A119 Parking Mode - useful? wiring kit?


New Member
Jul 29, 2017
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United States
Hi - almost ready to buy an A119. I've been looking thru the forum for simple answer to question: "Is the parking mode/survelliance on the A119 useful or not?" I see that you have to "turn it on" so that's something else to remember. Some say these features just don't work very well to begin with. And, you would have to buy a hardwire kit that would support parking surveillance (e.g., Spytech 10'Hardwire for A119 + Fuse Kit" - $12.95 Amazon) - BUT....if I wasn't planning on using parking surveillance I should just order a Spytec 10' Hardwire for A119 ($9.95). I get the impression that parking surveillance just isn't that useful and I should therefore keep it simple with the wiring kit but if it does work, I am interested. (I won't being doing the wiring - don't worry). Thanks for the perspective - so many things to think about..... DT
Hi - almost ready to buy an A119. I've been looking thru the forum for simple answer to question: "Is the parking mode/survelliance on the A119 useful or not?" I see that you have to "turn it on" so that's something else to remember. Some say these features just don't work very well to begin with. And, you would have to buy a hardwire kit that would support parking surveillance (e.g., Spytech 10'Hardwire for A119 + Fuse Kit" - $12.95 Amazon) - BUT....if I wasn't planning on using parking surveillance I should just order a Spytec 10' Hardwire for A119 ($9.95). I get the impression that parking surveillance just isn't that useful and I should therefore keep it simple with the wiring kit but if it does work, I am interested. (I won't being doing the wiring - don't worry). Thanks for the perspective - so many things to think about..... DT
The Parking Mode is a new feature for the A119 in the just released V3.1 firmware. So many users probably haven't used it much yet, hence the lack of responses to your post. I'm only familiar with the A119 V3.1B (Beta test) Parking Mode, so I cannot compare it to other dash cams.

I'm assuming no changes were made to the V3.1B firmware in transition to V3.1. In my opinion the Parking Mode is useful, but could be improved in future firmware releases if Viofo so decides. But being "useful" is sort of a personal thing, as it depends a lot on what you want and expect it to do. Here are two threads in this forum that I recommend you read if you have not done so yet: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/viofo-parking-mode-new-beta-feature.29382/, and https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/a119s-parking-mode-beta.30026/. Also some videos here: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/viofos-a119s.26309/page-13#post-351900.

The primary functions of the Parking Mode are to capture the significant video events when driving or parked and conserve file storage space and power during periods of low activity. An important feature of Parking Mode is that once enabled you can use it for normal driving or while parked without the need to manually switch modes on the A119. A Battery Protection Device is recommended if you are going to operate the A119 on the car battery when the car engine is off (car is parked) for extended periods. Otherwise you will need to manage power yourself or use a power supply separate from the car so that you don't run down and possibly damage the car battery. The simplest power wiring configuration is that which is supplied with the A119, i.e., a 13 foot long USB cable with a cig socket adapter (12 to 5Vdc converter). Try that first if you are not sure then go from there.
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Also check up on what is legal in your country / state. Here in Sweden for instance dashcams became fully legal only last autumn, under conditions that they only record when there is someone driving the car. Hence "parking mode" is a forbidden configuration here and I hardwired it to start on engine ignition only.

I'd love to have it wired for constant surveillance but in this country I cannot legally do this.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply - I think I did come across one of the links you mentioned but I'll have to devote more time to this... I assume if I order a "V2" from Viofo thru Amazon that I could do the version 3 firmware update later... DT
yes. i have the v3.1B running on my V.1 A119
5Cowbells - if you are still there... I did all my homework over lunch and have these follow up questions if you don't mind:
  1. The parking functions that you have patiently outlined seems like the are sufficient for my parking needs. I notice you have both A119 and A119S - the difference is just in the lens (or sensor) it sounds like, but the firmware updates to get parking mode apply to either one it sounds like, true?

  2. Sounds like from you're other posts that you're not a fan of "hotwiring" for constant power and you use a battery pack instead? I was hoping that https://www.amazon.com/gp/B01N0GR4ON - installed by a qualified person - would be safe to provide constant power - any comments?

