A139 Pro Test & Review PP

My post was merely pointing out that most license plates in the Western Hemisphere are the same size as US plates and much smaller than European plates so that members referring to this plate size as "US plates" are incorrect.
NZ plates have characters even bigger than UK plates, so it is probably best to just say that American plates are much smaller...
Well, there is a small part of Russia in the Western Hemisphere, but I don't think there are many car licence plates there!
NZ plates have characters even bigger than UK plates, so it is probably best to just say that American plates are much smaller...
Well, there is a small part of Russia in the Western Hemisphere, but I don't think there are many car licence plates there!
Why just American plates? Didn't you read my post or comprehend it? Maybe it's just your bias showing again?

What I said was that license plates in the Western Hemisphere are smaller than European plates. This is still correct regardless of the size of NZ plates.

Once again we are treated to another example of your usual nitpicking which so often comes across as some odd sort of micro-trolling. I'll never understand your motives for posts like this.

I have some unpleasant news for you though, Nigel. Far more than some barren territory in eastern Russia, significant parts of the UK are also within the Western Hemisphere. In fact, I hate to be the one to break it to you but as a resident of Wales, YOU live in the Western Hemisphere! :D

The zero meridian used on most maps is defined by a line running North to South, passing through one particular point in Greenwich, just to the East of the City of London. If you visit the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, there is a sign and a line marked on the ground where you or a friend can take a picture showing you standing with a foot in each hemisphere.



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I have some unpleasant news for you though, Nigel. Far more than some barren territory in eastern Russia, significant parts of the UK are also within the Western Hemisphere. In fact, I hate to be the one to break it to you but as a resident of Wales, YOU live in the Western Hemisphere! :D
I covered UK in my post, like I said, we have big characters on our plates.

Maybe I should also have included Isle of Man, Eire, Iceland, Greenland and Portugal, but we all have big characters on our plates, even the Falkland Islands, which must be about the closest land to the Americas that is not part of the continent, have large easy to read characters:


So as I said, it is only the Americas that have small plates in the Western Hemisphere, unless I have missed somewhere else?

Is this actually a Hawaii plate?

I covered UK in my post, like I said, we have big characters on our plates.

Maybe I should also have included Isle of Man, Eire, Iceland, Greenland and Portugal, but we all have big characters on our plates, even the Falkland Islands, which must be about the closest land to the Americas that is not part of the continent, have large easy to read characters:


So as I said, it is only the Americas that have small plates in the Western Hemisphere, unless I have missed somewhere else?

Is this actually a Hawaii plate?


My post has nothing whatsoever to do with the merits or drawbacks of whether plates have larger or smaller numbers and characters. That is a different discussion. It was specially about the constant reference on this forum to "USA license plates" being inaccurate due to the fact that dozens of other countries have either identical or similar sized license plates.

Obviously, my comment about your UK bias was right on target. It is clearly the only way you know how to view and relate to the world despite the grim realities facing the UK today.

This post, like your previous one is also just another pathetic example of you engaging in petty trolling and changing the subject when you have nothing worthwhile to add to the discussion. And of course, after making a sarcastic comment about Russia having some small, obscure part of their country in the Western Hemisphere as if that was some sort fact of relevance you completely ignore that you literally live in the Western Hemisphere as do millions of your fellow citizens! :ROFLMAO: You can ignore it but it remains true!

The real question is why do you initiate these trifling and irrelevant little spats? You've been doing this for years.

And no, that is not a Hawaiian motor vehicle license plate. Stop with the game playing Nigel. It is adolescent.

And what does the fact that some US states only require a rear license plate have to do with the size of license plates compared to European plates? NOTHING!
0 plate is less visible than an european or a Pitcairn plate. 0 plates means useless installed dashcam for incoming cars, no matter the HDR or not, if you are interested about their front plates.
So in those 19 USA states and 9 Canada states if you will hope your dashcam captured the front plate and in this way to save your freedom from jail, will be possible to go to jail because of no evidence to help you.
There were few cases in my country saved the liberty of some people but much more which sent them to the jail just because of the unique dashcam proof. In my country the car license number is needed as a proof if there are not at least two independent witnesses to go to court and declare the truth. Usually witnesses don't want to go in court so the driver must defend himself.

I see you are upset because some people are including into their posts some other info after replying to your quote.

I have forums experience more than 17 years, and I was moderating a big forum for about 8 years. From that period I learned that I don't like big quotes on replies and also I don't like consecutive posts. I was moderating all such posts by deleting quote and joining consecutive posts just to make the Softpedia forum looking better. And it was looking great because of me.

