A bunch of my own dash cam videos......

No favors for the DUI people of the world.
This person appeared to need help rather than punishment!

Got some random drunk driver off the road yesterday
Just wondering if you should have read him his rights? I don't know your law, but that looked very like a citizens arrest, especially as you took his keys and then passed him to the police. Might be worth checking the rules in your area.

Well done on taking care of him.
This person appeared to need help rather than punishment!

While I agree that he did need help, it wasn't up to me to decide his punishment.

Part of me wanted to just have him sleep it off in his backseat, but with all the talk of people OD'ing on fentanyl nowadays, I figured it was best that he got medical attention.

After a breathalyzer and thorough field sobriety test (which seemed like a big waste of time cause the officers were literally holding him up for every part of it), they finally got around to putting him in cuffs.

Just wondering if you should have read him his rights? I don't know your law, but that looked very like a citizens arrest, especially as you took his keys and then passed him to the police. Might be worth checking the rules in your area.

Well, the driver actually turned off the ignition and willingly handed me the keys, however, even if I would have reached in and taken them out of the ignition myself, I would've been well within my rights to do so out of public necessity since he clearly posed a threat to himself and/or others.

And although a vehicle could be considered a private domicile in some cases, I would still have the right to tresspass onto said private property if someone was in distress (which clearly he was)

That being said, you can pretty much sue for anything nowadays, but with even the most twisted of commie laws, I highly doubt any sane judge would bother to see such a case
There are different reasons people sometimes impersonate police officers, firefighters and other government officials. Sometimes people do it to commit crimes and sometimes for other reasons, but in any case is illegal to impersonate a government official in New York State under Penal Law § 190.26 (first degree) and § 190.25 (second degree). Arresting someone and reading them their rights may well have crossed the line into impersonating a police officer.

In some ways, @98 SNAKE EATER behaved much like a police officer when he blocked the guy's vehicle from backing up and in the way he approached the vehicle and ordered the driver to put the car in park, give up his keys and move to the back seat. I was surprised the fellow was so compliant but in the state he was in he seemed on some level to believe he was dealing with an authority figure, so he cooperated.

@98 SNAKE EATER, took some risk here because you never know who you are dealing with in a place like New York City when you approach a stranger as wasted as this guy was. For all he knew the driver could have been or suddenly become belligerent and violent. He could also have been armed.

The thing is that at no time did 98 SNAKE EATER ever identify himself as a police officer or act like anybody but himself.

@98 SNAKE EATER, I thought you struck the perfect balance in how you handled this situation and you deserve a lot of credit for what you did. You did a good thing here and you potentially saved lives!
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Such reasoning, while possible without knowledge of the law, is misguided. No violence was used. You would wait and watch the drunk kill someone and then post the video on Facebook ? :)

I have a different problem with our country if I document a serious infraction on video. Then his investigation ends up on the owner of the vehicle disclosing that he was not driving the vehicle and in accordance with our laws, he does not have to disclose which "person close to ... sister, mother" was driving the vehicle. Therefore, I would have to drive behind the guilty party until the police called to identify the driver.
Part of me wanted to just have him sleep it off in his backseat,
If it was alcohol then he would still have been unfit to drive when he woke up, handing him to the police was the correct thing to do. Hopefully they help him rather than just add to their arrest count.

That being said, you can pretty much sue for anything nowadays, but with even the most twisted of commie laws, I highly doubt any sane judge would bother to see such a case
Certainly wouldn't expect much of a penalty! But it was on camera, which makes it easier for ungrateful people to pick faults.
So a little update on this guy.....

Pled not guilty to 4 counts of DWI and is awaiting his criminal court date next month :unsure:

However, the county has already filed a civil asset forfeiture case against him (and Toyota Motor Credit Corp) :oops:

Unfortunately for him, he will most likely lose his car for good :confused:
SUV decides to make a last second exit
Fook that was a stunning bad piece of driving.:rolleyes:
I dont get it, at least here in little Denmark, dont sweat it drive on for a little while and then make a 180 to get back to what you missed or reroute.
I suppose even if the US are a much bigger place, you guys must also have even more exist on roads, the E45 passing my town ( 36.000 inhabitants ) have a south - west and north exit, so you get 3 chances to get into Randers City from the motorway, and even if you miss those, well you have to do a few more miles before yet another exit come up, which is far better than destroying your car and hurting yourself and other people.
Prime driver gets blasted for sticking his nose out

VANTRUE Sonnet 1 Pro


Wow... some people have really bad depth perception and would try to squeeze that. :oops:
Yeah AMAZON guy deserved a BLAAAAP

Had it been me right there, well i would have reversed ASAP, CUZ really i messed up.
Camaro idiot on the Belt Parkway cutting me off



Random lady cuts in front of me, then flips ME the bird??

Camera(s) used:

Hit 300,000 miles today

Camera(s) used:

Insta360 One X2
Litter Bug tosses a bottle of piss out the window, then flips me the bird :oops:

Camera(s) used:

Racing to go to toilet maybe