  3. The 'bug' you mentioned - G sensor going to "high" - is not good since then during normal driving it will lock too many files (going over bumps in normal driving) as 'events' - is that the ramification of the bug? Sounds like it is designed to switch to 'high' for parking - but would have to be adjusted manually each time to start driving to something lower?

  4. I noticed in the "update" list from Viofo in one of the posts that when you turn GPS off the GPS embedded data is no longer created - that was something people were upset about and appears to be fixed - is that how you read it?
Thanks for your help with this stuff.....! DT
5Cowbells - if you are still there... I did all my homework over lunch and have these follow up questions if you don't mind:

Sounds like from you're other posts that you're not a fan of "hotwiring" for constant power and you use a battery pack instead? I was hoping that https://www.amazon.com/gp/B01N0GR4ON - installed by a qualified person - would be safe to provide constant power - any comments?

that will work for parking mode but....the 11.6V cutoff threshold is quite low and will be harmful for your battery in the long run. and if you live in a colder climate, you do not want to have that cutoff lower than 12.1V since cars have a harder time starting up in the cold. I recommend you purchase a BDP with selectable settings such as the multi-safer BDP.

The 'bug' you mentioned - G sensor going to "high" - is not good since then during normal driving it will lock too many files (going over bumps in normal driving) as 'events' - is that the ramification of the bug? Sounds like it is designed to switch to 'high' for parking - but would have to be adjusted manually each time to start driving to something lower?

once you have parking mode set ON, you do not need to manually go from normal to parking mode. for example: if my car has been parked for 2 hours and I come back to it, the opening/closing of my door will trigger it to go to normal recording mode since the G sensor is set higher when in parking mode but the camera will not lock the file. if I start driving shortly after, the usual bumps and movement will not cause the camera to lock the files since it's now in regular recording mode and I personally have my G sensor set to off for normal recording mode. of course that depends on how high you set the G sensor for normal recording.

and all of the above actions happen automatically when you have parking mode turned ON. you do not have to touch the camera once you have your settings dialed in and parking mode enabled.
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Thanks for your help with all these details... If you're still there....
  • So looking at the Multi Safer - does that wire into the fuse box and the other end provides cigarette lighter connection that you would use the provided cord with? You could tuck that out of the way somehow and that provides better battery protection.......
  • Regarding the "bug" that others have mentioned, you're saying that yes parking mode turns the G sensor on higher for parking mode but that it will change back to whatever you have it set for normal driving mode when you start driving....so I'm not sure what the "bug" is then since it sounds like it's working normally...!?
Thank you. DT
  • Thanks for your help with all these details... If you're still there....
    [*]So looking at the Multi Safer - does that wire into the fuse box and the other end provides cigarette lighter connection that you would use the provided cord with? You could tuck that out of the way somehow and that provides better battery protection.......
    [*]Regarding the "bug" that others have mentioned, you're saying that yes parking mode turns the G sensor on higher for parking mode but that it will change back to whatever you have it set for normal driving mode when you start driving....so I'm not sure what the "bug" is then since it sounds like it's working normally...!?
Thank you. DT

the multisafer is wired to a battery circuit (always on) | accessory circuit (on when key is car is powered) | ground. It has a 12v cig lighter outlet to plug the camera into. It's the size of a matchbox so it's easily hidden away behind a panel.

The bug that I've experienced is that if I am parked in a busy place where there is no pause in activity (camera is always sensing motion) for at least 1.5 minutes, the camera will not go into parking mode. Parking mode will only engage if there are no g-sensor or motion activities in front of the camera. For my uses, I would like the camera to go into parking mode even if there is motion being detected and only go into normal recording mode with a g sensor trigger.

I'll list two scenarios to clarify:

1) I'm parked in a garage that does not see much activity and the camera does not see the recorded image change for at least 1.5 minutes: parking mode WILL engage