So why to reply to you about the american plates and then to write another post about russian plates? Adding more subjects in a post is making the forum looking better. Also I never posted a big unnecessary full quote in these 10 years of dashcamtalk forum.

In the following scene the driver of the Touareg went to jail for 5 years even he was acquitted at first instance and was free for few years until the trial finished. The dashcam footage was used in court to prove that was a criminal intention. Without this recording, the Touareg driver would have remained free. At one week after this accident the Touareg driver was caught by the police driving ad 120km/h on an 80km/h zone.

Now you can post again about what have to do my story of consecutive posts, criminal drivers and Pitcairn Island plates with the small american license plates.
0 plate is less visible than an european or a Pitcairn plate. 0 plates means useless installed dashcam for incoming cars, no matter the HDR or not, if you are interested about their front plates.
So in those 19 USA states and 9 Canada states if you will hope your dashcam captured the front plate and in this way to save your freedom from jail, will be possible to go to jail because of no evidence to help you.
There were few cases in my country saved the liberty of some people but much more which sent them to the jail just because of the unique dashcam proof. In my country the car license number is needed as a proof if there are not at least two independent witnesses to go to court and declare the truth. Usually witnesses don't want to go in court so the driver must defend himself.

I see you are upset because some people are including into their posts some other info after replying to your quote.

I have forums experience more than 17 years, and I was moderating a big forum for about 8 years. From that period I learned that I don't like big quotes on replies and also I don't like consecutive posts. I was moderating all such posts by deleting quote and joining consecutive posts just to make the Softpedia forum looking better. And it was looking great because of me.

So why to reply to you about the american plates and then to write another post about russian plates? Adding more subjects in a post is making the forum looking better. Also I never posted a big unnecessary full quote in these 10 years of dashcamtalk forum.

In the following scene the driver of the Touareg went to jail for 5 years even he was acquitted at first instance and was free for few years until the trial finished. The dashcam footage was used in court to prove that was a criminal intention. Without this recording, the Touareg driver would have remained free. At one week after this accident the Touareg driver was caught by the police driving ad 120km/h on an 80km/h zone.

Now you can post again about what have to do my story of consecutive posts, criminal drivers and Pitcairn Island plates with the small american license plates.

I don't mind anyone adding additional information to something I've said as long as it is relevant to what I say. As I said before, my original post was ONLY about the fact that many other countries have the same size plates as the USA even though every one seems to refer to that size as "US plates".

My post had NOTHING to do with the merits of larger or smaller plates because that is a completely different discussion. You seem to want to make it into a different discussion. That is your privilege I guess but I think it confuses the conversation and is distracting.

I too have have many, many years of experience on internet forums, more than 20 actually. What does this have to do with my post?

Also, I don't recall anyone making any comments about Russian license plates. Nigel mentioned that Russia has a small piece if its territory within the Western Hemisphere. If you are concerned about that please take it up with Nigel.
I too have have many, many years of experience on internet forums, more than 20 actually. What does this have to do with my post?
Yes, you are right, I just saw your 20 years of experience in forums: replying to a previous post with full quote. Congratulations! Now the thread is looking even more tedious.

The story with russian license plate was too deep to easy understand it, but is better that it remained a mystery for most of the people. For sure my poor english helped about not understating by everyone.
But my reply about american plates was very clear.
Maybe I should also have included Isle of Man, Eire, Iceland, Greenland and Portugal, but we all have big characters on our plates, even the Falkland Islands, which must be about the closest land to the Americas that is not part of the continent, have large easy to read characters:
The Falkland Islands are part of the South American continent. Don't confuse their status as a British Overseas Territory with their geographic location.
The Falkland Islands are part of the South American continent. Don't confuse their status as a British Overseas Territory with their geographic location.
They are not attached to the South American continent, they have their own piece of continental plate which broke off Antarctica a long long time ago. They are their own micro-continent, sitting on the Falkland Islands Microplate.
They are not attached to the South American continent, they have their own piece of continental plate which broke off Antarctica a long long time ago. They are their own micro-continent, sitting on the Falkland Islands Microplate.
The Falkland Islands are located on a projection of the Patagonian Shelf, part of the South American continental shelf.
Yes, you are right, I just saw your 20 years of experience in forums: replying to a previous post with full quote. Congratulations! Now the thread is looking even more tedious.

The story with russian license plate was too deep to easy understand it, but is better that it remained a mystery for most of the people. For sure my poor english helped about not understating by everyone.
But my reply about american plates was very clear.

