70mai Firmware Update (changing from Chinese to English)

There are four Android apps.
1. Chinese - newest version 1.0.4 - still available for download.
2. English - same as Chinese but in English - installing as "70mai dash cam", dash cam pictograph as app icon - it was available for download from the http://www.70mai.com/en/, currently not.
3. New International English - version 1.0.0 - installing as "70mai", "70" as app icon - available in play store
4. New US English - same as 3 but with different servers in configuration xml file

Actually the OTA service for number 2 is not working - "Could not check error in app". When trying to connect manually I've got an error 404 so the update service is currently not available on the server. This version has also some bugs - for example the initial WiFi state configuration is switched. So when we set it to "ON" in the app it will be "OFF".

The difference between US and international version is only a different set of servers that are in the configuration file. Actually the OTA service for US version is not working - there is no OTA service installed on the US server. Not sure if there are no other differences (language maybe) between those two.

The OTA service for the international app is working but is returning always that no update is available.

Currently I think that the English version of the firmware is not available via the OTA service. Only English cams have it and it is some initial or even beta version.

I don't know if there is a way to access camera internal memory via USB.

I see you know everything about this damn cam, great job! So with the ota not working we are screwed for now....maybe one day a hope will come
I see you know everything about this damn cam, great job! So with the ota not working we are screwed for now....maybe one day a hope will come
Only if the HW is the same. If the English firmware needs more internal storage there will be no possibility to re-flash Chinese version. There are also some other ways to prevent re-flashing even if HW is the same.

Which version of the APP do you use?

krawiec, I also have a Chinese version, I updated the application to 1.0.5. The person who gave me this file also uses the Chinese app version 1.0.5.

Which firmware version do you have? I can see from the logs that the cam is sending version 1.0.5ww to the OTA server:

This is very interesting as the newest Chinese firmware is 1.0.3.

krawiec, DVR is delivered with firmware 1.0.5 and is not updated. The version of the application is also 1.0.5. We will wait for the firmware update to version 1.0.6 to get the link
How did you get the app 1.0.5? Do you have a link to download it?

check updates in chinese app:
Ok. Only Chinese language version is 1.0.5. But you have English speaking cam?

I do not have an English version, I use the Chinese version. I found a man with an English version and asked him for a midrive.log file. This man (with Eng version) use chinese app v.1.0.5
I do not have an English version, I use the Chinese version. I found a man with an English version and asked him for a midrive.log file. This man (with Eng version) use chinese app v.1.0.5
Right, an he have a cam with firmware 1.0.5?


Are you able to install Packet Capture on your mobile and log the transmission when you trying to check for updates?
As I can see on the Chinese version of the app it is returning the download link in the content but the app is saying that no update is available.
For my devices it is returning the link to version 1.0.3. Maybe for your device it will return the link to version 1.0.5.
The simple change 3 to 5 in download link not work, but it was working for version from 0 to 3, so I think that the version 1.0.5 is in different folder on the server. There is a chance that in the same folder will be version 1.0.5ww which is installed on the English version of the device.

Wow, nice job.

I've seen that there are wav files inside the firmware but didn't have idea how to extract it from it , change and pack the firmware again.

It wold be nice to know how it has been done.
I know that some other cams based on umbrella chip have a full access to the internal filesystem via FTP but didn't find such functions on 70mai. 70mai has different chip.

The firmware is working. I've updated both my cams without problem. The only thing is that the voice recognition is no longer working. I've learned how to say "record a video" in Chinese and was able to record emergency video that way. After the upgrade it is no longer working.

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So it is working without any problems right? Are there any specific steps to follow or just to move the bin to sdcard and push it? Great job by the Anatoliy!
Yes it is working. Just put the .bin file into root directory of your SD card (it must be formated with FAT32 i think) and turn on the cam. It will blink blue, say something in chines and turn of update is completed. Turn it on and it will "speak" English.

I have an another idea for the modification but it could be hard to do. As the cam is receiving some command using the power button it will be nice to add a function to record an emergency video by just pressing it for example twice (as one is for WiFi - on/off and three for formatting the card).

It will be nice to know how Anatoliy change the voice files. If he extract the filesystem from the firmware maybe we will be able to reconfigure the power button functions.

And please what should be the bin name? Or it does not matter? And maybe the voice commands could be also translated and back repacked? In youtube are some comments from Anatoliy,he will make tutorial soon. Sadly he did not translated the voice commands,maybe he has no interest in that or maybe it can't be done? Would be great if he could join this forum;-) But I'm already happy,the Chinese voice was terrible.