2) I'm parked at home with a bush in front of my car and it's a windy day. The wind does not cease and the bush sways so the camera always sees motion: parking mode WILL NOT engage
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I did all my homework over lunch and have these follow up questions if you don't mind:
To expand on @abarth 's comments and referencing your questions:
1. The parking functions that you have patiently outlined seems like the are sufficient for my parking needs. I notice you have both A119 and A119S - the difference is just in the lens (or sensor) it sounds like, but the firmware updates to get parking mode apply to either one it sounds like, true?
1. True, A119S V2.0 firmware (a Beta version I think but available to anyone) is out and has the Parking Mode. Firmware for the A119S is different and has different version numbers from the A119. The current A119S official version (that is listed on the Viofo website) is V1.7. It is my understanding that changes to the A119 firmware V3.1 that apply (where there is commonality) will be implemented on the A119S, probably in V2.0 now. The A119S has a different sensor and lens too I think - it has better night recording capability than the A119, but the max resolution/fps is 1080P60.
2. Sounds like from you're other posts that you're not a fan of "hotwiring" for constant power and you use a battery pack instead? I was hoping that https://www.amazon.com/gp/B01N0GR4ON - installed by a qualified person - would be safe to provide constant power - any comments?
2. Not against hardwiring, just too lazy and the cig socket serves my needs for now. Use of battery bank for short duration parking is convenient but is not a good long term solution IMO. See @abarth 's comments. Lots of discussion on this forum about this subject. It may be worth while to consider spending a few extra bucks here for a good battery protection device (I guess the correct terminology is Battery Discharge Prevention device - BDP).
3. The 'bug' you mentioned - G sensor going to "high" - is not good since then during normal driving it will lock too many files (going over bumps in normal driving) as 'events' - is that the ramification of the bug? Sounds like it is designed to switch to 'high' for parking - but would have to be adjusted manually each time to start driving to something lower?
3. The concern is that there may be cases (as in the tests I did) where the G-sensor setting does not change back to the User's original setting. I pointed this out in case a User is getting a lot of unwanted G-sensor Event recordings while driving around with Parking Mode enabled, so he will know to go check and reset the G-sensor menu setting if necessary, as a work-around. No other action is required. The tests I did were artificial scenarios created while testing indoors, trying to verify bug reports here and also here. I don't recall experiencing this problem during actual driving and parking, but my G-sensor setting is usually set to "Middle Sensitivity". Maybe not all causes are understood yet. Time will tell if this is a problem or not.
4. I noticed in the "update" list from Viofo in one of the posts that when you turn GPS off the GPS embedded data is no longer created - that was something people were upset about and appears to be fixed - is that how you read it?
4. Yes, but now some folks are unhappy because when you turn GPS off, the date/time does not automatically update from GPS data. I consider GPS Date/Time updates to be a "must have".

Hope this helps,
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Thank you gents, very helpful.... Sounds like the $35 for MotoPark BDP device is a safer way to go...hopefully they can hide it away somewhere as mentioned.... I agree with what you said about GPS - I try to be a safe driver and having these things would probably help me to be safe as well as watching out for other drivers on I-25 between here and Denver! Many thanks. DT
2) I'm parked at home with a bush in front of my car and it's a windy day. The wind does not cease and the bush sways so the camera always sees motion: parking mode WILL NOT engage

Odd. Mine is recording too many videos precisely because of foliage and bushes that are blowing around in the wind.
Odd. Mine is recording too many videos precisely because of foliage and bushes that are blowing around in the wind.

that's what I'm stating is happening. :P if parking mode would engage even when there is motion detected (would be my preference), then we'd get the timelapse recordings instead of a bunch of normal framerate recordings.
I'm also finding parking mode too sensitive to motion. This morning I was parked facing an open space with workmen maybe 40-50m away from the car, just doing normal stuff like walking about and they kept tripping recordings. At least it was in proper parking mode, with reduced frame rate (15 FPS in my case), but when I returned to the car 33 minutes later the only legitimate triggers were myself walking past the front of the car when I returned and two cars which passed nearby. There was a whole lot of not much else also recorded. Sensitivity to movement is definitely too high.
Odd. Mine is recording too many videos precisely because of foliage and bushes that are blowing around in the wind.
that's what I'm stating is happening. :p if parking mode would engage even when there is motion detected (would be my preference), then we'd get the timelapse recordings instead of a bunch of normal framerate recordings.
I'm also finding parking mode too sensitive to motion.
Two issues here:
  1. Should the A119 be programmed to switch directly from Normal recording to Time-lapse recording if no camera movement (G-sensor activity) is sensed for 1.5 minutes, even if motion in the FOV is still being detected? I think so but the unintended consequence might be to increase the probability of occasional segments of Time-lapse or even no recording when out driving, most likely when stopped. {Edit: I can live with that.}
  2. Is the motion detection sensitivity of the camera too high? It is somewhat scenario dependent and a personal choice issue. A menu selection with a few sensitivity choices would be appropriate and satisfy the most users.
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I totally agree, the parking mode movement detection is wayy to sensitive, it simply records continuously when parking in front of a sidewalk of a road.
It's currently starting to record for each frame change, the smallest thing triggers that.
It must be configurable somehow ..