Speaking of tedious, why are you still going on about a "deep story" of Russian license plates which has literally nothing to do with what I spoke about in my original post regarding the size of license plates in the western hemisphere?

As I've said, Mtz, the merits of bigger plates vs smaller plates is well known, but that is a different topic and discussion from the point I made. It's time to move on from this.
Well now, that is just nonsense. STARVIS-2 serves a purpose more than just providing a clearer image of a front license plate on the vehicle, regardless of day or night driving.
OK, show me some dashcam proofs about Starvis 2 purposes. Not quotes from Sony official datasheet but something from a real dashcam which is offered by Starvis 2.
Or, if there are too many, the superiority of Starvis 2 over Starvis. People need to know why to put the money on a Starvis2 dashcam.

Dashcam snapshots as proofs will be highly appreciated. You can even use my video samples from the forum.
Dashcam snapshots as proofs will be highly appreciated.
Now we have a circular reference :) to the beginning of this same thread (which by the way is exactly where this topic started)

Daytime (full sun scene, not overcast)

Night time (during motion, high contrast scene)
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Man, if you want to show the purposes of Starvis 2 (not the A139P) you should compare a Starvis 2 dashcam with a Starvis dashcam, but:
- the resolution to be the same
- the image sensor to be the same.

Until IMX675 will be available on a dashcam we can not see the real purposes of Starvis 2. Then you can compare Starvis 2 from IMX675 with Starvis from IMX335.

In your comparisons there is one 4K snapshot compared to a 2K snapshot and this only shows the superiority of 4K over 2K but and on the A139 Pro vs A129 Pro we have a bigger size of a CMOS over a smaller size. If using same quality lens for sure will win A139 Pro.

But the story was not about how good is the A139 Pro but about the unproven purposes until now of Starvis 2 generally.
I am very sure that A139 Pro is better than A229 or A129 Pro or than any dashcam for the market right now, but this is not only because of Starvis 2. The biggest advantage is the size of the sensor, no matter the Starvis version. Then come the Starvis 2, but this is only at night and not during day. Then it come the HDR version which is better that DOL HDR (from Starvis 2) because it is using just one frame to balance the image brightness and not two frames like on Starvis 2.
Such creation of Clear HDR technology from Starvis 2 should have better results at least during day in a way to reduce the motion blur during day. We all know that DOL HDR is not good during day but only at night and most of us expected a no motion blur on Clear HDR. This will not happen perfect, some motion blur will still remain even it is processed one frame. The under exposing and over exposing at such speed of creating a frame will create some blur. Just imagine that you are in a dark room and you will turn the light, the room is not instant bright and for a dashcam also the image is created when dashcam is moving.
To test what I said, during day just park the car with HDR enabled on a static scene with bright sun and shadows and you will see no motion blur compared to the moving car at the same scene. So HDR is now bad at day, it is just not so good for moving scenes when you want details.

But why the HDR is really better at night even when the car is moving? First, it is better for big license plates from Europe (for example, Mr. Dashmellow) which are also white. Being big with so much white, the car headlights are reflecting a lot of light. Having so much light is more easy to obtain contrast with the characters printed on the plate and better results to read them.
If you will look around the car at high speed you will see all image fuzzy but the European plate (for example) is the most visible from all scene. Why? Because of too much light reflected from the license plate which is creating the good conditions expected by the HDR technology. But with USA plates (for example, Mr, Dashmellow) there is not too much white to reflect. I saw plates in combined colors, not full white and for example in California de plate can be black. I even don't know if the all USA plate (for example) area is full reflective (except characters, of course!). The black one for California is not.

So americans (for example) will be not so interested of HDR during night but for HDR during day, hoping their license plates will be more visible.
Also not forget that at sunrise and sunset because of too less light nothing is helping, not the Clrear HDR, not the Starvis 2, not the EU (style) plate. Looking for details in such conditions is wasting of time and only a bigger CMOS and/or a telephoto lens can help until the car headlights will bring more light than natural light.

All above are my ideas and also my experience. not read any guide or book regarding this so there is a (small :) ) change to wrote some mistakes (1-2 :) ).
Man, if you want to show the purposes of Starvis 2 (not the A139P) you should compare a Starvis 2 dashcam with a Starvis dashcam, but:
- the resolution to be the same
- the image sensor to be the same.

Until IMX675 will be available on a dashcam we can not see the real purposes of Starvis 2. Then you can compare Starvis 2 from IMX675 with Starvis from IMX335.

