9.99 Mobius Cam

Blimey they've already taken $2500 just on those X5Cs!! Hopefully Paypal haven't paid that out just yet!

happens all the time, account with good feedback and activity gets hacked, popular item gets listed at impossible prices, woodducks buy up thinking they'll take a chance, account is closed soon after
People could be stuck as well as it says that the eBay hassle free money back only applies when both shipping addresses are in the US and seeing as these are sold from China eBay probably won't to know. They'll probably freeze the PP account and then money will disappear into the Xmas fund!
I don't know if they ever get the funds, I know of a guy that has tried multiple times to buy from these sorts of things on the off chance that it was real, has never got anything and so far has had the money refunded every time, eventually
You guys are scaring me a little, but I took one for the team.
Just out of curiosity I ordered one earlier. It has been marked as shipped already and I have been given a tracking number.
Camera wires crossed I guess.
If it comes at all you're OK. Just the wires and shell would've cost more.
You guys are scaring me a little, but I took one for the team. Just out of curiosity I ordered one earlier.

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." - Mr. Spock

Thanks CYL! Now we wait. :)
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You guys are scaring me a little, but I took one for the team.
You mean you weren't worried until today?

The team thanks you for your bravery and hopes you paid for express shipping. The team isn't patient.
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So who took a punt on those red posing pouches they're selling?!
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Not until jokiin mentioned

I can deal with wait times and refund times if need be, but I would not want anything to happen to my account.

Yeah he meant people are taking over eBay seller accounts, not eBay buyers accounts.
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won't impact your account

Yeah he meant people are taking over eBay seller accounts, not eBay buyers accounts.
Alright that makes me feel better. Just a waiting game then I guess to see when and what I get.
I don't normally condone buying them this way and this is the first time I have done it, but I am curious to see what I get and I seen some of you were curious as well.
The most recent eBay exploit is apparently something new. (Actually it is cross-site scripting, an (XSS) attack which is hardly anything new but someone found a way to inject it into eBay so it's new to eBay.)

BBC News September 17th, 2014. "eBay redirect attack puts buyers' credentials at risk" : "EBay has been compromised so that people who clicked on some of its links were automatically diverted to a site designed to steal their credentials."

BBC News September 22. 2014 eBay under pressure as hacks continue:
"Innocent user accounts were hijacked in order to place the fake listings. Many of the accounts had 100% positive feedback, and had sold hundreds of items."

Also Chinatopix, September 23, 2014: "eBay has been experiencing hacking problems for months and many security researchers are calling them out to do something about the "dangerous listings" threatening users."

Regarding cross-site scripting (Javascripting), the very best way to protect yourself is to use Firefox browser with the NoScript plug in.

Learn more about NoScript on Wikipedia.
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I just checked and it now says
This user is no longer registered on eBay.
If you placed your order has shipped it should arrive as planned.
Twitchy bum time now then - we'll all be gutted if soothing turns up.

When I've had this happen in the past eBay automatically refunded the money as the auction was cancelled and amazingly the goods turned up anyway, although saying that they didn't last too long!
If they've killed the account then its only the sales that were from the original account holder that they're referring to that are still to turn up, the account highjacker was only in it to skim funds, there's never any real stock, these scams are an everyday event on eBay
It will get refunded no problem, just takes a bit of time
That's nice to hear at least. I was really hoping to get it though. Not even to just have another camera, but to pick it apart and see if it was some kind of knock off so I could help alert others.

I'll try and keep everyone updated what happens one way or another.