@viofo @VIOFO_Support FYI
hello all
I am very thankful for all the info I have found on this forum
I am a newbie for the dashcam and I bought A119 V2 about 2 weeks now.
it's an amazing dashcam and I really like it.

I have read through all the threads and comments but please forgive me, because I still couldn't understand how motion detection and parking mode work.
I have updated mine to V3.3 now.
before I used motion detection and it worked good, it'll record the set up time (5 mins) for mine if there's any movements in front of my car when my car is parked and it's off.
but now it has parking mode, when I turn it on, it says motion detection has to be turned off first.
so I did it and I gave it a try parked my car in a busy parking lot and car's hood towards the busy intersection so I thought it'll record some movements when there's car or people passing by.
but nothing at all.
do you guys know if I do anything wrong? under the parking mode, it only has 1, 5 & 15fps and i set up mine @ 5fps.

I did do a indoor test before put it in my car though, under both (motion and parking) modes, if I shake the cam, it'll pop out the warning sign and starting recording.

but I really do not know how or what to decide which mode to use is better for me??
I do the regular wiring, not hard wire if that matters.

thanks ahead and hope someone can help me or clarify for me
have a great day!
hello all
I am very thankful for all the info I have found on this forum
I am a newbie for the dashcam and I bought A119 V2 about 2 weeks now.
it's an amazing dashcam and I really like it.

I have read through all the threads and comments but please forgive me, because I still couldn't understand how motion detection and parking mode work.
I have updated mine to V3.3 now.
before I used motion detection and it worked good, it'll record the set up time (5 mins) for mine if there's any movements in front of my car when my car is parked and it's off.
but now it has parking mode, when I turn it on, it says motion detection has to be turned off first.
so I did it and I gave it a try parked my car in a busy parking lot and car's hood towards the busy intersection so I thought it'll record some movements when there's car or people passing by.
but nothing at all.
do you guys know if I do anything wrong? under the parking mode, it only has 1, 5 & 15fps and i set up mine @ 5fps.

I did do a indoor test before put it in my car though, under both (motion and parking) modes, if I shake the cam, it'll pop out the warning sign and starting recording.

but I really do not know how or what to decide which mode to use is better for me??
I do the regular wiring, not hard wire if that matters.

thanks ahead and hope someone can help me or clarify for me
have a great day!

welcome! how do you have your camera powered in your car? hooked up to a battery discharge prevention device? connected to a always on circuit?
welcome! how do you have your camera powered in your car? hooked up to a battery discharge prevention device? connected to a always on circuit?

thank you for the reply.
I connected my dashcam as manual instructed.
to one of cig socket (12V) with the thing comes with the box (2 USB ports in it), not hardwired.

I do not know if it's a always on circuit or not, how can I tell if I may ask?

thank you
thank you for the reply.
I connected my dashcam as manual instructed.
to one of cig socket (12V) with the thing comes with the box (2 USB ports in it), not hardwired.

I do not know if it's a always on circuit or not, how can I tell if I may ask?

thank you

for parking mode to be effective, you have to be connected to a source that does not turn off the camera when your car is off. the three choices are: a battery pack, an always on circuit in your car or a battery discharge prevention device.

if the camera turns off when you turn off your ignition and accessories, that circuit is not "always on". some circuits have a time delay where the connected device may be left on for a set amount of time before the power is cut.

if you want to utilize the parking mode capability of the A119, I recommend you install a BDP like the multisafer or the vicovation power plus. these devices are to be connected to an always on circuit | accessory circuit | ground and they will power whatever device (camera) is connected to it when you're parked until a certain time limit or a low voltage threshold is reached. it sounds a little daunting but it's not too difficult, the most time-consuming part of the install is hiding the wiring behind panels.