In your comparisons there is one 4K snapshot compared to a 2K snapshot and this only shows the superiority of 4K over 2K but and on the A139 Pro vs A129 Pro we have a bigger size of a CMOS over a smaller size. If using same quality lens for sure will win A139 Pro.

But the story was not about how good is the A139 Pro but about the unproven purposes until now of Starvis 2 generally.
I am very sure that A139 Pro is better than A229 or A129 Pro or than any dashcam for the market right now, but this is not only because of Starvis 2. The biggest advantage is the size of the sensor, no matter the Starvis version. Then come the Starvis 2, but this is only at night and not during day. Then it come the HDR version which is better that DOL HDR (from Starvis 2) because it is using just one frame to balance the image brightness and not two frames like on Starvis 2.
Such creation of Clear HDR technology from Starvis 2 should have better results at least during day in a way to reduce the motion blur during day. We all know that DOL HDR is not good during day but only at night and most of us expected a no motion blur on Clear HDR. This will not happen perfect, some motion blur will still remain even it is processed one frame. The under exposing and over exposing at such speed of creating a frame will create some blur. Just imagine that you are in a dark room and you will turn the light, the room is not instant bright and for a dashcam also the image is created when dashcam is moving.
To test what I said, during day just park the car with HDR enabled on a static scene with bright sun and shadows and you will see no motion blur compared to the moving car at the same scene. So HDR is now bad at day, it is just not so good for moving scenes when you want details.

But why the HDR is really better at night even when the car is moving? First, it is better for big license plates from Europe (for example, Mr. Dashmellow) which are also white. Being big with so much white, the car headlights are reflecting a lot of light. Having so much light is more easy to obtain contrast with the characters printed on the plate and better results to read them.
If you will look around the car at high speed you will see all image fuzzy but the European plate (for example) is the most visible from all scene. Why? Because of too much light reflected from the license plate which is creating the good conditions expected by the HDR technology. But with USA plates (for example, Mr, Dashmellow) there is not too much white to reflect. I saw plates in combined colors, not full white and for example in California de plate can be black. I even don't know if the all USA plate (for example) area is full reflective (except characters, of course!). The black one for California is not.

So americans (for example) will be not so interested of HDR during night but for HDR during day, hoping their license plates will be more visible.
Also not forget that at sunrise and sunset because of too less light nothing is helping, not the Clrear HDR, not the Starvis 2, not the EU (style) plate. Looking for details in such conditions is wasting of time and only a bigger CMOS and/or a telephoto lens can help until the car headlights will bring more light than natural light.

All above are my ideas and also my experience. not read any guide or book regarding this so there is a (small :) ) change to wrote some mistakes (1-2 :) ).

I also advocate a similar idea in the a139 pro 129 pro and a229 comparisons made recently. I would like to state that comparing the a139 4k with the a229 2k, and comparing the a139 pro with the hdr active and the a229 wdr turned off, will please you in the opposite direction, day and night.
I found it appropriate to use this expression in order to be fair while fighting the cameras and not to criticize one while praising the other.
Welcome to my first ever Split Screen video.
I just figured out I had this capability the whole time.
How dare Apple hide this function in plain sight? lol
Btw, all videos I’ve ever edited were done on my iPhone SE 2020 with iMovie, (I don’t own a Windows PC, or MAC computer).
I know this is basic stuff for you guys, but this is a huge step for me. lol


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    iMovie APP .png
    1.4 MB · Views: 5
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I think A229 had HDR turned off.

Maybe we need a new thread to discuss "the purpose of Starvis 2"?

I thought this thread was about testing the 139Pro.
Clear HDR from Starvis2 is something new, never tested before.

Do you want to see pictures with the camera? To discuss the menu or any other thing was already discussed about A139?
If the OP wants to waste his time to explain again and again something which was already presented on this forum or on YouTube they can do this anytime. They can edit any time their posts and add information.

Let's think Tesla model 3 just received a new revolutionary battery and 3 beta testers have the cars. I don't want to read what colors are available for the car, the color of the seats or any other info which was already presented before in thousands of videos. I will want to know the time needed for charging, the km made with one full battery and if is more durable than older battery.
The same with A139 vs A139 Pro. The difference between them is just the CMOS and lens, so let's focus on them.
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I think A229 had HDR turned off.
A229 is capable of HDR? or did they release HDR in a later firmware update as I don't think the A229 had that feature during the initial release?
Maybe I'm confusing this camera with another one.