CPL filter increase the ISO level and time exposure,
@reverend, this "motion problem" in DOD is from your CPL filter ,
CPL filter increase the ISO level and time exposure,
To be fair to Reverand I think he mentioned the motion blur (for want of a better expression) before he fitted the filter.

The only other dashcam I have is the Mobius so I cannot do an in depth comparison of the LS460w and other dashcams but with my limited experience I'd say the Mobius gives a slightly clearer image when freezing the action.

Having said that, there's not really much in it. Where the LS460w rteally comes into its own is under low light and night time conditions. It's really something else.

I've attached a couple of screengrabs below where I've frozen the action. With the LS460w the ambulance coming in the opposite direction was doing a similar speed to myself I would guesses, and the plate is clearly visible. And yes, I probably could do with a filter.

For comparison the blue Fiesta's plate can also be made out on the Mobius. The Fiesta is also at an angle to the camera as well which is why I mention that car.

It's not really a like for like test as the LS460w image was taken on a bright, sunny day with screen reflections and the Mobius image on an overcast day with the camera closer to the rear, near vertical windscreen. But it gives an indication nevertheless...

.LS460w freezeframe.jpg Mobius freezeframe.jpg


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@reverend, this "motion problem" in DOD is from your CPL filter ,
CPL filter increase the ISO level and time exposure,
Yeah I get the same problem when the filter isn't fitted mate - it's not the sort of thing I'd expect when the camera shows an ISO of 50 - totally understand if it's higher as the exposure time is longer.

I did a quick test earlier parked up with my mates R8 - parked opposite and pulled the CPL off after the car had been sat so will be able to see which is causing the problem - to be honest I looked through the CPL and it looked razor sharp so I'd say it's the LS460W although to be totally fair I've also ordered a much higher quality CPL just in case - thought it would have come today but no sign yet :(

In fact DOD have replied and said that the out of focus thing after it has been sat in the sun can be normal - make of that what you will. I can understand it happening in hotter countries but it's not that hot here even when we think it is!!

Sounds like a cheap lens maybe and if I'm seeing this when the UK is having a mild heatwave God help the warmer countries!!
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This is getting beyond a joke now - just been out to get some night footage and the LS460W has not recorded a peep.

The record indicator was flashing away, the timer was incrementing and resetting to zero every two mins yet there's nothing written to the card.

I've asked for a refund as this camera I have here isn't worth the time or effort as it stands. The platform potential but not recording anything without any errors is poor behaviour. A dashcam that isn't reliable isn't worth a penny.

The memory card is a genuine Samsung 64GB Class 10 from Amazon and passed h2wtest fine and has been working in my other cameras without issues for weeks.
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I've only got 64s and 8s now mate - it looks like a file system corruption - interestingly DOD mentioned heat can cause that as well as the focus issue. I'm tempted to leave it testing for a day and see what it says about that. I'd have expected the camera to throw a fault in this circumstance though.

Our heatwave is like your winter so it shouldn't be playing up like this. Certainly strange and maybe I have got a lemon!

I could deal with the other issues but flat out not recording gets me twitchy!

LS460W: -25°C ~ 70°C
LS430W: -30°C ~ 80°C
Memory cards: -25°C ~ 85°C
Vicovation marcus 5: -20°C ~ 85°C

this is answer for all problems and this is normal when camera operate on direct sunlight, try hide camera under roof or under the rear view mirror
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