A119 Firmware

One of the biggest benefit of going with the A119 is that there is an audible warning when there is something wrong and the card is not writing properly. Does your wife have the A119? I a little more concerned now if her cam was indeed the A119.
The card failure happened in her previous camera, the blacksys cf-100, and it happened over 2 years ago. Just this past summer, the cf100 started acting up (not turning on, or locking up) on longer drives, so I replaced it with the a119 in front and a118c in back.
That's true. Electronics fail at initial startup or when they first receive power of some sort due to quality issues with the product out of the box. If they work the first time, they tend to work over and over again without issue so long as there isn't something that's experiencing "wear" (like the cells in a SD card). So, in the case of memory cards, they either fail right away, or after providing the expected usage. Occasionally they fail in between, but not that commonly.

Since my card worked out of the box and was working properly for short periods when it was in use, I have no reason to believe that it wasn't working properly all along and should be continuing to do so.

I've heard that "beep" happen a few different times over the 18 months I've had the card. Once, it went on until I formatted the card - clearly something corrupted or was causing a significant issue. The other couple of times, it was a single beep never to occur again for thousands and thousands of miles. Absolutely no way to know why it was beeping, either. When I pulled the cards and inspected them, they appeared to be working properly and there was a few dozen files on the card including all of the mileage most recently driven.

I have heard the single beep once or twice, not sure what that was as I did not catch the on-screen message... at least I think there was an on-screen message.

As for the formatting the card, that is set at a specific interval to remind you to format the card at a pre-set interval. This is to make sure the card is always in a format that the camera likes.
This is still great. I had the random white screen once early on but it hadn't shown up again. Not sure how Viofo narrowed down the instigating factors, but I'm happy :)
I've heard that "beep" happen a few different times over the 18 months I've had the card. Once, it went on until I formatted the card - clearly something corrupted or was causing a significant issue. The other couple of times, it was a single beep never to occur again for thousands and thousands of miles. Absolutely no way to know why it was beeping, either. When I pulled the cards and inspected them, they appeared to be working properly and there was a few dozen files on the card including all of the mileage most recently driven.

I had 1 card that occasionally random beep sound during recording and it will caused the a119 button freezed like hanged but the screen is still shown recording mode. Card failured after few months usage in dashcam. Now the card used for firmware updating only. Tried on action cam will get the same phenomena. The card aren't saving the file but will just slowed down the cam till button freezed. Initial couple of minutes file is saved properly, rest is just left unused empty storage.
Which card is that? Link?

I checked the firmware and inside zip file is:
FWBA119 V3.6.bin
It mus be renamed to
it doesn't have to be renamed, it's still an executable file for a camera.
or you can rename it to " do not install me please" and it will still work as intended. :)
That was yesterday.
In the mean time they fixed the problem.

I checked the firmware and inside zip file is:
FWBA119 V3.6.bin
It mus be renamed to
it doesn't have to be renamed, it's still an executable file for a camera.
or you can rename it to " do not install me please" and it will still work as intended. :)
If the file name is incorrect the bootloader won't run it automatically at startup
Mine only updated when I changed the firmware file name to FWBA119.bin. I guess the previous name(FWBA119 v3.6.bin) did not work because of space in the name.
Mine only updated when I changed the firmware file name to FWBA119.bin. I guess the previous name(FWBA119 v3.6.bin) did not work because of space in the name.
Not the space, but the v3.6.
@viofo - I installed 3.6 on both of my a119 cameras last week (one pre production, one early v1) and of course defaulted settings and formatted cards. I'm still having the problem where the g-sensor gets turned back on during normal driving even though I have it turned OFF in the setup menu. Always happens after being in parking mode, but not immediately. For example: tonight I went to a class for 2 hours. Camera operating the whole time. I left the class, and everything seemed normal, till about 5 minutes later, when I changed lanes at about 45 mph... Ran over the reflectors dividing lanes, and the camera triggered - beeped 3 times and showed the yellow triangle on screen. Then another couple minutes later I drive over a small pothole at about 60mph (barely even felt it) and it triggered again. Then another 2 or 3 minutes later, while merging onto the freeway, ran over more reflectors and it triggered again. I had not stopped between the second and third triggers. Since I have the g sensor turned off, I would not expect it to trigger at all during normal driving.

I can post the raw video files and get you all the settings if you need - just let me know what you want.
If the parking mode is enabled, it will automatically enable the G-sensor to high sensitivity, so it can also save video while detect the collision.
And when in normal recording, it will switch to medium sensitivity, if it locks files often, I thought it is not switched to medium sensitivity option.
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G sensor during parking mode is fine. But I would not expect it to turn the g sensor on during normal driving if the user has selected OFF in the settings. Can this be changed in a future firmware, so that it will remember the user's setting after coming out of parking mode? My car has very hard suspension so it triggers all the time, which is why I turned it off. But even in my wife's car, which has softer suspension, it still triggers too much on low, though not as much as in my car.
Hi, I have the camera and it's great, but there is one feature that I am missing.
I would like to have an option for parking mode to auto enable time-lapse recording when G-sensor is not triggered and only motion is being detected for some time (like 15-30 minutes or so).
Now it's not rare that if I park car with camera pointed into street with some traffic, then it still detects motion in front of camera and camera is recording in normal mode for many hours even if G-sensor is not triggered one single time.
Thank you for great work!
Hello! I just got my A119 and I am having trouble upgrading the firmware, can you give me instructions? Mine said I have 3.4. I formatted my card in the camera, I downloaded the zip and put it in the root...not I'm not really sure where I am at. When I plug it into my computer now it just says mass storage no matter what I do, and when I plug it into another power source it starts filming and I cant get to the menu. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
also...I wasn't able to open the compressed zip folder so I am not sure if I need to download a program..

You'll need to un-zip the compressed file and place the resulting .bin file on the memory card. You'll need a utility to unzip the file. If you don't already have such a utility on your computer a simple search will send you to what you need for your system.

The instructions for updating the firmware are here: http://support.viofo.com/support/solutions/articles/19000019600-viofo-a119-car-dash-camera-firmware

I have heard the single beep once or twice, not sure what that was as I did not catch the on-screen message... at least I think there was an on-screen message...
After updating the firmware & not realizing all the settings returned to default, I also heard the single beep once. Didn't see if there was an on-screen message.